My last update was in December I think. Gee's has it been that long? Marcus reminded me not everyone is on Facebook & I should be more mindful of that. So here goes. I had my 9th biopsy last week & I met with my Dr. this week for the results. Less than 5% blast cells meaning I am still in remission. I rode all the way to Washing to D.C & back memorial day weekend about 1300 miles round trip, I have been working fulltime & still doing my reserve thing in the military my Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) is not slated until September so keep your fingers crossed. I am a little heavier than I would like to be & my physical strength is crap. The Dr.s keep telling me I am minimizing everything that I have been through & that I am very de-conditioned it is going to take a lot of time. The important thing is I am still alive & kicking & life is good especially considering I should not be here.
My Grandmother Passed Memorial Day weekend & it deeply affected me. I had not thought a lot about death in awhile & her passing was not unexpected. The funeral was very nice & my Uncle performed her Eulogy & it was beautiful. I kept visioning her dancing around her kitchen humming an old tune with a big grin on her face. That always used to make me laugh, that is how I choose to remember her.
During my last visit I asked my Dr. about the 50-60% 5 year survivability she put on my prognosis & she didn't want to talk about it much. She danced around it a bit & just kept saying I should enjoy every day. I have been thinking about that a lot here lately. The first year after chemo treatment everyone is so paranoid about you. You can't always live your life in a bubble so I am not. I hope to go out when it's my time & not a minute sooner so I am not sweating the small stuff or at least that is my story & I am sticking to it.
Brandon graduated last weekend, WOOHOO! 1 down 3 more to go. Man that boy had me sweating it. I had to look at the diploma twice. I am very proud of him for sticking it out.
This is not a news flash for those of you who know me, my guilty pleasure is riding my motorcycle as much as I can. I just love the freedom of it. I am trying to ride as much as possible to make up for the tim that I couldn't when I was sick. No interruptions its very calming. I rode about 270 miles on my motorcycle yesterday with the IOMC up to Willard & back. It was raining when we started out but it didn't last long. We all had a great time hanging out with the Willard Chapter. Their hospitality was awesome! It was hot & humid as hell when we headed back to our clubhouse for the UFC fight. We hit a little rain in Columbus, put the hammer down & out ran the worst of it. I left early to get home for the kids. I heard I didn't miss much since Chuck got laid out in the first round, what a letdown! I hit one hell of severe thunderstorm with torrential down pours 1/4 on the way home. Thank God Hope was in the car behind me, I had to wave her around so I could follow her tail lights home, I couldn't see squat. I was freaking soaked from the neck up, I looked like a drowned rat except for my smile from ear to ear. The frog togs did their job, I got a little wet around the ankles from where the zippers are but considering but I really can't complain.
Poor Marc wants an Street Glide so bad he can't stand it. I know it is killing his back on his Sportster but he is toughing it out until he gets his car paid off. A few more years & he should be able to get one. I am very impressed with his restaint. I keep thinking I am going to come home one day & there will be one in the drive way but he is being very responsible & for that I am proud of him!
I am in the office for a couple of days & the base for the next 2 weeks. I am also going to the VA for contamination testing so that should be interesting. I am going to try to update my blog with newer photo slide shows & stuff. No promises for when the next posting will be. So until I write again...