Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
13 Mar---192-----1.7-----500---------11.6---------238------------N/A
18 Mar---197-----1.8-----800---------##.#---------###------------N/A
22 Mar---200-----3.4----1800---------13.1---------162------------N/A
23 Mar---201-----2.9----1300---------12.9---------144------------N/A
6 Apr---215-----2.0----1100---------11.1----------29------------N/A
9 Apr---218-----Pending
As you can see I made it to the hospital this week & got my labs drawn. As anticipated my counts have dropped from the Chemotherapy 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately they dropped a little lower than I had anticipated. I suspect the James will be calling me to get a Platelet infusion today or tomorrow since my counts were at 29 Monday, I seriously doubt that they went up but then again stranger things have happened. I was so tired last night I went to bed at 7pm. Marc & the kids watched the day the earth stood still; I was just to out of it.
Work has been going very well other than slight headaches & minor vision blurs I think it is a combination of the florescent lights & staring at a computer screen all day. Everyone I work with has been so supportive & I couldn’t be more thankful to work with such a great group of people. They have really come together to help the family & I get through this.
I did not realize how much my blog affected other people until I mentioned shutting it down. The response has been overwhelming. I have found a way to moderate the comments so I m going to keep it going for now. If this blog can help someone else who is going through the same things I have then that’s all I could ask for.
As far as the kids go: Brandon will be flying home Sunday from New Jersey! Zack cried the day he left & I let him call him last night & he almost cried again when he told him goodbye. They are a lot closer than people realize. Brandon misses his girlfriend like crazy; if you have his cell phone # you should try to call him & hope for the answering machine the message is too cute.
On my days off this week I took Katie, Paige & Zack out to get some new clothes they are growing like crazy. Paige is in a Jr. size 11. I could not believe it, she is not chunky or anything but she has some hips on her. She tried to pack it into 9’s but I told her NO WAY! Katie is in a size 5. She is still a bean pole but also has some hips. Zack outgrew his jacket so I had to pick him up a new one of those, I could not get his old one to zip. He is short & stocky so it is real hard to find him clothes that fit. The day was not complete without spring haircuts. Paige got a trim, Zack got a buzz & looks ornery as hell, Katie got her hair chopped off into a bob & it looks cute. Both girls want to color their hair & have been pretty persistent in that so I am sure I will cave in & let them later this weekend.
Marc has been feverishly working on his bike in the garage, bike inspections are Saturday. I think he will have it done in time but he really put it off so well have to see.
There was so much going on last week that I still have not got my pictures posted from last weekend where we colored eggs & iced cookies with all my girlfriends & our kids. So I will try to do that this weekend. The kids got to do 2 Easter egg hunts last Saturday so this Sunday it will be lots of candy & Easter Dinner.
To all of you I hope you have a...

I am so glad you are keeping the blog up! ;-) I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Easter!
Hi Sandi!
I hope you are getting some rest and not wearing yourself out to much. I hope your counts start coming back up soon.
Have a very Happy Easter!!
Love Ya!
Hi Sandi,
I'm praying your numbers don't drop too far & it doesn't prevent you from working. I'm sure that going to work is good therapy for you too. It must be something in the air because I was thinking about coloring my hair also but I'm scared to. I'm sure Brandon will be very glad to be back home, it's always nice to visit but there's no place like home. I'm also glad you found a way to monitor the comments so you can keep the blog going. We'll be going to Dennis parents farm for Easter, they always have a egg hunt for all the kids big and small. I am also going to be smoke free starting Easter Sunday, with the help of a patch. Wishing you & your family a great Easter! As always, stay strong & I love you!
Aunt Lynn
Hope you guys have a great holiday. I'm really happy to see that you're going to continue on with the blog. I've thought about shutting mine down several times because I just don't feel like I have all that much to say. Maybe one of these days. :)
hi honey, i hope you all had a wonderful easter. scott got very sick on sat. evening.we went to dr.b today. i think it is nerves.i hope you counts stay up. i am going to call you tonight. i am anxious to see a pic of copper. tell the kids hi and that i love them.stay, aunt bonnie
I hope that you had a wonderful Easter, and I am glad that you aren't shutting the blog down. Got a call today to confirm that you all are coming and I was there working so I got to hear it!! YAY! Can't wait to see you all, take care and I hope that you feel well! Hugs and Kisses Betty Lorraine
Hi Sandi,
I hope you're feeling well & your week is going good also. I just wanted you to know I think & pray for you daily. Stay the strong woman that I know you are! I love you always.
Aunt Lynn
Hi Sandi--
My name is Jean and I'm with the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. Our organization helps patients, caregivers, and families cope with the social and emotional challenges of transplant by providing vital information and personalized support services. We subscribe to Google blog alerts where we found your story.
Please know that others are thinking of you and rooting for you. Please visit our web site, to learn more about our programs and services.
All the best to you!
hi honey,i hope your week has gone well.i am glad you are staying healthy. i love you all very much.tell the kids to you soon. love , aunt bonnie
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