Granma & Grandpa Oard's house

Dinner at Red Lobster, Dads favorite next to Kewpee, with & Aunt Bonnie & Jessica as well

Copper & Aunt Sandi

I even cooked a few home made meals while Sharon was up here

I was able to stop by & see my other side of the family as well while I was in Lima to. Grandma Darlene, me, Elaine, Aunt Debe, Aunt Lynn, Paige & Zack. Preston was there to but it looks like he ran out of the picture.

Brandon & Zack at the LHS Football Pancake breakfast fundraiser

This is me at Cycle 5 Chemotherapy treatment last week... look at all that hair finally!

If you want to see more photos go to facebook, type inmy e-mail & request me for a friend & I will confirm you. I have tons of pictures of the family on there.