Granma & Grandpa Oard's house

Dinner at Red Lobster, Dads favorite next to Kewpee, with & Aunt Bonnie & Jessica as well

Copper & Aunt Sandi

I even cooked a few home made meals while Sharon was up here

I was able to stop by & see my other side of the family as well while I was in Lima to. Grandma Darlene, me, Elaine, Aunt Debe, Aunt Lynn, Paige & Zack. Preston was there to but it looks like he ran out of the picture.

Brandon & Zack at the LHS Football Pancake breakfast fundraiser

This is me at Cycle 5 Chemotherapy treatment last week... look at all that hair finally!

If you want to see more photos go to facebook, type inmy e-mail & request me for a friend & I will confirm you. I have tons of pictures of the family on there.
Great Blog! You are a credit to the cancer blogging community. I have added you to my blogroll, “Cancer Blog Links” with almost 500 other cancer blogs at, a cancer networking site featuring a cancer book club, guest blogs, cancer resources and more. Please stop by and visit. If you like the site, please consider adding Being Cancer to your blogroll.
Take care, Dennis
hi honey, i loved all the pictures. i can not get on facebook now, but when i can i will get to see the rest of the pics.hope your treatment went ok. i love you bunches. love, aunt bonnie
Hi Sandi,
We made it back to Iowa on monday the 31st. I am glad to be back in my bed but I miss you all so much already. We had a great time at your house, Dennis wants your patio moved to Iowa (pool too of course) I'm so happy that you have such a wonderful family & husband. I thank God Marc is there for you & I'm sure you do too. I had such a good time the few days we spent in London with you & your family. I know kids can be trying but you are blessed with the children you guys have, even Spike. I hope your treatment & your job is going well for you. I will get on Facebook soon and create an account and upload the pics I took while in Ohio. I love & miss you all.
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, i heard you are in west virginia today. please be careful it is not u it all the other crazy drivers. our computer has been down for a couple of weeks. he is sure it is jess's facebook that did it. i am not convinced. everyone i know has facebook and they do fine. lisa told me what is on your facebook. i can not wait to see the pics. tell marcus happy birthday.tell katie and everyone else hi also. miss u bunches. hope to get to come down one weekend before winter. steve can not get a saturday off for several weeks , but i could come down.take care of yourself and do what the drs. tell u to do. why did u quit some of your meds? ilove you .hope to talk to you soon. love aunt bonnie
Special invitation to leukemia bloggers. This month’s Book Club selection at is by leukemia and transplant survivor, Evan Handler. Handler is a noted Broadway and television actor best known as Charlotte’s boyfriend/husband in Sex and the City. He has also appeared in Lost, The West Wing, and Studio 60. This funny and poignant book covers his diagnosis with AML, his remission, relapse, and treatment with bone marrow transplant at John Hopkins and Memorial Sloan-Kettering. You can order a new or used copy of the book from my site. Discussion began today and will continue for the next three Mondays in September.
Take care, Dennis
happy birthday sweetie. we just got the computer back up and i do not have face book set up.i hope i am getting my own computer soon. i hope you have had a good day and that your treatment went well. i love you sweetheart. think of you and your family, aunt bonnie.
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