2 weekends ago Marc had a little too much fun at the Benefit we went to, he wiped out on his bike... he was hot roding It in the grass (trying to recapture his youth I think LOL).

These past few days been a little rough. Marc thinks I have allergies, sinus pressure, congestion, cough, runny nose can't breathe for the past 3 days but no temperature. I have been feeling awful but without a temp above 101 I get to stay outta the hospital. I have been in training at the Ohio Emergency Management Agency (OEMA) the past 3 days taking a course on Emergency Planning for Special Needs Populations so the days have been rather long. Along other things it has reminded me just how much I hate Columbus rush hour traffic. Here are a couple pictures from Paige's & her friends before the 8th Grade Dance last Friday Night.

We have really been enjoying the weather. Zack loves to play outside here lately he has been very fascinated with baseball. He can hit & through pretty good.

This is a cute picture of Paige & Zack

Brandon & Tiffany are still going strong, she was over the other night & I believe Brandon is going to her place on Monday for a Holiday Picnic with her family. Katie has had a total image change she colored her hair blond awhile back & I really had a hard time with it, it just did not look good on her so she colored her hair a dark auburn & it actually looks pretty good on her especially with her pale skin tone. This one was in progress

& this one is after, she loves it

As you can see Spike may still be a pup but he is not so little anymore.

I will be at the Base this Friday & Next Friday making up my June Drill weekend. I am still tolerating my work load fairly well so as a whole I can say my transition back into the workforce is going better than anticipated. My next major medical event is my 6th Bone Marrow biopsy which is scheduled tentatively for June 8th.
I am in the process of adding another video of Zack & the Kids playing Rock Band, Zack really gets into singing, I am sorry my camera does not record volume as well but for reference the song is "The memory remains" by Metallica. Once I get it uploaded in you tube I will post it on my Blog.
Hi Sandi,
I'm glad you guys have been having some good weather to enjoy. Marc looks like a kid on his toy! Paige & all her friends look so pretty. And, Miss Katie looks awsome in the red color, it really compliments her well! Then there's Zack attack, what can I say he is just too cute and I bet if he keeps throwing the ball & swinging that bat he'll drop a few pounds this summer. But, I'm sure as he stretches out he'll get leaner also. Ask your doctor about this but I get Loratidine 10mg from Sam's Club (very affordable) and it helps me breath through these allergy months. It is an antihistamine so check and see if you are allowed to try it. Check with Grandma or Debe they may have some you can try without having to buy it, incase it dosen't work for you. Thank God you don't have any fever, I'll keep praying all that stays away from you. I hope you start feeling better Sandi, you take care stay strong & I love you all!!
Aunt Lynn
I am so happy to hear that you are tolerating the work schedule and staying out of the hospital.
I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day. Thanks for serving our country!
hi honey, i hope you and the family have a great weekend.i am glad you are tolerating working pretty good. i hope marcus did not bang himself up any on his little spill at the run. i love you all very much.love, aunt bonnie
Hey girl!
I'm happy that things are going well for you. Tell everyone HI!
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