Marc was not feeling to good most of the weekend either & by this morning he was so sick he could not go to work. It just kept getting worse, he ended up at Urgent Care by midday. They put him on a Z-pack & a few other things. He had Brandon drive them home, Brandon is already out of school for the summer. Katie still has one more exam to turn in.
The Tooth Fairy made her second visit to Zack last weekend. He came to our bedroom & told me his tooth was loose & next thing I new 1 little wiggle & he was handing me the tooth.

While fighting the allergies Marc decided to go ahead & open the pool this weekend. it was getting to the point that it was pond more than pool. Brandon said he pulled a frog out of it.

Brandon had a good time at Tiffany's on Monday he was there from 10:30am & got home about 8pm. He has grown up so fast, I told Marc he is almost all grown up. I took him to get his driving permit last week. The week before he passed the written test but his Birth Certificate had the wrong last name on it so we had to go get it fixed only to find out that his social security card cut off the last 4 letters of his 2nd middle name. It seemed like the odds were against him to get his permit but we did finally get it.

Zack was excited all week waiting to go to the Park for a few hours with Misty & he was wired for sound when she brought him back home. The weather was hot & they went out to eat twice & the Dollar store so he was in heaven. The weather was great even though we did not feel the best we took advantage of it & got out for a ride.

Hi Sandi,
Sorry you all aren't feeling well, I'm praying you all get better soon. Geez, talk about a mini me! The picture of you & Zack is too cute. I am seeing Marc in him more & more as he grows. Hopefully you'll have better weather for a ride soon. Kids have to be the bravest to jump in cold water, I remember we were all the same way couldn't wait to start swimming & would lie through our teeth saying no it's not too bad but, the sun will warm it up fairly quick. We're doing fine just wishing for some not so rainy days. You all get better soon & I love you!
Aunt Lynn
My condolences on the death of your uncle.
On a happier note, you look absolutely wonderful! I love your hair. The style really suits you. Maybe you should keep it short.
Hope you and hubs get to feeling better!
Yaaaay!! The pool is ready for me to come visit! Good job Marc! I knew ya had it in ya! lol
Your hair looks absolutely fabulous by the way!!! I can't wait to come see you guys!!!
Hi Sandi!
I hope you are feeling better soon!
You look GREAT! Your hair looks great too! I'm waiting for warmer weather to come to the pool!
Tell everyone Hello!~ Can't wait to get together.
Paufsdl (that's my name with Jordan helping me type:)
Hey there, Sorry to hear that you are feeling well and that Marc wasn't feeling well. You look fabulous!! Hope that you all take care and we will see you soon. Hugs, Kisses Betty Lorraine
hi honey,i am sorry i have not got to talk to you lately. last weekend was the last day of school,with field trips or specials everyday that week, out of school at one. went to the church to help decorate for danielles wedding. saturday at ten-thirty was her wedding with a luncheon.sunday, brittany graduated at two.i started cooking at twelve-thirty to be ready for her reception at five.teachers meeting at nine on monday and all those days just ran together. your hair is absolutely beautiful. you look like aunt eileen with it short.katies hair color is great on her. what day does she leave for her dads?brandons girlfriend is so pretty.paige looked very lady like for her dance. i hope zach knows what a great mom he has and he sure looks like you too.we miss you guys so much maybe i can get down to your house some time this month.i am looking for a job so that will make a difference. i love you very much.have a good evening. love, aunt bonnie
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