Katie made it off safe & sound to her Dad's, I talked to her this afternoon, she said she was babysitting her brother Jonah & they were having a good time. I know she was ready to get a break from the pace of our house. I sent her report card with her & she told me she has not shown it to her Dad yet, her grades are not that bad but she could have done much better if she would have applied herself a little more. She said she is starting Art classes in July so I am sure she will really enjoy that.
I took Zack for a very short motorcycle ride last night, he loved it. Brandon started Drivers Ed today & is lifting for football daily except the weekends. Paige coned me into hair dye & baking goods at the grocery store tonight. I am going to enroll her the next time the Red Cross offers their CPR/First aid course here in town so she can get a baby sitting job if one comes along this summer. She took Zack to the Park on Tuesday afternoon & they had fun, they stopped at McDonald's afterwards & had a Happy Meal.
I will be back down at the base again on Friday. Only 2 more weeks of part-time hours at ODH & then I am back to Full Time. We decided we are not going to try & go to Sturgis this year, wishful thinking but it just isn't going to happen.
As far as my condition I have really been slacking when it comes to keeping up with my lab draws. My lab order expired & I forgot to call & get an updated order. They still drew them on the expired order at Madison County Hospital but it was a pain, no pun intended. I did call the Hospital again & they said they sent it but I had them fax it again only to find out they re-faxed the expired lab order. Needless to say I am not having my lab draws done twice weekly...
So here are my Lab Updates:
Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
6 Mar---185-----1.4------80---------11.3---------120------------N/A
I had a couple of lab draws when I went in for treatment in April but I do not remember what the labs were. So like I said earlier & as you can see below, I have really been slacking...
28 May---268-----1.3-----400---------11.4---------200------------N/A
10 Jun---287-----3.5----2200---------12.5---------198------------N/A
I am sure my Dr will give me a long lecture when I go in tomorrow, I will have my 6th Bone Marrow Biopsy. My ANC counts are good so we should be a go for the Biopsy. Marc is fighting with his work for FMLA so he cannot go with me, that will be a first & I am really not happy about this plus who will take the pictures? I will have to do the Biopsy without any drugs other than a topical numbing agent, I do not want to risk driving & getting in an accident afterwards & I will be going to the James straight from work.
This week after completing 3 day's in a row of the Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program course, it has deflated me. The only reason I think I survived was due to my colleague's Paul from ODH & Kristen from Sandusky County HD, thanks guys my cheeks hut from laughing!
The weeks keep going by faster & faster & it seems like each time there are many tasks that I do not get done. Marc who is normally a morning person & up at 4:30 am every morning has been not getting up until about 5:30am. To my surprise he has been hitting the snooze button several times. this is very not like him. We both seem to be really tired a lot here lately. I will blame it on the nice weather & endless list of things that always seem to be done, such is life. As soon as I get the results back from the Biopsy I will update the Blog, I hope I am just being paranoid but for some reason I have been real nervous for this appointment, we'll see.
hi honey, i hope your test goes ok.i know you would be happier if marcus could be with you. i hope katie has a good visit with her dad. tell everyone hi. i hope to get down when sharon is home. i may have a summer job,but i think it will be early hours.i know you have so many things to do, but i wish you would take it slow. i love you. i am anxious to see sharon and the girls.love you soooooo much.love, aunt bonnie
Hi Sandi!
I hope the test went well and you get good results back. I will keep you in my prayers. Baby Jordan is sitting on the stool beside me dancing to the music on your blog. Chanie and I have been talking about a get together. You can e-mail or test (yes I have text now) some good dates. We are running a 5k friday. We would like to run one in your honor if you know of any lukemia runs around. I haven't checked the internet yet. Tell everyone HI!
I hope you take it easy and get some rest!
Talk to you soon!
Hi Sandi,
I pray all your tests went well and for the best results. I'm sure Katie will love the art classes. Glad you guys have been having nice weather we can't seem to get away from cloudy & rainy days. I hope it isn't rainy when we get to Ohio, it flooded the last time we were there. I really pray you don't have to go through the biopsy without pain meds. Y ou try to take it easy and whatever doesn't get done will be there when you get time to do it. Tell everyone hi & I love you all and I can't wait to see you all in August!
Aunt Lynn
Hi there, hope that all your tests go well, sorry to hear that Marc can't go with you. Keep us posted and take care of yourself. Hugs and Kisses, Betty Lorraine
hi honey, i hope you are doing ok. i think of you everyday and i need to check on you. sorry i am so slow. i love you very much.love,aunt bonnie
Hi Sandi,
Hope you are doing ok as well as Marc & the kids. I am getting so anxious to see you all. If we can we might be leaving sooner hopefully sometime at the end of July and staying until the 1st of Sept. So, I am really looking forward to spending time with you all. Take care & stay strong Sandi, I love you!!
Aunt Lynn
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