It has been 15 days since my last post & I have had many phone calls asking for updates so here goes: My 6th Bone Marrow Biopsy results came back at 1% Blast cells, this means I am still in remission. As long as the Blast cells are less than 5% I am considered in remission. I finished my fourth cycle of Maintenance chemotherapy, Dicitabine, last Thursday. This is the halfway point, we have 4 more maintenance cycles to go. I should finish up somewhere around October. My Dr. released me to return to work full time effective next Monday. I have been building up to this & although I am not 100% I am pretty sure I can handle it. Here are a few pictures of the Biopsy, a lot of over the shoulder shots since Marc was not able to be there with me.

The Union re-instated me as a steward at work & I already filed a grievance for someone. I also threw together a 3 year Training & Exercise Plan for the Agency over the past 2 days so I have been jumping right back into work without to much difficulty. I am still coming home & crashing every night though. I really don't have the energy like I used to have but once the Chemo is over I hope that it will eventually come back.
This is a good picture of Zack & Marc a couple of weekends ago

this is the last picture I got of Katie before she left to go to her dads

This is a cute picture of Paige in the egg toss during Circleville's Community day

We are taking a break from riding this weekend & staying home. Friday night we are taking the kids up to the Strawberry Festival & just hanging out at home all weekend & then next weekend we are taking them camping for the whole weekend. Brandon will be going with Tiffany & her family camping in Cambridge the same weekend. After Brandon's girlfriend slept over the weekend while we were up at the lake I was not so sure we were ever going to let him do much of anything, but he is almost 18 & we have to start letting him make his on way. I am hoping her parents will keep close tabs on them.
This is a picture of Marc & I the weekend we went up to Lake Erie for Sandusky Bike Week.

I have not seen my sister since I got sick & she is coming home the weekend of July 18th. She will be bringing my nieces with her, Copper & Sierra. It will be great to see them all. I have only seen pictures of Copper & Sierra is the same age Zack was the last time they were up here so I know her & Zack will have a lot of fun together. I will have to keep on Marc to make sure he stays on top of the pool especially with it being so hot here lately. I told Sharon we will have to go on a ride while she is up here, she used to ride a little Honda Rebel. Can you see me riding Marcus bike with the Ape Hangers...
My Aunt Lynn is also coming to town in August so I am anxious to see her & Dennis as well. I really hope that they can come down and stay for awhile. I really feel that we have gotten closer especially when I got sick. My Lynn & Aunt Debbie both have been very supportive & close to me through this. When I moved away from Lima I have been real bad about not making it home & staying connected to the family. I can't say that it is any easier now but I am not making any excuses for it. I think I did that a lot when I went from 1 child to 4.
This is Marc's mid life crisis bad hair day!!!

Zack got his 2nd annual summer mohawk yesterday, as if he does not look rotten enough already.

This is me & my buddy Bill Larue in the background, we meet up during Bike week & finally got to ride together for the first time.

I found this picture from a ride Marc & I went on down by Jimbo's earlier this year & I can't remmber if I posted it once already.

Marc was back on his camera kick tonight when the severe storms rolled in & he got picture happy with the raindrops.there were a lot more than this.

Hi Sandi,
I love all the pictures you post it is so good to beable to see everyone. I hope returning to work fulltime goes well for you. I am so anxious about coming home time can't pass quick enough. If we can, we may come in the end of July. So, we may get to see Sharon and her family too that would be awsome! I am so happy for the bone marrow results and pray for continued success in your recovery. Stay strong, we'll see you soon and as always I love you so much!
Aunt Lynn
hi honey,it sounds like you are enjoying yourself and you should.it has been a rough year. i am excited about seeing sharon and the girls.i hope next week goes well for you. i love you bunches.love, aunt bonnie
Hi Sandi!
I am glad to here you are "back in the saddle again". I hope you take it easy though:) I know you are busy with family but I would love to get together with the girls and the kids for a cookout. e-mail me some dates and we will see what works.
Miss you!
Tell everyone Hello!
hi honey,hope your week is going well.tell everyone hi for me. i hope to see you in july. love you bunches. love, aunt bonnie
Your pictures are good, i like your pictures..nice blog:)
What wonderful news. I am so happy you are doing well. My wife continues to do well and we are on vacation now on the other side of Canada from our home. We actually also spent three wonderful days on Diamond Lake in Washington (just outside Newport) and it was great. My best wishes for continued good health!
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