I am so behind on posting. I originally wrote a post for last Monday but I did not get it finished so here it is edited & updates with the last weeks worth of info. I went back to work Monday & it felt great! Dorene & Rebbecca cleaned up my cubicle & evacuated all the dust bunnies. They hung up balloons, streamers & a welcome back sign. There were also Bagels with flavored cream cheese from Panera, fruit & juice. My Supervisor Jeff even baked some brownies! Everyone was great & so supportive, they all have been through this. I am very thankful to have such a good support system.
Here are Brandon & Katie's school pictures we got to preview.

I got more good news as the week went on, I am in the April 1, 2009 graduating class from the Community College of The Air Force, WooHoo, it seems like I have been working to get my degree from them forever. Tiffany, Brandon's girlfriend sent me a picture of her Prom dress & it is stunning. This will be Brandon's first Prom & he is pretty excited to be going with her. We took him over at 10AM last Sunday so he could spend the day with her, plus her family was able to get to know him a little better. He flew out Saturday morning to New Jersey to spend the week with Marc's brother & his family. Sounds like they have a very fun time planned for him.
I was really surprised to find that I felt very good even at the end of each day. Going back to work Monday was a huge step in my road to recovery. Unfortunately I was supposed to go to the hospital twice this week after work & get more labs drawn but I forgot all about it. I will say that it's nice to have a 42 day break in between my chemotherapy treatments. I don't anticipate any negative side effects with this round of Chemo but anything is possible it is only the second cycle of 8 so well see. I was told if I would have any besides my immune system & platelet counts dropping they should manifest between the second & the third week.
I also went down to the base & made up my April Drill Thursday & Friday so it has been a very busy week. I am sure my entries will get less & less on this Blog as time goes on. From this point forward I feel obligated to let you all know I will only use this Blog for medical updates on my condition. This Blog has been such an instrumental part of my coping, healing & therapy so it is with deep regret that I may have to shut it down soon. It saddens me a little because you have all shared my family & my experiences good & bad with me this whole time & I could not have got through it without you all. Not that I am out of the woods yet but we are so much closer.
I am sure many of you are confused as to why I will be shutting it down. Unfortunately there has been too much scrutiny by someone who reads to much into my life & is not supportive of me or my recovery as this Blog was intended to do. They demand attention & will never stop. I am done dealing with them but they won't stop obsessing about me. I have never been fake or cared what others think my actions should be so I am not about to start now. I will not allow the sharing of my experience through these difficult times to be sabotaged & tainted by another's negativity.
For those of you that are interested in keeping up with me & my family as a whole please send me your e-mail address to sandittie1@yahoo.com. I am in the process of trying to create a new Blog on our family life that will have restricted access.
Hey there,
You look so fabulous!! I am so happy that you are doing OK, keep on fighting, Love and Kisses Betty Lorraine
P.S can't wait to see you this fall
You look wonderful girl! Yaaaaay!! <3 Amber
Hi sandi,
You do look great!! You can see it in your face how happy you are to be back at work. I'm happy for you! Brandon & Katies took good pics, my school pics never looked that good! Now, if you have to tie a string on your finger you can't be forgeting about your medical appointments even though you are feeling better they are still important. Sandi, you have to do what's best for you & your family so no worries all that are truely concerned & caring will email you to stay in touch. You keep your head up & stay the strong woman that you are!! I love you all very much.
Aunt Lynn
I am so glad you had a great first day back at work. If you move your blog, please give me a shout on Facebook or on my blog. I would like to continue to following you. Can you lock this one down?
hi honey, you look great and i know you have to be thrilled to be working again.the pictures are great.i think that is katies best picture ever.she is so beautiful and is looking so grown up. i hope everyone is well. brandon seems to really like this girl.i will be anxious to see prom pics. it is to bad that you have to close your sight down .to bad people cant just stop bothering you. we all love you very much.love aunt bonnie
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