We just got back from a long overdue family vacation. I think it is safe to say we all had a blast but we are wore out.

Here are my Lab Updates:
Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
24 Feb---175-----2.4----1800---------10.5----------97------------N/A
27 Feb---178-----1.8-----800---------10.4----------93------------N/A
4 Mar---183-----1.6-----900---------11.3----------78------------N/A
6 Mar---185-----1.4-----800---------11.3---------120------------N/A
10 Mar---189-----1.8-----900---------11.2---------187------------N/A
13 Mar---192-----1.7-----500---------11.6---------238------------N/A
18 Mar---197-----1.8-----800---------##.#---------###------------N/A
22 Mar---200-----3.4----1800---------13.1---------162------------N/A
The James Cancer called Thursday to try & burst my bubble I think. My ANC counts were still not above 1000. Normally no big deal but due to my plan for returning to work the following Monday it would have been catastrophic. Well after waiting an extra day I could not take it so I went to the hospital today & had my labs redrawn. My ANC is 1800 so I am going to the James first thing tomorrow morning & then let the 2nd round of maintenance chemotherapy begin. Everything has been cleared by ODH's Human Resources office for my return except access to handicap parking. I received information from ODH's ADA office on a pilot parking exemption. It will cost $125.00 per month to park in the buildings parking garage compared to the $4.00 a day I was paying to park a few blocks away. There is no guarantee I will get it as it is on a first come first serve basis & it is only good for 3 months. I am so anxious to get back work at this point lets just hope there are no more unexpected snags.

Hey Sandi!
I'm glad to hear everyone had a great time! You are all very deserving of it:) I hope all goes well this week. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hopefully you will get to come to get together on the 4th.
Talk to you soon!
Hi there
Great to see that you had a enjoyable vacation! You are in our thoughts and prayers for the 2nd round with the chemo, you take care! Betty Lorraine
Hi Sandi,
I was trying to leave a message earlier but Mother Nature wasn't cooperating. We're running the gauntlet of seasons all in a few days out here. Blizzards a few hours away and we're dealing with thunderstorms and tornados as well as flooding, geeeez!!! I lost power while trying before, maybe I can make it this time. Anyway, you all looked like you were having a greta time. What a nice man Bill must be for being so generous. The pictures are great, I really like Katie's bathing suit & what a pose she struck. Looking like a Supermodel pose to me! I'm sure Zack will be wanting to go back for more in the near future too. I hope Paige is feeling better and Brandon's girlfriend is very nice looking. I'm praying all goes well for you as you return to work especialy with the parking, that's just crazy! Take care, I love you all.
Aunt Lynn
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