I just completed my fifth dose of Dicetabine. I am so ready for this week to be over. Niki came up to the James & we got to visit which was so nice. She is such a positive person & always motivates me. Only 5 Cycles left now, I am glad for the 6 week break. It gets really tiresome sitting in the hospital for hours on end waiting. Waiting, I have spent a lot of time waiting over the past 6 or 7 months. After a long wait from my Dr & numerous e-mails with work I finally got confirmation that I can go back to work on Monday, YES!!!
Come to find out handicap parking access was a much bigger issue than I originally thought it would be. My Dr only made the restriction for access to handicap parking in the anticipation of the days that my levels are low & slow me down. Long story short my employer does not have handicap parking only a parking garage for exempt staff. I had to fill out a form for temporary access & that had to go all the way to the top. The Director did sign off on it this afternoon. I heard my Supervisor Jeff & Tom helped tremendously in expediting it. I am only working roughly 10 days or so the first month I am back so it should not be an issue for long as my strength & energy has come back in leaps & bounds. I wanted to go back full time but my Dr said NO so we compromised on the plan to be back to full time by the end of June through the Transitional Work Program. Everyone is so worried I am going to hit the ground running but I assure you I am going to pace myself. My friends & co-workers once again are rallying to support me & I can't wait to see them all Monday & tell them Thank You in person!
As if the Chemotherapy everyday this week & setting up my return to work was not enough. I had major drama with Norma AKA Misty, Marc's mother. Calgon take me away!!!
How awesome you can get back to work! And I am glad you got the parking. Rest up this weekend and hopefully no more drama with the momma! ;-)
Hi Sandi,
That's great that you'll be getting back to work. I know that makes you very happy just remember the balance you talked about. I'm shocked about the parking issues you all have to deal with but I'm sure that's just because I'm used to being out in BFE where those issues are non existant. I'm praying all goes well for you on your return to work as well as your daily life at home. Just remember if it's not a problem that you have let the other person own their problems, you have enough to deal with already! It's a good thing I'm 1000 miles away!! Keep your head up & stay strong & focused on you & your family. I love you all!!
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, the pictures from your mini vacation looked great. i hope paige is better. brandon's girlfriend is a cutie.she looks like a keeper.tell him to be good to her. katie looks fantastic.she is so beautiful.i liked that sexy poise.uncle steve made me scroll back to the picture a second time and commented on how grown up and pretty she is.zach looked like he enjoyed meeting wiley. iam so glad you got away for a rest. take it easy at work monday.we all love you so much and i know you are excited to get back to work, but pace yourself.family does come first but we work-a-holics forget that sometimes.i know you will rememeber that much better than i have.i think we have some of our computers fixed,so i will be keeping in touch better again.i love you.enjoy your weekend.love,aunt bonnie
I love you! =D
Hey there! It is great to see that you are getting back to work, I hope that you are OK and that you feel well. Take care, Hugs and Kisses Betty Lorraine
HI Sandi,
I am so glad you are able to go back to work and are getting your energy back. Tell everyone Hello!
I hope to see you Saturday the 4th at 10 if you can make it. It will be great fun with all the little people. Take it easy this week, I hope it is going well!
Love Ya!
Hi Sandi,
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you & hoping the week at work goes as well as your 1st day back. You're looking & sounding marvelous! Keep your head up & stay strong, I love you all!
Aunt Lynn
hi sweetheart, just wanted to tell you i am thinking of you.i hope your week went well at work. we love you bunches.love, aunt bonnie
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