Here are my Lab Updates:
Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
20 Feb---171-----3.1----2200----------9.4---------177------------N/A
24 Feb---175-----2.4----1800---------10.5----------97------------N/A
27 Feb---178-----1.8-----800---------10.4----------93------------N/A
4 Mar---183-----1.6------90---------11.3----------78------------N/A
6 Mar---185-----1.4------80---------11.3---------120------------N/A
10 Mar---189-----Pending
I do not have my labs from yesterday but I know something is of concern because the James cancer Hospital called me & put me back on the Avelox & Fluconazol.

I feel pretty good for the most part. I have had some trouble with my outer thighs. I severely bruised both of them when my platelets were really low in the beginning of this cancer fiasco. They stayed bruised all the way through my hospitalized treatment. They would fluctuate between a dark purple & black color. The bruises have pretty much gone away but I have slightly discolored skin where the bruises used to be. I do not know if this is ever going to go away but I hope so. I've been having trouble when I exercise both legs it is very painful in those areas, which in turn causes me to not walk very well. I backed off of the exercise thinking maybe I pulled a muscle or something but the other day I was on the trampoline with the kids for a couple of minutes literally & when I hopped off it the pain in my thighs was so intense my knees buckled & I went straight to the ground. It scared the hell out of me. The pain slowly subsided but I can't figure out what the problem is with them.
Over the weekend we all had a blast. Marc still has his motorcycle apart in the garage. The weather was so nice except for the wind, I rode up to Indian Lake & back. Zack decided that he is no longer afraid of the motorcycles & he wants to ride so I took him for a very short one around town, he loves it. We went & got him his own helmet so he can ride with us this summer. He holds on real good but Marc has a better seat on his with a backrest that Zack can hold onto. Marc is going to try to find a way to mount handles on it as well, we'll see. It was too cute when we were pulling into the driveway he said no not here, he wanted to keep going.

Hey there,
Great to hear that you got out some this weekend!! You look great!!
Sorry to hear that they are putting you back on some of the meds, but maybe it is just a precaution, I pray that is what it is. Really love Zack attacks helmet, a green mohawk!! Love it
Take care and I was glad to see the update!! Hugs and Kisses Betty Lorraine
And way to go Marc for quitting smoking!! Thats great!!
Hi Sandi,
I hope the meds they put you back on is just to be safe. I'm glad you guys had some nice weather to enjoy we've had another blizzard and it's as cold as can be. I'm really ready for spring. Zack is too funny, but what a cool helmet, hope the mohawk doesn't go flying or that's just for not riding fun. Hope they figure out what's going on with your leg muscles. Take care Babe, we'll talk soon. I love you all!!
What an awesome helmet! I am glad you felt well enough for a little ride. ;-)
Hi Sandi!
Good job to Marc for quitting. I ate a two pound bag of M and M's the first two days I quit! He can do it. Tell him I'm cheering him on!
Hopefully we will be getting together Saturday at noon in Marysville? Angie and I are meeting at my church to ride together.
Tell everyone Hi!
Talk to ya soon
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