Hi everyone here is my Lab Updates:
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
26 Jan---146-----4.5----3100---------9.1----------37------------N/A
28 Jan---148-----2.7----1100---------10.6----------64------------N/A
30 Jan---150-----2.8----1000---------10.4----------85------------N/A
2 Feb---153-----36.4----31700--------10.6---------131------------N/A
4 Feb---155-----3.9-----????---------9.9----------160------------N/A
6 Feb---157-----3.2-----1500---------10.0---------190------------N/A
9 Feb---160-----6.0-----4000---------11.8---------262------------N/A
12 Feb---163-----3.1----1810------10.3-------257------------N/A

I have not updated since the 9th & I apologize for that. The Chemo has been taking a lot longer at the hospital then what I understood it would. They originally told me an hour a day for 5 days. What they left out is I have to get labs drawn on the first & third day & they have to wait on the results which can take an hour or longer. Once the results are back the Dr has to write the chemo order then they have to fax the order to the pharmacy so they can fill it.This can take another hour or 2. The actual Chemo administration takes an hour. So on average I have been spending 3 to 4 hours a day at the hospital to receive my chemo. I do not know how I am going to schedule these chemo treatments in when I go back to work. It is going to get real interesting. After today I will have 5 weeks to recover from the 36mg of Decitabine (Chemo) & then we will start the next cycle, I have 7 cycles left to complete. God willing the Leukemia will stay in remission & towards the end of 2009 I will be completely done with Chemotherapy & just have follow up appointments to ensure I am in remission.
My girlfriend Chanie took me to the hospital on Monday for treatment & then Marc took me on Tuesday.

We did survive the big wind storms on Wednesday night but our gazebo that was screwed onto our pool deck did not. We were lucky this was the only damage, I heard that some of the wind gusts were as strong as 75mph. I know it sounded like a freight train going past the house most of the night.

Marc & Zack were starting to get a little shaggy so I went with them to get their hair cut. Zack was flirting with the girl cutting his hair.

I noticed this morning in the shower what little bit of hair I have is coming out again. Hopefully it won't all fall out. I have been putting the Olive Oil Root Stimulator that Angie got me back when I was first diagnosed, to see if it will help it grow faster.
Zack has been amazing with school. He has had all white days since returning from Christmas break. He is reading very well & he sounds out words that he does not know for the most part on his own with minimal help. Katie has been being more social around the house so I think she is finally getting back to normal. She was working with her ink splatter technique the other day. We got online & ordered some of her drawing books that she wanted. So everyday she has been watching the mail waiting on them. Brandon's ringworm looks like it has been getting bigger, but he has been putting his medicine on it so he should be allowed to wrestle on Saturday at the SCOL tournament. Paige has been having a real rough week, girl drama.
Marc is taking me out to eat for Valentines day when we leave the hospital today. We have a club meeting later on tonight. I do not know what is going on this weekend or how I am going to be feeling so we will have to play it by ear. Next week is going to be a very long week for me & I suspect I will be very tired at the end of each day, so I may not get this updated for awhile. Please be patient with me.
Although we are leukemia free at the moment my Dr. said that this could change at any time without warning. I choose to believe that the worst is over & we are almost out of the woods. Thank you everyone, who still continues to follow my blog & those of you who send your prayers & encouragement. I still get on her daily to look at your comments even if I don't always post, Marc reads them to me!
I love you & I'm so glad things are looking so good right now! So keep up the fight girl, I know you have it in you! Amber <3
I am glad that you updated today, I hope that you feel better all the time. We love you and pray that you get better and stay better!! Take care of yourself and have a Happy Valentines Day. Hugs and Kisses Betty Lorraine
You look fabulous! Hope you guys have a great Valentine's day.
You are truly amazing! To be going through chemo and still taking good care of your family is remarkable. And recertifying for you EMT during all this! Wow! You have always had your sh!t together and I have always admired you for that. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. You are in my prayers.
hi honey,i am so glad you updated today.i was going to call and check on you today if there was no news.i hope you will be feeling better soon.the treatments seem long but you have to do whatever it takes to get better.i hope you all have a very happy valentines day.please tell all the family happy valentines day for me.i love you dearly. love, aunt bonnie
I'm glad to see your update. May the Lord be with you every step you take. Hug Brandon and Paige for me. I miss seeing Paige's smiling face every day. I got a chance to talk to Brandon yesterday at the high school. He's looking good. I saw Zach the other day when I dropped by the lunch room to check in on Ada's behavior. Zach was having a great time with the folks he was sitting with. I don't think he knew who I was though. Take care! Coach G
Hi Sandi,
I'm so glad that you're feeling better. Happy Valentines Day to you all!! Yea for Zack!!! So glad he's having white days at school, keep it up Zack. You guys enjoy your weekend & we'll talk soon. I love you all.
Aunt Lynn
Hi Sandi,
Just thinking about you hoping all is well with you guys. I've been sick for a few days with a nasty head cold. Anyway, stay strong & warm, I love you all.
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, i hope your valentines weekend has gone well.i hope the kids have enjoyed there long weekend also.your strength will grow more each day.maybe you can go back to work in march.take care and don't worry....be happy. we love you.love,aunt bonnie
Wow! Just wanted you to know that I still check in on you frequently. I was excited to see you mention going back to work. You and your family are in my prayers! Love, tonya warren
Hey Sandi!
I hope your EMt certification in going well this week. Tony finally passed his after two years of messing around. I'll give you a call later this week to see what is a good visiting day. Talk to you soon. Keeping you in my prayers. Tell everyone Hi!
Hi I hope that you are feeling OK and that all is well. Hope that your EMT training is going good. Take care. Betty
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