Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
30 Jan---150-----2.8----1000---------10.4----------85------------N/A
2 Feb---153-----36.4----31700--------10.6---------131------------N/A
4 Feb---155-----3.9-----????---------9.9----------160------------N/A
6 Feb---157-----3.2-----1500---------10.0---------190------------N/A
9 Feb---160-----6.0-----4000---------11.8---------262------------N/A
12 Feb---163-----3.1----1810---------10.3---------257------------N/A
17 Feb---168-----2.3----1400----------9.4---------246------------N/A
20 Feb---171-----3.1----2200----------9.4---------177------------N/A
24 Feb---175-----2.4----1800---------10.5----------97------------N/A
As I told you in my post on Friday Brandon has been sick, I was finally able to get him into the Dr. this morning. They gave him a breathing treatment & a few prescriptions. His Dr. believes he has bronchitis.
Unfortunately these last few days I have not gotten any better I have gotten a little worse especially with the congestion & runny nose alternating. I was getting pretty paranoid especially with my counts dropping last Tuesday. However I was able to pick up my labs today 7 they have come up some, yes my platelets are still dropping & my ANC has went down a little from Friday but it is still above 1,000 so that is a good thing. I called the James cancer Hospital this morning just to be safe. After reviewing my labs they were comfortable with calling me in a prescription of Zithromax & as long as I don't get worse or any fevers I should be alright, WHEW! I was getting scared they would try to admit me again. I am glad I currently have a little bit of an immune system to fight this bug or I would be back in the hospital for sure.
Over the weekend I felt really good, I even wore a little make up on Saturday night & Mark took me to a meeting.

I am supposed to be going back down to the base tomorrow & Thursday to make up my February drill weekend. My waiver is supposed to be expiring at the end of March but I got a phone call over the weekend that said it is expiring the end of February so I e-mailed my Dr. to get an updated letter with my progress ASAP. If I do not get this sent in soon I may have to go a couple of more months on a medical profile 4 which will not let me participate. I e-mailed my Dr Saturday so I hope we can get it in time for the waiver to stay in place. I thought I had until the end of March & I see my Dr on the 4th so I was going to get the letter then, I must of been having chemo brain, that was happening quite frequently awhile back so it would not surprise me.
I am looking forward to my appointment on the 4th. I hope my Dr is ready to release me back to my civilian job at least part time. She was not ready to do this last month so we will have to wait & see.
So that is what is happening for now. We did pick up some paint for Zack's new" bedroom up stairs, it used to be the girls old bed room. He was all excited about picking out the colors last night. He finally settled on London Red Raider's Red & White. This should be interesting...
Red Raider Red & White!!! It doesn't get any better than that :) I continue to pray for you, and please let me know if there's anything we can do for you. ~CoachG
You look great! You are still in my thoughts and prayers!
You look wonderful! I moved my blog and lost touch... Hope you can go back to work. Woo! Hoo! Sending many blessings your way!
You look wonderful!! I hope that you feel better!! Good luck to Zach and his color scheme, that may be and interesting room,lol. Take care Hugs and Kisses Betty
Looking great Sandy!!
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