Today's labs
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
24 Jan---144-----3.3----2700---------8.4----------34----------------N/A
25 Jan---145-----5.9----4320---------9.0----------28----------------N/A
26 Jan---146-----4.5----3100---------9.1----------37------------N/A
28 Jan---148-----2.7----1100---------10.6----------64------------N/A
30 Jan---150-----2.8----1000---------10.4----------85------------N/A
2 Feb---153-----36.4----31700-------10.6-------131------------N/A
This is the first day I have been at home "alone"...well I guess I am not really alone Spike is here with me. I woke up at 5am with a throbbing headache again. I popped 2 Tylenol & 5 hours later it is pretty much gone. I am staying pretty hydrated throughout the day so I am not sure that is what is causing the headaches, although I do sweat a lot at night & a little bit during the day.
Zack was in a a fussy mood before school, I asked him to have a white day & he said he would, but I don't know there was something rotten brewing in him so we will have to wait & see. Paige's bus comes at 7am so she is always the first one up & put the door. After Katie put Zack on the bus I took her & Brandon & dropped them off at school then it was off to the lab. Check out those numbers today! I think it's safe to say I can stop taking the Neupogen shots. Hopefully my numbers will hold out until Wednesday & I can get the Bone Marrow Biopsy out of the way. My Neutraphils are going to drop I just don't know how fast. They are extremely high at the moment along with my White Blood Cells. The last round I had my numbers seemed to yo yo a bit just not quite this high. I don't know the science behind it but given I may still have some infection running through my body I will take the high over the low numbers any day.
Spike & I played a little bit this afternoon. He is getting a little antsy when you take him out he does not always want to come back in right away. We used to be able to entice him with "scooby snacks" but the luster of the treat is not as strong as the call of the wild here lately. He has yet to roam further than the neighbors yard but we have a very busy state route in front of our house & that worries me. He is still a pup so I hope we can find something to get him back on track.
The main event in the Vest house tonight is... parents night for Paige's Cheerleading so we have to go up to the Middle school for a little while & then walk her across the court. Brandon & Paige both have about 3 weeks left in their sports. I think everyone is ready for a break. It has been a long season this year with me being sick. Marc & I usually go to all Brandon's Wrestling meets, I only made it to one this year. Hopefully by the next sports season, football I think, I will be better & we can get back to the normal.

The 445 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron is hosting a Blood Drive in honor of MSgt. Sandi Golden-Vest on Saturday, Feb 7, 2009 from 8:00am-1:00pm.
Site: American Legion Post 526
526 Legion Lane
Fairborn, OH 45324
Site phone: 878-3831
Contact on Arrival: Major Kimm Sandusky (1-513-678-2715 ) MSgt Joseph
Drake (George Copfer, Post Commander )
While you are waiting you can become a Bone Marrow Donor as well, no appointment is necessary for this & there is no cost associated becoming a registered Bone Marrow Donor on this date at this location.
Beginning registration for the blood drive is 8:00am. Appointments are recommended; blood donors are asked to make an appointment by going to our website: www.donortime.com click on Find a Drive and use sponsor code: 986 Last Registration: 12:50pm
***Community Blood Center will provide juice and cookies and a t-shirt to all
blood donors.
Hey girl! This is Dave's sister, Connie. Long time, no see! Your grandma gave me your website addy and let me know what's going on. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Give me a yell sometime, my addy is: tcgraham@woh.rr.com
-Connie (Poynter) Graham
Hi Sandi,
Yes!!! I love those numbers!! I just hope you're feeling better too. That's too funny that Marc calls you Chia because that's what I call Dennis when he's needing a hair cut. I'm glad to hear that the tylenol helps take away the headaches. You & Marc need to think about getting Spike neutered before spring, it will calm him down. If you wait too long it may not have an affect on his behavior at all. I hope Zack came home with a white day & good luck to Paige tonight!! You guy's be careful traveling & have fun at the event. Take care Babe, I love you!
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, i was thinking your bone marrow thing was friday.the numbers look better so maybe the blast count will be great too.hopefully the headaches were from the shots.maybe today you can have some quiet time and rest before your busy night tonight.tis weekend has been a blur.school was closed friday ,saturday i don't even remember.saturday was my brother tom's 69th birthday.we saw him at church sunday.hard to believe next year he will be 70.guess that means i'm getting older too.image that! we watched the game sunday till it seemed i was jinking my team so i left the room.the cat bit through my left hand sunday,the same one that bit my toe the day i came to the hospital. i decided i needed a tetanus shot.jess started throwing up at 4am.,steve cut his hand and was in er getting stitches at noon, and i was in urgent care at 3pm getting the shot. today was just one of those days.lol i hope you had a wonderful evening.take care. keep an eye on your 4 legged child, that is a busy road.i love you bunches.love,aunt bonnie
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