Welcome to my Blog!

This was originally intended for those who have AML & stumbled across my blog in their search for information or survivors. I also used this to keep in touch with the real world, my support system was vital in my recovery and I also used it to sustain some form of sanity. I am a realist, and I have learned this has been and always will be a fight for my life. The initial leukemia battle is still here in the archives for all my fellow AML Warriors. There is so much information and no one wants to tell you. If you are just starting your treatment you may not even think to ask questions just because you are so sick. Please checkout my archives but start back in September 2008 and work your way towards today. There is a lot to read and a ton of type-o's, but it is all there the good the bad and the ugly. I challenged the Doc's, I always asked questions and pushed them for answers even if I did not like them. The Docs are not used to that so if you can, I encourage you to challenge them. They need to remember that although you are very sick you are not dead! My Blog content has morphed over the years. It's all about my life experiences, definitely my opinions and the lifelong impacts of the disease that pop up from time to time. I am a Gen Xer & I have a lot to say about everything. Rarely do I hold back or turn on a sensitivity sensor. I post regularly on Facebook nowadays just because it is faster. I welcome your comments, questions or feedback.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2008

Sandi's Blood Type is O Positive

Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support. Things are changing each day. The James Cancer Hospital called today & now I am going to the Clinic on the 11th floor at 10am on Monday the 15th & willl be admitted after seeing my new Dr. Allison Walker. I have been forewarned there will be a whirlwind of activities to follow. They are going to put me under & insert my chest port. I also have to get another Bone Marrow Biopsy.... they said they want to do their own, I am really not happy about this I asked them to do it while I was knocked out for the chest port but they said they cannot do it like that. Later on that day they are going to start the first Chemotherapy treatment & another Blood Transfusion.

I am adding the Link to James Cancer Hospital. I am allowed visitors 24 hours a day 7 days a week, there is no restriction on the number of visitors. So don't be a stranger, they encourage visitors to come up & support people through this difficult process. They say no visitors under 18 (but I can & will negotiate this once I get up on the floor) a lot depends on how sick I am.

I will end up in a private room on the 10th floor of the James, The room is supposed to have a TV, DVD player & mini fridge along with a recliner for overnight guests. Marcus will update the Blog the morning of the 16th before he goes back to work with my room information & telephone number. Odds are my cell phone is not going to work in the room due to the telemetry equipment. I am hoping for WiFi so I can update this blog myself but this is all still up in the air for now, so plan for Marcus to update it the first few days I am in the hospital. For those of you who know Marcus I don't know what he will put but I am sure it will be interesting...

Parking sucks your best & cheapest bet if you come to visit me is use the Valet service $5.00 they park it & bring it back weather it is 5 minutes or 24 hours it is still $5.00. There is no free parking anywhere sorry.

Other than that I got my 4 pack of platelet's transfused today through my hand. The nurse went fishing in my left forearm first & I have one heck of a bruise that is really swollen, I think all the platelets I got went straight to it.

My e-mail is filling up fast so if you could please leave comments here unless it is something really personal. Thanks for the support, Sandi


Ruth Gerding said...


Thanks for the updates...I am keeping you in my prayers for a full recovery.

Ruth Gerding

Judy Pearce said...

Please know that I am praying for you everytime I think of you, which is quite often. Let me know if you need anything at all. Take care, Judy Pearce

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sandi,
I hope you are resting today. Thanks for the blog, and thank you for allowing us to connect with you during this difficult time, typical Sandi,always thinking about others. There are few words that are adequate, but know that my heart aches for you. I believe that you are incredibly strong, both in body and spirit, you know in your heart this is true or else things in life would have pulled you down long before now.
I am back home in Maryland. I went to the Red Cross here and donated, unfortunately donations are regional and was unable to donate directly to you but I did donate the unit in your name. I am registered in the National Bone Marrow database. I too, am O+.
I join with the many praying for your recovery, as you begin this difficult journey. You are strong, you are tough, and you have the strength of all of us behind you.I believe you will overcome this and look forward to the day we can celebrate your recovery. My best to your family.
Jude Willets

ben&tam said...

just know we love you and you are one of the strongest women i know.. our prayers are with you .. and your family..

Pixie said...

Sandi & Marc,

We just got back today from Cherokee. I just read emails. We know, from experience how difficult time this is and will be on ur family and extended family as a whole! We are so so sorry there aren't any words that I can say that will make it any easier. We wish the best for all of you. Rooster you are a very strong gal both mentally and physically. That is what is needed mental health... Don't let ur guard down not for one second u fight that damn "MONSTER"! Rob said to keep faith in ur self, family, and ur Doc. We been there and still deal with it everyday of our lives. So if ya need anything to yell, cry, be held, or help how ever we can the best we can we're here! That is not just a line of words it is sincere!
We luv ya Sis, Yea u 2 Bro!
Oatmeal & Pixie

Kathy said...

Sandi, Marc and family:
I am keeping you all in prayer and thought. Keep faith...the road ahead will be rocky...painful...and challenging...but the spirit that you have will bring you to the top and you are going to win the challenge! See you soon...love to all...Kathy

Grace/Betsey said...

Good Morning Sandi, Marc and friends.
I'm sure Sandi won't be reading this today...hopefully soon.

I was on the American Cancer Society web page today reading some information....I thought the following information would be helpful for those of us that are friends of Sandi's and Marc's and want what is best for them both.

Regarding visiting Sandi while she is in the hospital...please read the following:

"If your white blood cell counts are very low during treatment, you can help reduce your risk of infection by carefully avoiding exposure to germs. During this time, your doctor may tell you to:

Wash your hands often.
Avoid fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables and other foods that might carry germs.
Avoid fresh flowers and plants because they may carry mold.
Make sure other people wash their hands when they come in contact with you.
Avoid large crowds and people who are sick (wearing a surgical mask offers protection in these situations)."

The link to this informations is:


Sandi.............you are in my prayers and in my heart, I love you and am here for you no matter what you need.
Marcus............you are in my prayers and in my heart, I love you also....please call me whenever for whatever reason.
Betsey (Grace)

angelleyes1024 said...

Hello Sandi,
I am a friend of Bill (LaRue). I just wanted to post to you a note of encouragement and to let you know that my girls and I will be praying for you each and every day at our supper time. (which is pretty much the only time that we're all three together lol) Your precious family will not be forgotten either...you are ALL in our hearts.
We are with you in spirit,
Tammy Ellis

Sentimental Journey

2010 Family Pics

Moments in Time


Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body but, rather, to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "WOoHOo! What a ride!!"
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wiser.
If you are never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
Ask yourself: "What have I missed out on simply because I was too afraid of what others would think?"
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Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
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I'd rather have 30 seconds of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
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And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

They call me Rooster

They call me Rooster
& Leukemia did not snuff this one!