My boss from ODH & my First Sergeant, Jim called me yesterday to let me know because I am in the hospital & will be for so long it may be possible for me to get 100% disability from work. There is no guarantee but if it happens that would ease my mind & Marc's. I am going to have to use 360 hours to supplement for 6 months if it does not go through & that will leave me with no time off when I go back to work (this is best case scenario that I am in remission within 6 months & able to go back) I knew I was saving my time for a reason but I also know there will be times even with remission that I will be sick & have to have treatments or tests so I do not want to burn all my time if I don't have to. Again there is no guarantee but a possibility so more potential good news.

we met up with Paula Parker & went for a walk later on we went shopping at CVS it felt great to not be hooked up to an IV Pole for the first time in over a week. Betsey also brought me a egg crate type of mattress pad It is making a huge difference already just when I am sitting in bed I can tell it will be better I can't wait to try it out tonight.

Marcus came up later in the afternoon he brought me in 2 cards one from David & Sue Bruno, I also got one from the entire Bureau of Public Health Preparedness at ODH. I can't believe how many people are pulling for me each day I realize how lucky I am to have such a great support system. Marc took me down to the gift shop where he got me a Chicken Webkinz (he thought it was a Rooster) & a little Ohio State bear for my room. We walked down to the Season's Cafe & I was getting pretty tired & out of breath so we had to turn around & come back up to the room. I was worried I had pushed myself to much. I sent Marcus home so I could go to sleep.
They changed my PICC dressing it was looking pretty rough with dried blood all over it, she scrubbed the heck out of it & my arm was nice & tender afterwards it is supposed to get changed every Friday night from now on. I asked for 2 Oxycodones & started watching the debates after that I was still not tired so I watched Sweet Home Alabama. Normally the Oxy's knock me out. I finally shut my eyes about 1:30 AM & slept until 5:20am this is very good, I have not slept that long since I have been here. It is usually no more than 2 hour increments.
Brandon has a date for Homecoming tomorrow so I should have some pictures of that to post in a couple of days. Katie is doing well in school I talked to them on Thursday they said she is starting to come out of her quiet shell & she really seems to enjoy taking the classes at the Academy. Zack was watching Zanthura & is just as talkative as ever. Paige went to the Homecoming game with Bubby & Misty sounded good on the phone. I think Spike has her wrapped around his paw he is so darn cute, I do not know why I was so worried about that but everything is running smooth at home & away. Tomorrow is a home game against Minnesota so I advise against anyone coming to see me the roads get shut down early & parking is next to impossible unless you park at the Ross garage. I say OH-IO & see y'all on Sunday don't brave the traffic it is not worth it. Marc did it last Saturday & it was terrible. I can go a day without visits it is OK I got a phone & internet.
I should be hitting my Nader in the next few days ( the Nader is my lowest point-lowest blood counts, very vulnerable to infection with no immune system & overall fatigue for 3 to 5 days)
It hasn't hit me yet so maybe it won't be as bad as they are telling me well have to see. My hair has not fell out yet either so who knows we are at day 9 since they strated the Chemo.
hey mom
hows it going? pretty good here. london lost last night by like 3 or4 points. bummer.... brandons date is so nice, i think that you'll really like her if you meet her. she has a brown dress and it looks pretty on her......yesterday after school alexis's mom picked me and her up and we went back to the school and messed around for a lil bit then went back to her house to get ready. At the game the 8th grade cheerleaders had to sell programs and we made over 150 dollers and it was a success..... zacky says hi and he loves you..... well we'll let ya go
love ya's
Paigey && Zack Attack
good morning honey,hope you have a quiet and peaceful day.maybe with your new egg crate you will nap more today.i will call you you aunt bonnie
Mom, this is my first blog...ever, so I hope you like it. (Shrugs in spite of myself)
Life at home is I guess normal, aside from Zack being the more E-V-I-L Spawn of Satan that he is. (Looks extremely sheepish) I mean c'mon mom, the first thing I would tell you is that I miss you, Right? (Laughs)
Well, I finally finished my picture for you...Even though it's still kinda' sketchy lookin'., Betsy has still found a huge friendship with paige, They're Inseperable.
I hope you look forward to seeing me mom, Kay?
-love Always-
Good Morning Sandi,
So glad to hear things are going as well as they are for you and hope they continue to go that direction for you. Thank you Betsey for bringing her the egg crate for her bed!! Maybe I'll sleep better tonight Have a great day and I'll talk to you soon. I look forward to seeing all the new pictures! Love you, Lynn
Hi Babe....Evil spawn of Satan??? I swear that girl will one day write a best selling novel with her vocab and imagination !! ha ha....All if fine here, Zack is going with me to Meijers this morning...tell me I don't have guts !!! Hope you had a great night. Paige has made a ton of plans for today and tonight, of course she has not spoken with her father about them yet....Brandon wants to go out to the club house with his Dad to watch the game, so do the girls. Denny called me yesterday about my computer, the guy had to order a "card" for it and it has not come in yet so it's still in Florida. Denny said that he had to let go two of his sales reps because of the economy...he also had to take a 20 thousand dollar cut a year. He thought he had it made since he only has 5 more years until he retires...just goes to show you....noone is safe unless you are filty rich !!! Got to go Babe, get Zack dressed and head on down the highway.....Much love, Misty
Hi Babe, we just got back from Meijers and put grocerys away...I guess everyone is at the clubhouse. Okey dokey.....let's just say this, it have been a heck of a long time I have taken a five year old to the store. Actually, Zack was very good we had been there about an hour and a half when he finally started getting fed up with the entire shopping process. He did make a few old people smile though. He saying " Grandma, grandma we need this. " I passed one old lady in an isle that had been in the last one with me and she said" Hi grandma". ha !!!One old man told me he bet that I would remember my name by the end of the day, and I told him that I had just changed it to "Maude"......he thought that was really funny. I got Zack a pair of jeans ( 1/2 price) since he only has three pairs that fit. I hope that was ok, only a little over $6.00....and two pumpkins for the front porch, next door already has their's so of course Zack was bitting at the bit to get his. Those stupid things are expensive now adays !!!! Got to go Zack is driving me nuts at the moment......Much Love, Misty
Hi Sandi............
This is the first time I've been able to sit down and check your blog. It's been crazy since I left the hospital yesterday. I stopped at Kroger and got groceries, went home put them away, and man I was tired!! I went to bed fairly early and of course Paul had to stop over and get his 'good night' hug. I was up at 6 this morning, made chile and got ready for the game. Columbus had a poker run today and our club house was one of their stops!! WHO KNEW?!?!? So, it was pretty crazy there for a while, Donnie making stuff in the kitchen and Trish, my daughter and I worked the bar!! She was a real trooper and just jumped in, she did a GREAT job!!! Then home and Paul came over, he just left and will probably be back over tomorrow before he has to go bowling.
So, I'm home alone enjoying some quiet time, will probably go to bed in a little bit.
I has such a good time with you yesterday. I'm so excited about how well you are doing!! I know, one day at a time, but, we'll take those good days!!
I talked to Katie at the club house today, I'm going to bring her down one day this week after I get off work. I think it would be really good for her to have some alone Mom time. I'll go browse the gift shop!
I saw Sam tonight before she left for Homecoming, she was beautiful, I bet Brandon was HOT!!!!
Talk to ya later, love ya bunches!
well im soo glad to hear that thingsare prtty good .i believe yoyr dad is coming to see you tomorrow.sais hewasanyway.illkeep the prayers going up and you keep getting better .love ya sandi lisa
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