Chanie came to see me last night, she looks great, you can see all the red cross donation cards behind her on the door. She brought me 3 pairs of sweatpants & the shirts are in the works. We
visited for hours it was like old times.
She had to work the next day I felt bad she stayed until 11:00 I could have talked all night.

Paige Cheering

My bald headed boys! Look how
chunky Zack is getting, he is
definitely not
missing any meals!

Everyone meet Spike, the newest addition to the Vest Family! He is the
absolute cutest Boxer I think I have ever seen.
I weighed in at 167 pounds & ended up having to get platelets after all. They went from 17 to 12 so I got another infusion. Niki & Ann from OSU came to see me, we had a really good visit, I miss them both so much since they are not at ODH anymore. (Niki I think I will take your advice, my capsule is a pearl color). I am realizing more each day just how unimportant work really is in the scheme of things. There is a a time & a place, for now its just not the time. Nothing new from the Doc's the last bag of Chemo is in & should come out around 11:30 tonight.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body but, rather, to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "WOoHOo! What a ride!!"
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wiser.
If you are never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
Ask yourself: "What have I missed out on simply because I was too afraid of what others would think?"
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Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
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I'd rather have 30 seconds of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
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And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years.
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I was moved to read your blog & am so sorry to hear about this detour in your life's journey. Sounds like you have a wonderful support system & a truly positive attitude. Keep up the good fight but also allow yourself some breaks. I'm O+ and give blood every 8 weeks. I will begin giving in your name next time that I am able. My thoughts & prayers are with you.
Hi BAbe, just gor back from the store, if you keep up the weight loss you can wear those size 9 jeans you have been keeping forever......heck of a way to do it, Marcus will think that he has a new woman in his the DOG is asleep on MY bed, I had to gently move so that I could go to Kroger but he is still sleeping.....Brandon came home to feed him....I sat outside for 40 minutes waiting for the little thing to do his business but he didn't, I really don't what to about that one !!! Mrs. Roach came over to see Spike, her comment was " So you have another baby", I said, " Nope, I'm just babysitting" for some reason she got a really big kick out of that. She was still laughing when she walked across the lawn to her house, she asked how you were and said she would check on you again tomorrow. That means she will be here again tomorrow, probably when I take the "baby" out to pee !!!! ha....All is well here, I miss you and your smile, your eyes light up when you smile, I don't think I ever told you that but it is one of your great qualities.....that's what makes you so pretty. Okey Dokey, I have to get off of here and make Philly steak and cheese for dinner, and take the baby out again for Gods sake !!! ( He really is cute ) I love you very much, I never thought I would ever say this about any daughter-in-laws, but I MISS YOUR FACE !!!! Much love, Misty
Hey M0m,
Hows it going. it is really good here so far. Spike is the most cutest thing ever. He loves walking round. at least i think so....last night the middle school lost by two points and we are now 3-1. bummer. anyways me and paige are going to start working on oour costums for halloween this weekend. it should be a lot of funn!!! also me and paigge "might" go to the bowling alley this saturday but we are not sure?!?
its been so hard for me to cheer lately....but last night we were really good at our gamme. Super Duper Good at our game. anyways i wiilll hopefullly see you sometime soon
and take care for now!!!!
Love Paigey
Hi Sandi, I'm glad to hear you're peeing your brains out....lmao Glad you're losing all the extra water and hope it makes you more comfortable in those crappy beds!! Spike it too cute, been a long time since I've seen an all black boxer and I see plenty of dogs everyday!! We have a breeder that has 12 Sharpei puppies right now only a few weeks old I can't wait till they get bigger and they bring them back in for shots. They're so cute when they're little and not so cute when they grow up!! I feel fortunate to be able to love up & play with all the different puppies and then send them on their Well, take care and we'll talk soon, Love you much!
Dear Sandi,
Yeah, just like old we have to make new times.....I was crackin' up to myself thinking if Zack and Chloe got married what kind of outrageousness that would be!
Couldn't wait to get to work to tell everyone how you were and how our visit went. So next week, maybe we'll have more for the visit, but maybe I won't stay so long, or maybe I'll stay all night, who knows! Oh, and I hate your guts about that cutest little puppy! If I didn't think Linda would quit I'd get one but she just rolls her eyes when I talk about it, bout the same way she does when I talk about getting pregnant again soon! So the shirts, those were approved and go in Friday morning and should come out Monday night, so; either Marc or I can bring them down. .Yeah! Go Team! on that one:) After our way good talks last night I just felt better about this mess. So, I'll be talking to you this week/end and plan on seeing you Wednesday. So, if you need anything brought down or you need me to swing by the house for clean laundry or if Marc wants to bring it to me at work, we'll figure it out! Everyone that I talk to at work is pulling for you and PRAYING for you and sends their hugs and kisses. If this thing posts I might be the one to pee my pants:)!!! Maybe that's what we can do on Wednesday nights.....hold computer training skills classes for those of us that have been cavebound:)So, love your guts and will see you soon.
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