Welcome to my Blog!

This was originally intended for those who have AML & stumbled across my blog in their search for information or survivors. I also used this to keep in touch with the real world, my support system was vital in my recovery and I also used it to sustain some form of sanity. I am a realist, and I have learned this has been and always will be a fight for my life. The initial leukemia battle is still here in the archives for all my fellow AML Warriors. There is so much information and no one wants to tell you. If you are just starting your treatment you may not even think to ask questions just because you are so sick. Please checkout my archives but start back in September 2008 and work your way towards today. There is a lot to read and a ton of type-o's, but it is all there the good the bad and the ugly. I challenged the Doc's, I always asked questions and pushed them for answers even if I did not like them. The Docs are not used to that so if you can, I encourage you to challenge them. They need to remember that although you are very sick you are not dead! My Blog content has morphed over the years. It's all about my life experiences, definitely my opinions and the lifelong impacts of the disease that pop up from time to time. I am a Gen Xer & I have a lot to say about everything. Rarely do I hold back or turn on a sensitivity sensor. I post regularly on Facebook nowadays just because it is faster. I welcome your comments, questions or feedback.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 14 & 15, 2008

I spoke with the James on the 14th & they are comfortable with my lab reports from Thursday, they said unless I have some complications over the weekend or get sick they believe I can hold out for the infusion until Monday.

Zack had a really bad day at school, the principal called me around 11:00am & I heard Zack crying in the background. He bit another kid at school! I could not believe it. A boy kicked him & he got mad , luckily he did not hurt him or break the skin but still I could not believe he did that. I was going to go up & get him but the principal said not to that he was taking care of it. Later in the afternoon he ended up in the school nurses office with an upset tummy, when he got home he had diarrhea & the he threw up. He did not have a temperature & after he got sick he was acting fine. I let him have some jello, I figured that would be light on his stomach, but nope he threw up cherry jello all over the dining room floor. After that he was fine again, no temperature but I heard him crying about 11:00pm & I tried to get him out of bed but he was so heavy & wrapped up in his blankets by the time I was able to get him lifted up he threw up over my shoulder & all over the rug by his bed. I felt so bad for him. After I changed his clothes he fell asleep for the rest of the night.

I heard that there is a 24 hour stomach virus going around & it sounds like he may have it. He woke up this morning feeling good so far & has not thrown up so I take that as a good sign.

Brandon went for his body fat test this morning he weighed in at 156lbs & we are waiting for the calibration results. He should be able to wrestle 145 to 160 weight classes.

I took 2 Oxycodones about 2:00am I was having a lot of bone/joint pain & my chest pain actually woke me up. I have only had to take them twice since I have been home so considering I am doing pretty good with pain tolerance.

With Zack being sick I have been washing my hands really good & more than normal just to be safe. Other than the usual I feel like I am a little outside of myself today, everything feels like it is on a 5 second delay.

OSU plays at noon today so I plan to mask up & go watch it for a little bit if Zack is feeling better. If not Marc & all the other kids will go out to the clubhouse without us. I want to send a special thank you out to Micheal & Sonja for donating blood in my honor on Friday, Sonja donated blood for the first time in her life which is fabulous!


Amber J said...

I love you so much! And I couldn't think of a better reason for my first time to donate than be it for you! I donated plasma for 2 years, donating blood was SO much faster! 8 weeks and I can do it again! By then I should have talked a couple more girlfriends into doing it too! Love ya <3

Unknown said...

hi honey, i hope zack is still feeling ok. did you get to see the game? our direct tv went out right after pre game info,so steve went to the computer and watch tv our cable co. went down too. the winds were high and blowing snow so, we found our am radio and listened till steve went to work. i called my brother and told him it reminded me of when i was little and we listened to the games and i watched him for entertainment.kids today have no idea what those days were like! lol wash your hands good and spray lysol so you don't pick up those germs right now.try to rest some tomorrow. i love you.love,aunt bonnie.

Aunt Lynn said...

Hi Sandi, I hope Zack is doing better today. What fun to clean up puke. I hope Zack didn't get into too much trouble over getting kicked, that boys probably lucky he only bite him! I'm sure he could do some damage if he realized his own strength! I am so proud of my family members out donating blood in your name. I hope your joint pain is easing up on you, what a drag to get woke up wit it, I know about that!!Take care & wishing you a better day. I Love You, Aunt Lynn

Unknown said...

hi honey, i hope you had a good sunday. i hope you did not pick up any germs from your puck detail the other night.hopefully all your counts will start leveling out tomorrow.will you need platelets on monday? i believe steve's day to donate in your name is tuesday.i want to go also. please take care of yourself and take your meds right . we love you.love,aunt bonnie

Sentimental Journey

2010 Family Pics

Moments in Time


Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body but, rather, to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "WOoHOo! What a ride!!"
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wiser.
If you are never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
Ask yourself: "What have I missed out on simply because I was too afraid of what others would think?"
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Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
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I'd rather have 30 seconds of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
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And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years.
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They call me Rooster

They call me Rooster
& Leukemia did not snuff this one!