I got my wig Thursday afternoon, it looks a little B52ish to me but that is ok. I got it trimmed up on Friday afternoon so it is not quite a boofy.

I have not been doing to much except for trying to mentally prepare myself for this next round of Chemo. I am not looking forward to going back in the hospital but I know it is necessary. Monday is approaching way to quickly, it is hard to believe that I am missing my third drill weekend I am so ready to go back. I got a certified letter from the base requesting additional information about my medical condition. I called down & spoke with the Medical Squadron because I did not understand it all. After talking with my Dr.s it sounds like as long as this round of Chemo goes as well as the first they will release me to go back with some restrictions.They need the paperwork within the next 60 days. The Flight Surgeon will go over it & it is possible this may put me back for drill shortly after the first of the year. That would make me very happy!
We got out first bill from OSU today. Wow $222,327.90 I have never seen one so big before. This is what they have billed my insurance they made sure to include an important notice that I will responsible for co-payments, co-insurance, deductibles & non-covered services. They also included a note at the bottom in small print that stated I will get a separate bill from the other professional services such as the physicians, radiologists etc. The bill we got from Mount Carmel West was for $21,713.55. Insurance paid $14,776.26 of that bill so it will be interesting to see how much of the OSU bill they pay. I am sure this is all a drop in the bucket to what it will be by the time it is all said & done.
I want to make sure everyone that is donating to help us out understands how much we appreciate what you have done. We have never been a family in need before, we have always lived a somewhat comfortable lifestyle, never lavish but we have not struggled too much in the past few years. The cancer treatment is definitely putting a strain on us financially but we will get through it in time. No matter what the cost it does not matter, because it is my life even if it takes the rest of it to pay for it, it will be worth it. I have said it is hard for me to ask for help & I mean that, so it is with the utmost gratitude when I say thank you for your generosity to those of you who have contributed in our time of need.
Halloween was a a real treat this year. The kids had a great time. Paige & Zack were the only ones to actually Trick or Treat this year we cut them off when they hit high school. Katie was not to happy about that but she'll be fine, she still gets to reap the benefits of all their candy, it all goes in one big bowl on the table.Our Paige & Kim & Donnie's Paige dressed up as Thing 1 & Thing 2 from Cat in the Hat & Zack was Captain Jack Sparrow.

Thursday was the London Trick or Treat Brandon & Katie got to pass out the candy & Zack liked the Haunted Carnival & the Haunted Garage the most.

Friday we went to Kim's moms in Grove City, she is currently going through Chemo as well, her breast cancer came back. She has a really neat Halloween set up so we were really excited to go there plus all of the houses are closer together. Zack's chunky butt was too through after an hour. He did not want to carry his bag or go to anymore of the houses. So we went back to the house. When we got there, there was a big crowd because Donnie & Marc were messing with the trick or treaters through a life size witch & a remote microphone. It was really neat most of the kids could not tell it was not real, a few of the older ones caught on though. Afterwards we stayed & played wii. The guys were all out of breath from the boxing. I think Marc was feeling his age, this morning he was all sore from it.

It was so nice outside today, I was sweating at one point with my sweatshirt. Marcus washed my bike for me & I rode my bike a little bit. AJ from Cincinnati came up for a visit so we rode out to the clubhouse & had Marcus cook for us. It was a nice break in the middle of the day.

I was finally able to update our halloween pictures from the Missing Link Party, they are under this post. Starting Monday we go back to daily updates so stay tuned for the next episode...
it was nice to hear how things have been going. i hope the rash goes away quickly.the kids sound like they made a haul from halloween. i will pray for monday to be a positive day for you.it sounds like the military may be co-operative if this treatment goes well. i know that is good news for you.i love you bunches talk to you soon,love aunt bonnie
Hi Sandi,
I hope the rash is nothing serious & the wig looks great, I think. I don't think it looks poofy or boofy. Wow, I couldn't imagine getting bills like that but like you said it's your life at stake and there's no dollar amount that would cover that. So, don't let those bills get you down, it is what it is & you'll do what you can. You just focus on getting through this next round. I love you & I look forward to those daily updates.
your wig looks great.love the pictures. i will be thinking about you today .you are in our prayers.love, aunt bonnie
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