Welcome to my Blog!

This was originally intended for those who have AML & stumbled across my blog in their search for information or survivors. I also used this to keep in touch with the real world, my support system was vital in my recovery and I also used it to sustain some form of sanity. I am a realist, and I have learned this has been and always will be a fight for my life. The initial leukemia battle is still here in the archives for all my fellow AML Warriors. There is so much information and no one wants to tell you. If you are just starting your treatment you may not even think to ask questions just because you are so sick. Please checkout my archives but start back in September 2008 and work your way towards today. There is a lot to read and a ton of type-o's, but it is all there the good the bad and the ugly. I challenged the Doc's, I always asked questions and pushed them for answers even if I did not like them. The Docs are not used to that so if you can, I encourage you to challenge them. They need to remember that although you are very sick you are not dead! My Blog content has morphed over the years. It's all about my life experiences, definitely my opinions and the lifelong impacts of the disease that pop up from time to time. I am a Gen Xer & I have a lot to say about everything. Rarely do I hold back or turn on a sensitivity sensor. I post regularly on Facebook nowadays just because it is faster. I welcome your comments, questions or feedback.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

November 9, 2008

I did get out of the hospital on the 8th although it was not until the game was almost over. They were about 45 minutes late starting my Chemo. Then they were about another 30 minutes late taking the line down. Once I was all done with Chemo they still did not have my discharge paperwork done with all my prescriptions so we had to wait about another hour for that. We finally made it down to Walgreen's to put my prescriptions in to get filled, & they had only called in 2 of them so we had to wait about another forty minutes. Whew it was just frustrating I think for both Marcus & I but it happens.

Marc took me out to the clubhouse & Tammy made me a big greasy cheeseburger & some cheese sticks. Wetback (Mike) was up from east cost so it was a pleasant surprise to see him & there were a lot of other club members out there as well. They had the wood burning stove going & I started getting real tired & my eyes were burning pretty good so I had Marc take me home.

Brandon went to Plain City to watch a play off game with Coach Gibson & some of the other High School Football players, so he did not get home until later. Zack, Katie & Paige were all watching TV. After a round of much needed hugs & kisses I started going through all my meds, setting them up so I will not confuse when to take them. I was sent home with 12 prescriptions, I have to mail in to get 4 of them. Marcus said I should do my shots at 6pm instead of the morning that way he can help me if I need it so I don't start my shots until later tonight.

For some reason I did not sleep well last night I was up almost every hour on the hour. Then Spike wanted to go out at 4am so I took him out since I was the only one up. He is really all legs now, looks kinds funny but he didn't forget me while I was out last week, he has been under my feet most of the day when the kids are not holding him.

Today I washed all my clothes from the hospital & re-packed them to make life a little easier when I have to go back in, so the bag is packed & ready to go. Marcus is straitening up the Garage with Brandon, Katie & Paige are playing video games. Zack & I have been writing short sentence stories on a note pad to each other, he is learning to read sentences pretty good, He woke up at 6:45am & has not stopped running since, I think he missed me the most.

It's 1:45pm & I have managed to go though my closet upstairs & clean out a bunch of junk & organize things a little better. Marcus even went through his clothes that don't fit after a years worth of nagging. I have not had my shower yet but I think I am going to head there now & then I for see a nap in the very near future.

It feels good to be home!


Aunt Lynn said...

Hi Babe, I'm glad you finally made it home and I know how frustrating it can be waiting on others to do their jobs!!! I know it's not required but I need to thank Marcus for being so good to you, not everyone gets lucky and finds such a good man!! He does what he does for you because he loves you and I'm thankful for that!! The snow is still on the ground here but we didn't get any extra like they thought we would....wheeew!!! I knew Spike wouldn't forget you, dogs are very smart, well most of them. You know what they call a smart blonde don't you? A Golden Retriever....lmao My Vet I work with is blonde and I told her that one and she said..."it's Dr Blonde to you." And she's not even a natural blonde, it was funny. Well, it sounds like you & Marc need to come to my house when you get done organizing yours...lol Well, don't do too much save your strength for the fight ahead and listen to Marcus, I think it's a great idea for him to be there when you need to have the injections. Take care, I love you!!
Aunt Lynn

Unknown said...

hi sweetie, i am glad you got home. it sounds like they could phone those prescriptions in while people are being discharged so patients that dont feel really great would not have to wait around so long.i bet zach and the dog both want your time since you are home.spike will grow into those legs,but they sure look funny while they are getting there. being that giving yourself shots was not what you were looking forward to, it probably be a good idea for marcus to be there.i hope you can get some sleep tonight.keep track of those meds and do what the drs tell you to .we love you.love,aunt bonnie

Pixie said...

I am sorry I have not posted for a long time, my puter has been giving me fits! Happy to hear you are home. Miss ya! Let Gobbler &family know we say hey. Hope to see ya soon!
Luv ya Sis! Oatmeal & Pixie

Anonymous said...

OK....Aunt LYnn and Aunt Bonnie....the girl is up before 5AM...washing...cleaning....running around like a chicken with HER cut off ( I'm sure you guys know what I am talking about. Please use your influence and TELL her to SLOW down.......at least, a little bit !!!! Thanks, Her mother in law...ha

Unknown said...

hi honey,have you been busy today?take a breath and slow down.i know you will never take it easy,but slow down a little.i hope your shots are going as good as they can. uncle steve is scheduled to give blood again on the 18th and i think i will go then too.have a good night .love you.love aunt bonnie

Sentimental Journey

2010 Family Pics

Moments in Time


Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body but, rather, to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "WOoHOo! What a ride!!"
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wiser.
If you are never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
Ask yourself: "What have I missed out on simply because I was too afraid of what others would think?"
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Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
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I'd rather have 30 seconds of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
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And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years.
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They call me Rooster

They call me Rooster
& Leukemia did not snuff this one!