It is 4:30pm & I have been at the James since about 9:30am. I am in room 1063B South. The room phone number is (614)293-5187. They are not starting my Chemo until around 8pm tonight. I am anxious to get this round over with. I don't know why they brought me in so early this morning just to have me wait so long.
They took a ton of blood for all of my lab draws but my PICC was not cooperating. They are going to do an A&C on it to "Rotorooter" it out. My blood was clotting faster then they could draw it from the line, it was real stringy & gross looking.
They went ahead & started me on an IV to load up on the fluids to cushion my kidneys for the high dose Citerbine. My Dr. is the floor doc all this week so I do not have to deal with the Dr. that I did not get along with to well the last half of my admission the first go round. My Dr. has a very good bedside manner, actually listens to me & answers all my questions.
The Researcher for my Clinical Trials was excited to see me doing so well. She did reiterate that I need to be very careful though because she has had some bad luck with infections lately with her good patients.She almost lost one of them, so Marcus snitched on me about mowing the grass yesterday & she got on my butt about it.
I was going to try & smuggle Spike in with me but Marc said no, I had him laying in bed with me this morning, he is not going to know how to act this week with me not there to hold him.
I forgot my camera cord at the house so I will have to wait until Marcus brings it in to me tomorrow to post pictures from today.
Sandi, you better listen to what the researcher about being careful, I'm sure she knows what she's talking about & much better safe than sorry, yeah? Try to relax and maybe the time will pass quicker than you think. I'll be there in spirit with you everyday. Spike will be lost for a day or two while he adjusts but he'll be too happy to see you when you get back home. So, listen to what they are telling you about precautions so you can get back there as soon as possible. I love you, Aunt Lynn
hi sweetie, i am glad you have the dr. on duty that you like,that will make the hospital stay a little more bearable, maybe.i hope the treatment goes well. this is one time you really need to listen to the researcher, she has your best interest at heart.please be carful and take precautions.there is nothing we want to happen to jeopardize your recovery.you mean the world to a lot of people.as my dad would ,say keep your pretty chin up.your are in my thoughts and prayers.i love you. love,aunt bonnie
Hi Babe.... you know it's a funny thing about DOGS...they bounce from owner to owner and if that owner is good to them they are just great......Spike has been fine today and he will continue to be fine until you get back.....kids on the other hand are a diffenent matter.....enough said !!!I got a flue shot today...yuck!!! I promised Zack that I would take him to the park tomorrow after school so he is in a good mood...thank you God....Marcus was drilling holes through Buckeyes all night.....I'm sure you know why, I don't really!!! Zackery came home and wanted a snack...get this....a pizza, saltines, vanilla pudding that I made today and a glass of milk...I asked him if he ate his lunch and he replied that, "yes I did but that was a long, long time ago"...out of the mouth of babes!!!
Got to go.....have a good night...lots of love, Misty.....the sleeping pill is finally working !!! Thank God for that one....
Please do take it a little easy. I know you are strong in mind,but some times our bodies aren't as strong as our minds....you are doing well and keep the spirit so you kick this by the end of the year. You are missed in the Planners world of Public Health.
Morning Sandi,
Hope everything went well last night & that you don't feel too rough this morning. I just wanted you to know you're always in my thoughts and prayers, Hope you have a good day, I love you.
Aunt Lynn
Hi Sandy: The people at the James are good people. I know it isn't where you want to be today, but when you look back on this time in your life, you will be so grateful for them. I know that I am.
Hi Lynn.
My wish for you today is a good belly laugh cause you have such a pretty smile.
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