After 5 Days of intense HiDac Chemo, I am happy to report that tomorrow the 6th dose of Citerabine goes in at 8:00am & by 11:01am I should be walking out of the James & back home to the family! Hopefully in time to catch the OSU game -Go Bucks! I am very pleased to report that other than the bad bout of nausea & vomiting on day 2 my stay for the most part has been without incident, so far I take this a a good sign.
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
3 Nov-----62-----6.4-------4100--------11.7--------187--------- N/A
4 Nov-----63-----7.1-------5800--------11.1---------173--------- N/A
5 Nov-----64-----4.6-------4400-------11.6--------168----------N/A
6 Nov-----65-----4.9-------4600-------10.7--------144----------N/A
7 Nov-----66-----5.9-------5400--------9.3--------128----------N/A
My counts are still doing alright but should start dropping by the end of this week. It sounds like I am going to end up on about 7 different perscriptions for the home recovery phase.
Marcus was able to come up & spend the day with me today, It was good to be alone with him but the weather was crap outside so we could not go out. We pretty much stayed up in the room, I think we both even took a nap at one point.
He looks real good with his new haircut & he finally trimmed down the lamb chops on his jaw a week or so ago, he is looking like the old Marcus. He shaved his head initially for me when I started the Chemo, but I asked him not to do it any more, I like him much better looking like this!
For some reason this morning they gave me my Dexamethasone injection at 8:00am & screwed up my premed sequence a bit so I had a good bit of nausea tonight with the Chemo since I only got the Zofran. Luckily I have not thrown up so far I seem to be tolerating the nausea fairly well. I must say my night sweats, cold chills & now hot flashes are getting a little more intense then what they were. I think I can honestly relate to how menopausal women feel, now I think.
I wanted to let you all know that the news clip from the Air Force Times article I put in yesterdays post was informational. Unfortunately there is no way to pin point exactly what causes Leukemia, only risk factors. The military is not covering any of my medical care because I am a Reservist & the cause of my diagnosis has not been proven & more than likely will not be. I personally think it is possible that 10 years of jet fume exposure may have contributed some but I am sure my 15 years of smoking off & on didn't help either. Who knows, it is what it is, for the record I did quit smoking...
FYI: November is National Marrow Awareness Month. Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc., has provided an unrestricted grant to cover the cost of tissue-typing tests for potential donors who join online.
This is your chance to join for FREE. What are you waiting for? Join online for free while funding remains. It's easy to join: Confirm you meet basic donor guidelines.
Complete the online registration form. This step will take about 30 minutes. To join for free, you must complete your online registration before November 30 or while funding remains.
Use the kit mailed to you to get a swab of cheek cells. These will be used to test for your tissue type. NOTE: When filling out the application, it will ask you for a credit card number and it will still mention the $52 fee normally charged. Ignore the $52 fee and don't enter any credit card information. On the final page it will show a $52 fee and a $52coupon making your total $0.
I got a new roommate late tonight, she came in around 11pm straight from surgery so my sleep has been real broken ever since, they have been in & out of the room a lot to work on her. She does not have cancer but they took out part of her Pancreas & Spleen so she does not get the Cancer from what I understood from her. Somedays I really feel lucky, what I am going through is not near as tough as some of these other people.
Well that's it for now, I am going to try to get a little shut eye before my last does goes in in a few hours. I will try to post tomorrow or Sunday depending how the day goes.
Hi Sandi, hope all goes well so you can go home this afternoon. Debe wanted me to let you know that the director, where she works, has agreed to a blood donor drive in your name and it is going to include both agencies. She was really happy that they agreed to do it for you. Just make sure you & the famiky take all the precautions they tell you to while at home. I love you & we'll talk soon.
Aunt Lynn
hi sweetheart, i hope you were able to get some more sleep this morning. and that you are home in time for the game.i wish the military would pay for some of the med bills.i seem to remember you being gone for long periods of time on duty and that to me seems like full time dedication,not a reservist. i am sure by there definition i am wrong!in reality none of that makes any difference,the bills will get paid or forgiven and the only thing that truly matters is that you get well.please obey everything they tell you to do.we love you .tell everyone hi and tell marcus i love him very much for being your rock.love, aunt bonnie
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