We have some cold & rainy weather this morning. The sidewalk outside our backdoor was pure ice. I let Spike out ahead of me & he went sliding across it. It was so funny & a great heads up or that would have been me I'm sure.
After a mad dash to get Zack out the door this morning I dropped the kids off at school & went to the hospital for my lab draws.
My labs results were...
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
10 Nov------69-----8.8-------8200-------9.3---------74----------N/A
13 Nov------72-----0.5----------0---------9.2---------22----------N/A
17 Nov------76-----0.7----------0---------7.9---------03-------1 Unit P
19 Nov------78----26.9------14,000------8.3---------11---------1 Unit P
21 Nov------80-----12-------9,300------7.9---------55---------1 Unit B
24 Nov------83----5.1-------2,200-----10.1--------179------------N/A
No infusions needed today Woohoo, looks like my Platlets are recovering on their own now & my hemoglobin is holding from the infusion. My neutraphils & WBC counts are dropping quite a bit but they are not below 1,000 so they are still good so keep your fingers crossed.
Friday night we found out Alan's mother died. You may have seen him from earlier Blogs in some of my pictures from the hospital, he is in our Missing Link Chapter & a very dear friend. The funeral is today up in Parma, Ohio I think is a suburb of Cleveland. It is too far for me to drive myself, Donnie & Bennie had to finish a job they are working on & Marc offered to take me up, but I sent him to work. He needs to save what little time he has, if any for when I really need him. So for all you prayer warriors out there, when you praying for me & the family please add Alan in your prayers as well.
I need to send a special thank you out to the 445th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, my Unit at Wright Patterson AFB. Saturday SMSgt Fowle called while we were at the game, he was on his way to drop off Thanksgiving basket for us from the Unit. Luckily Misty & the kids were at the house to receive it, unfortunately Marc & I could not get back to the house in time to meet him. It was very nice, Misty raved about how sweet (& tall) SMSgt Fowle was. So thank you to everyone down there at the Unit, we really appreciate all you have done for us. As long as my counts continue to cooperate I plan to try to make it down to the base this week.
It is hard to believe it has been 3 months since I have been down to the base. I sent my certified packet back to the medical squadron at the base along with a supporting letter from my Dr. with information about my diagnosis, prognosis, progress notes, current status & working restrictions. I also sent in a letter as well requesting to see a military physician to clear my P4. So we will see what happens.
We had a really good time at the OSU vs Michigan Party. I have the pictures under this post, they are also on the Missing Link Website, I updated that this morning. The game was such a blow out I did not even pay too much attention to the 4th quarter. There was so much food it was unreal. There was hot wings, mild wings, smoked chicken, cabbage rolls, cheesy potatoes, sloppy joes, chili, chips, tons of dips & desserts. It was a ton of fun. I think both Marc & I need that for a change.
Sunday was a complete down day for everyone in the house. We all lounged around & ate leftovers. Marc got me up & out to Walmart long enough to get a new heater for the upstairs. There are no registers from the furnace for the upstairs so it can get pretty chilly up there. I am really hating the cold, I just can't tolerate it at all any more with my anemia.
As luck would have it my Dr. does not have me back in the hospital until December 1 to start the next round of Chemo, this way I get to be home for Thanksgiving, Christmas & the New Year. I can't say that I am excited to go back in the hospital but I am excited to be home for the holidays!
Hi Sandi, Glad to read all counts are holding. Looks like it was a great time at the party too. My deepest heartfelt sympathy goes out to Alan & his family, I'll remember them in my prayers also. I knew Ohio would win...my inlaws like to give me a hard time when they loose but they can't do that very often & I just tell them you can't be perfect all the time. I'm so happy that you are surrounded by so many people that care about you, how nice that they are making sure your holidays are good. Glad things are going well and my fingers, toes, arm, legs & eyes are crossed for you, I love you!!!!
Aunt Lynn
hi honey,i am glad spike was the first one out the door so, i guess he is kind of your protector. your numbers look good and it sounds like you had a good weekend.it was very nice of the base to remember your family for the holidays.take it easy and enjoy the holidays. i hope your hospital stay this month is a short one also.it so good that you can be home and still fight this.being home improves your recovery time i am sure.be safe we love you very much.love, aunt bonnie
Great to hear your bloodwork is looking good and that you are replenishing some on your own. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and pray that your progress continues. You certainly are an inspiration.
Sandi, we would like to do something special for you and your family for Christmas. Can you please get in touch with me.
Damn I dont know what to say but we love you and we are thinking and praying for you. Tell Marc he needs to trim that squirrel off his face:) We will be following your blog every day. Oh by the way, that is one sexy biker chick setting on that Harley:) We love you. Rustin & Lynn
Hi Sandi!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. My husband is doing the Vineman Ironman and raising $$$ for leukemia. He has been part of team in training for years! Many many blessings to you! Have a wonderful holiday :)
This is my 1st visit to your blog. I see you are Buckeye fans.
My oldest daughter graduated from OSU. The only time we were in the stadium was at her graduation. A game there must be great.
I hope the victory over Michigan raised your spirits. We enjoyed it tremendously.
hi honey, i hope you all have a great thanksgiving.enjoy all the good food and have a fun time together. we love you guys bunches.love, aunt bonnie
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