I received another card with a very generous donation from my colleagues in the Bureau of Public Health Preparedness - ODH. They have our heartfelt thanks. I am so encouraged by the support that keeps coming in. I know many people cannot send in donations & that is ok, you have no idea just how important the phone calls, e-mails, letters, visits... keep me motivated. I am very lucky to have so many people out there that love & care about me. It encourages me to fight that much more even on the toughest of days.
We all watched the Jeff Dunham Christmas special last night on TV it was pretty funny. If you have never seen him you should check it out. He is a ventriloquist

I was really surprised this morning when I woke up & saw snow covering everything! We had flurries Saturday but nothing stuck. Spike got his first experience in it. He was prancing around all over the place. He was so excited he wouldn't go to the bathroom for a while because he wanted to play so much.

After we got Zack on the bus I loaded Brandon & Katie up & dropped them off at school on my way to Madison County Hospital for my lab draws.

Sue, my RN was ready for me when I got there, it’s a pretty nice chemo lab they have here. We talked about the side effects I have been having. She drew my blood from the purple port & my red port on the PICC would not flush, so a little heparin in & it was cleared. I was in & out in less than 20 minutes.

When I got back from the hospital I took a short rest on the couch with spike & then went up to take a shower. I knew my counts were low, but I did not realize how low until I saw...

I know the pictures are gross, but this is the reality. I have pinhead bleeds & brusies all over my body. I had to take some nausea medicine because the blood keeps pooling in my mouth & it was making me feel real nasty. Hopefully when I get juiced up this afternoon it will be enough to clot them off.
Sue just called me with my labs
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
8 Nov------67-----6.4-------6000--------9.0--------109----------N/A
10 Nov------69-----8.8-------8200-------9.3---------74----------N/A
13 Nov------72-----0.5----------0-------9.2---------22----------N/A
17 Nov------76-----0.7----------0-------7.9---------03----------pending
We are waiting for the James to call me & see what they want to do, no matter what I have to get an infusion of platelets, possibly 2 if the first one does not bump me up enough.
In the mean time I am just waiting & playing with Spike. More to come tomorrow.

Hi Sandi,
I hope they get some blood, plasma, platelettes....something in you to help you out. The pictures of your teeth look like they are going to fall ot? Or is that just a spot your body is losing blood? I enjoyed the time we spent on the phone so much saturday, I just wish I could be there with you. You are so strong of a person Sandi, I can only hope that I could have a portion of the strength that you have, in any situation in life I may need to face! Stay strong and we'll all help you beat this thing. I love & miss you.
Aunt Lynn
Hi Sandi,
I hope you enjoyed your time watching Spike run in the snow today. I was pretty jazzed to see the snow when I woke up today. I don't know why, but I was. You are in our prayers and thoughts. I've been sharing your illness and blog site with others, so rest assured there's a lot of prayer with your name attached to it. Too bad the Lord doesn't work on our time line though ... or we'd have everything RIGHT NOW! We'll be thinking of you and praying for you until you beat this thing.
hi honey,your gums look sore,i hope it is not as painful as it looks.i am glad they got your picc lines flushed and working.maybe you will get the platelets you need tomorrow.the snow is pretty,but i am not ready for it yet.i wish i still enjoyed it like spike does.i enjoy seeing the pictures of the family.the kids look like they were enjoying their weekend.honey you are one tough cookie and we all love you so much.i hope your tunnel vision is getting better.you drove the kids to school soooo i am assuming that the vision is better. right? i hope you have a good night. i love you bunches. love ,aunt bonnie
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