7 Nov------66-----5.9-------5400--------9.3--------128----------N/A
8 Nov------67-----6.4-------6000--------9.0--------109----------N/A
10 Nov------69-----8.8-------8200-------9.3---------74----------N/A
13 Nov------72-----0.5----------0-------9.2---------22----------N/A
I went to the Madison County Hospital Chemo Lab for my blood work & PICC care. Sue my RN, is going out of town to Michigan for the weekend so I may need to go to the James if I end up needing anything. They called me 5 times yesterday to check on me & to stress how careful I need to be. My labs dropped drastically, I was hoping the neupogen shots would work their magic & provide a little immunity, as you can see above with my ANC (Absolute Neutraphil Count) I literally have no immune system defenses. I never dropped this low, even when I was in the hospital for a month. I will find out where I am going tomorrow for Platelets. I suspect at the rate I am dropping I will have 0 Platelets by tomorrow.
Marc & I had parent teacher conferences with Zack's teacher, I masked up & off we went. He is doing real well academically but struggles with the listening, talking to much & taking his time. He always tries to rush through everything & be the first to get it done. I wonder where he gets that from...
Physically, my eyes are still messed up & I I think they are starting to over compensate for the blurriness a little. I notice that I am constantly fatigued to the point of being lethargic, but I am not sleepy. I have really cut back on doing anything so I know that I am not pushing my body to this point but it is just there. If that is not enough my meds have really been making me on edge/irritable, more so than what I have been, last night & tonight it has been real bad it comes & goes just like the sweats, cold chills & the hot flashes. I cannot wait for my counts to recover so I can get off of them. Everyone is walking on eggshells around me & I feel like I have no control over anything. This is probably the most difficult because those of you who know me, know how much of a control freak I am. It just really sucks. I guess I am in the thick of the battle right now, some days I swear it is trying to break me but at the same time it makes me want to beat it that much more. I just want things to be normal again...

Hi Sandi, I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. But, honestly....it sounds like me!! And, mine is all hormonal so I'm wondering if it is wiping out all your hoemones as well as everything else. God help them all who mess with a hormonal female!!! You will get through this Sandi, just keep your defenses up with no immune sysytem now. Hoping you have better days ahead since you've wipped out the immune system it should start on it's way back up now....Take care babe, I love you!!
Aunt Lynn
hi sweetie, what a drop in your numbers.if you need platelets maybe they will keep you a couple days to get your meds ,eyes, and tiredness all looked after.i am so sorry everything seems so messed up right now. i love you. you are a tough lady you can beat this thing.better days are ahead.love, aunt bonnie
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