Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
3 Nov-----62-----6.4-------4100--------11.7--------187--------- N/A
4 Nov-----63-----7.1-------5800--------11.1---------173--------- N/A
5 Nov-----64-----4.6-------4400-------11.6--------168----------N/A
6 Nov-----65-----4.9-------4600-------10.7--------144----------N/A

Paula Parker came to see me today, I have talked about her visits in my blogs I finally remembered to get a picture today
My favorite Nurse Practitioner is back, Carlie Greenfield, she has been an outstanding resource for me & really has been above & beyond to ensure I am involved & at ease with my treatment.
Master Sergeant Drake came to visit me this evening & brought me lots of information, the 2008 Federal Benefits for Veterans & Dependents booklet along with points of contacts in the Cinci Offices, he also brought me an Air Force Times article from November 3, 2008 that talks about a memo that the Air Force Lt. Col James Elliot former Chief of Aeromedical Services for the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, was deployed to Balad at the time & co-signed a memo dated December 20, 2006 that Air Force Lt Col Darrin Curtis, former Bio environmental Flight Commander Balad wrote. It states that from the burn pits that were operating without restrictions in Balad troops may have been exposed to many highly poisonous contaminates such as aircraft fuel known to cause leukemia... It is a very interesting article.
There was also an interesting article in today's NY Times: " The woman at Washington University had acute myelogenous leukemia, a fast-growing cancer that affects about 13,000 people a year in the United States and kills 8,800. Its cause is not well understood. Like most cancers, it is thought to begin in a single cell, with a mutation that is not present at birth but that occurs later for some unknown reason. Generally, one mutation is not enough to cause cancer; the disease does not develop until other mutations occur.“Most of them are just these random events in the universe that add up to something horrible,” said Dr. Timothy J. Ley, a hematologist at Washington University and the director of the study.
The researchers chose to study this disease because it is severe and the treatment has not improved in decades.
“It’s one of the nastiest forms of leukemia,” Dr. Wilson said. “It’s very aggressive. It affects mostly adults, and there’s really no good treatment for it. A very large fraction of the patients eventually will die from their disease.”
Dr. Ley said, “We wanted to start studying a cancer where it would make a difference to people and their families if we could begin to unravel its genetic roots.”
The most striking part to me is how is describes AML as such a devastating disease for which we don't have very good treatments -- yipes! How lucky I am that the treatments seems to be working for me so far!!!! (Click this for the entire article if your interested.)

Hi Sandi,
WOW, wish I had a wing man!! I'm glad you do and all the other wonderful people in your life, I am truely thankful. And, to be a little straight forward, wonder where you get it, I don't care what you read about AML you can start a new chapter that will make them all sit up and take notice! there is a first for all things. And, some things may never be explained...we do believe in miracles too!! So, since the government has admitted that they may have exposed you to the cause of this are they willing to pay for your treatment & care now? I'm really glad you had a good day and I did speak to my Dr's about Dexamethasone and what we use is a steroid, I'm wondering if it is the same thing, I would think it is and they said they had never heard of it being used in humans. Oh well as long as it's working for you! Hope you have another good day tomorrow, I love you!
Aunt Lynn
hi honey,wow what a lot to take in.i read aunt lynns post and she asked exactly the same question i asked steve,i wonder if the military will pay for your care.i am so glad you have the team you like helping you thru all this right now. your wing man seems to be a big help ,you are so blessed by the many friends and supporters you have.i hope tomorrow is another good day for you.take things easy and please,please do what the drs. tell you to do .we all love you bunches.hugs and kisses.love, aunt bonnie
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