Welcome to my Blog!

This was originally intended for those who have AML & stumbled across my blog in their search for information or survivors. I also used this to keep in touch with the real world, my support system was vital in my recovery and I also used it to sustain some form of sanity. I am a realist, and I have learned this has been and always will be a fight for my life. The initial leukemia battle is still here in the archives for all my fellow AML Warriors. There is so much information and no one wants to tell you. If you are just starting your treatment you may not even think to ask questions just because you are so sick. Please checkout my archives but start back in September 2008 and work your way towards today. There is a lot to read and a ton of type-o's, but it is all there the good the bad and the ugly. I challenged the Doc's, I always asked questions and pushed them for answers even if I did not like them. The Docs are not used to that so if you can, I encourage you to challenge them. They need to remember that although you are very sick you are not dead! My Blog content has morphed over the years. It's all about my life experiences, definitely my opinions and the lifelong impacts of the disease that pop up from time to time. I am a Gen Xer & I have a lot to say about everything. Rarely do I hold back or turn on a sensitivity sensor. I post regularly on Facebook nowadays just because it is faster. I welcome your comments, questions or feedback.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 4, 2008

This picture is from yesterday when we got into my room.

This is from the blood draws for abmission

This is when they took my PICC line dressing off to change it.

This is the new bandage afterwards.

This is Marc trying to get comfortable

This is how I feel today. I have been very slow & sluggish. This is not like me to post so late, but I had a tough round last night & this morning. They put me on Decadron eye drops which have steroids in them that are supposed to stop the Chemo from burning my eye balls.
This is the Zofram so I do not get sick...

10 minutes before they started my high dose Citerbine they gave me the Zofram to help with the nasuea but I still threw up rather violentley last night about 3 hours into the Chemo, it was horrible. I am not a graceful puker. The broght in advivan after the fact to stop it, So I thought I would be alright, no such luck a couple hours latter ole pukey came back with a vengence.
I woke up to find I have a roommate, she is from southern ohio down by Portsmouth. She also has AML & has been coughing up blood. Come to find out we were in the James together on both of our last visits. Marcus was also here when I woke up he was sitting there so quietly I did not even notice him at first. I am so glad he is here this round is tougher already.
This is a picture of the nurse bringing in my Chemo last night.

This is my Chemo tree

My poison

This is my Dr. Allison Walker & my morning nurse

They brought me my morning poison which also made me sick as a dog.

They gave me more adivan but it was too late, I was puking,

These are the morning pills they have me on so far.

I have to stay hydrated.


Unknown said...

hi honey, your day and night sounds terrible. i am so glad marcus is with you.he is such a good guy.uncle steve said to tell you he loves you. i wish you did not have to go thru this. i will pray for you to have a peaceful night and that these awful side affects will subside. please hang in there sweetheart.that is so easy to say from this side of the fence. you are so brave and i can not even image what going thru this is like.ilove you.love, aunt bonnie

Aunt Lynn said...

Hi Sandi, I'm sorry it is making you so sick. I know how hard on the body it can be to vomit. I'm glad to hear you have a roomate, it may help the time go by quicker. What a beautiful young lady your doctor is!! I hope they figure something out so you're not getting sick to your stomach so much. I love you Sandi, hang in there, we're all praying for you.
Aunt Lynn

Anonymous said...

Hey, Your pictures show how !ugh! you feel. I hope you were able to finally keep something down last night. Thats one day down, its a new day, fingers crossed it will be better today. I played Wii bowling and I am kicking some butt, once you get home we will play against the guys, show them who's #1. That game is a blast. Donnie made some of Misty soup for dinner, it was great. Hang in there, I will call today and check in on ya, as usual.Let me know if you need anything. I will stop over to the house on my way home and check on everyone for you, Zack will ask me about the Bettlejuice movie for us to watch, I have to get that. I have a movie date you know. (ha-ha)

Anonymous said...

Hi Babe, I am so sorry that you are so sick...but you know what, you have been so lucky for the past few months. You have challenged this crap and won for so so many weeks. You know, I think of your Mom all of the time and my Mother who died when she was 42, you are so lucky to have a medical problem that can be controlled, if not cured at this point in time. You just hang in there, and do everything that the doctors say you must do....that is key to this thing......stop thinking that you can control everything....because you can't Sandi!!!! I love you dearly and I have to say this, GO OBAMA.....Mcuh Love, Misty...oh, I forgot this....i have to go to the VA to get a shot that conteractives the flu shot that i got a couple of days ago.... I have been so sick with this and when I called the Va they told me that I got a flu shot in April....they were giving me so many pills and shots that I didn;t know they gave me a flu then....so I guess I have to much serum in my system.I was so concerned about you that I didn't check my records. So on it goes !!!! We all love you.....Misty

Sentimental Journey

2010 Family Pics

Moments in Time


Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body but, rather, to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "WOoHOo! What a ride!!"
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wiser.
If you are never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
Ask yourself: "What have I missed out on simply because I was too afraid of what others would think?"
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Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
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I'd rather have 30 seconds of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
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And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years.
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They call me Rooster

They call me Rooster
& Leukemia did not snuff this one!