Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
3 Dec------92----5.0------4,400-------9.5--------183------------N/A
4 Dec------93----4.4------3,800-------9.2--------196------------N/A
5 Dec------94----3.5------3,400-------9.3--------170------------N/A
6 Dec------95----3.9----Unknown----9.9--------175------------N/A
8 Dec------97----2.9------2,600------9.8--------106------------N/A
11 Dec-----100---0.3----------0-------9.1----------31--------------N/A
15 Dec-----104---0.4----------0-------7.8-----------2-----------1 Unit Platelets
Well my counts are pretty much as I expected, real low. I am really surprised that the Neupogen shots are not giving me any boost to my ANC counts. I take them to give me some what of an immune system, unfortunately they are not working because I still have virtually no immune system. It is making me a little nervous that I am going so long without without one this time. The last round my systems bounced back really quick, I am having no such luck this time. On the upside my RN at Madison County hospital was amazed that I am up & walking around & functioning so well with my counts so low.
Sue rushed my labs while I was at the hospital & when they came back she ordered me some platelets. I am scheduled to get those around noon today, they have to go to the Red Cross & pick them up. Sue also told me tomorrow I am going to get an infusion of blood first thing. My parameters are if my hemoglobin is below 8 I get a infusion.
I got a phone call last night from my friend MSgt Larue that was deployed for quite awhile, he said they all made it back to the States safely, but they were having a few problems that caused some delays but they had made it to DC when he called me. He is planning to come over to our house Tuesday night if all goes as planned, can't wait to see him. Welcome home guys!
We went to the MLMC Circleville chapters Christmas Party & had a really good time. I won $44 from the 50/50 drawing which was great! They had a huge monkey there that they auctioned off, it was so big it would take a flatbed truck to haul the thing. I am going to try to get pictures from Pixi or Oatmeal for the Missing link Website. I usually take my camera with me everywhere, but here lately I would forget my head if it wasn't attached. We ended up leaving party early, I got tired quick & my bones started aching. I wanted to stay but my body was not up for it.
Sunday we received a wonderful gift of sundry items, staples & a toy for each of the kids from the Organized Labor of Central Ohio. Bill Davies, a very dear friend & fellow motorcycle enthusiast, who also happens to be in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) put our family in for this. They provide this to Union workers that have fallen under hard times as well as the community every year. Marc & I are both in Union, OCSEA but we had no idea that this program even existed. The set up they had at the UAW was unbelievable & very streamlined. The people were all very friendly as well. The whole thing was just amazing. I want to send a huge thank you out Bill Davies (who was right there out front smiling real big when we pulled in) and to everyone that was out there volunteering, to all the unions, companies & organizations that made it possible.
While I am thanking people I want to include Ruth Gerding for her donation & for diligently keeping me in her prayers. I have only known Ruth for a short time in the whole scheme of life but the impact she has had on me has been tremendously motivational & encouraging. I know I have a lot of Prayer warriors out there so I don't want anyone to feel left out, thank you all so much. Keep doing what your doing because it is working!
When we got home Sunday Misty told us that Paige was giving her a pretty hard time & a lot of attitude while we were gone. So we ended up sitting all 3 of the teenagers down & had a talk. About attitudes & helping out. it is nothing we have not told them before, but a refresher was in order. Well see if it gets better, I hope so for everyones sake. Katie said she had a good time at her Grandma Jill's, Zack was his typical self all weekend wired for sound & full of questions (mostly how do you spell this, how do you spell that). He keeps saying he wants 100 things for Christmas. Paige actually sat down with him last weekend & made a list of 100 toys from the adds, I told her she is nuts & I keep having to explain to Zack he is not going to get 100 toys from Santa, he has to give toys to the other kids as well. I tell you what I must admit for as rotten as Zack is he is very smart & he does not forget a thing you tell him. Lets see what about the other kids, Paige went to her dance Friday night & cheered Saturday afternoon, both girls cleaned their room Sunday & even straightened up their clothes in the dressers (I am shocked) Brandon on the other hand moved his piles around to different locations in his room & said his room is "picked up"... The smell of a 16 year old's room during wrestling season... you cannot imagine, I refuse to go in there, I will admit it, I am scared LOL.
So for the next few days I am not planning on doing to much of anything until I get "juiced" back up & my ANC starts coming back up. Aunt Lynn, I hope you are not snowed in to much, Aunt Bonnie good luck with the move. I love all of you,thank you for being there for me & the family we could never do this as well as we are without all of your prayers & support.
Hey girl--I just got this website--my email was shutdown. I will seed you my new address when I get my act together. I hope you are feeling better and my prayers go out to you and your family. I know you have the spunk and attitude to kick this--keep it up!!!!
I leave for Iraq in Jan so I hope to still be able to get to this website to stay intouch. You know everyone here at the 94th is pulling for you and wishing you the very best. You get well and keep the great smile on your face--Karen Knoblock
Hey Sandi,
We're doing fine. We didn't get as much as to the north & west of us did but dang it man it is soooo cold...-12 when I woke up this morning and we're looking for a high of -5 for the day, wind chills down to -40 depending on the gusts of wind!! The sun is even out right now but not warming a thing and more snow for tomorrow....yuk!!! I'm glad to read you're getting some much needed blood products, I hope that helps the rashes & brusing get better. Will that help your joint pain also? And, I'm sure it's just as hard for those teenagers to deal with all of this too. I was wondering if there was a support group for their age that they might be able to talk to other teenagers in the same situation, just a thought. And, don't you worry you know those prayer warriors are like a gorrila soldier, your grandma is anyway!! Take care Babe, I hope your days start getting better for you, I love you!!
Aunt Lynn
Hi Sandi! I work for your union, OCSEA / AFSCME Local 11, and just came across your blog today. My heart is warmed to hear how local union brothers and sisters remembered your family this Christmas season.
I wanted to thank you for sharing your story. Your love for your family and determination to overcome ooze from the words and photos posted on your blog. What a positive way to help others and keep connected with your family and friends.
You are an inspiration!! : )
My mother was diagnosed with non-hodgkin lymphoma 15 months ago... which led to a breast cancer diagnosis. She's had her ups and downs. Now finished with surgery, chemo and radiation, my mom says she's ready to wear PURPLE -- a survivor!
It sounds like you're ready to wear purple, too! :)
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!! I hope your body and mind are strengthened, renewed and at peace this coming week.
In Solidarity,
and with prayers...
Jenny Goldberg
hi sweetheart, i feel so bad that you are having such a bad bout of side affects right now. the vision problems must be doing better.i hope the mouth sores and bleeding gums heal up fast. katie must be feeling better about going to jill's again, that is good. hopefully she is staying home for christmas this year. i got an email from sharon today and she talked to eileen and she did not know you were sick. i assumed she knew. i was getting ready to call her because i found a couple of grandma booher's things i thought she might want.our cousin betty that lived in hawaii is back in st.marys in an assisted living place. she called while i was gone and steve explained who he was and that your uncle dan had died nearly 5 years ago. she did not know. she has family pics and info for us and uncle ed.i will call her back tomorrow.we all need to stay in touch better.i am so glad i know how to get on the computer now and can talk to you each.i hope you get all the blood and platlets you need tomorrow.i love you so much and i cannot image being able to cope with all this as well as you have been able to.tell the kids hi.we love,aunt bonnie
Hi Sandi! As usual, sending you lot's of good energy!:) Stay strong...
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