Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
4 Dec------93----4.4------3,800-------9.2--------196------------N/A
5 Dec------94----3.5------3,400-------9.3--------170------------N/A
6 Dec------95----3.9----Unknown----9.9--------175------------N/A
8 Dec------97----2.9------2,600------9.8--------106------------N/A
11 Dec-----100---0.3----------0-------9.1----------31--------------N/A
15 Dec-----104---0.4----------0-------7.8-----------2-------1 Unit Platelet
16 Dec-----105---0.4----------0-------7.3---------3--1 Blood & 1 Platelet
17 Dec-----106---0.6--------168-------9.0-----------1-----1 Unit Platelet
18 Dec-----107---1.3---------90-------8.5-----------2-----1 Unit Platelet
19 Dec-----108---2.6-------1300-------8.6-----------4-----1 Unit Platelet
I awoke this morning to Spike in my Bed. Marc usually takes him to work with him in the morning so it was a pleasant surprise. He laid with me a lot on the couch last night with me so I took him to bed with us, he usually sleeps with Paige. Marc must have figured we needed so time together.
It is raining today, what was ice ice turned into a nice slush & then everything was just wet. The temperature was 34 when I dropped the kids off at school & headed to the hospital for my lab draws. I was amazed to see the sun come out for a brief smile before the rains came back this afternoon.
Our other child in the house, his name is I don't know or I didn't do it has been playing pranks on me. The latest one involves a load of whites I put in the washer. When I got home from the hospital & was putting them in the dryer low & behold there was a red hand towel in there that wasn't there when I started the washing machine. Thank god the bleach must have already ran through because nothing turned pink or I would have blown up for sure.
Dorene Burkhart & Viola Webber from the Ohio Department of Health, Office of Public Health Preparedness came out to the house today bearing all kinds of gifts for our family from my friends & colleagues. Everyone up at ODH has been so supportive through phone calls, prayers, visits, gifts & Finical donations. It feels so good to know that we are cared about so much. Thank you so much to everyone up at ODH & especially to Dorene & Viola for making the trip to our home, I miss all of you!
I was talking to Dorene & Viola before they left, I have to say I was having a real hard time at first even asking for help, I almost felt guilty about it because Marc & I have always taken care of ourselves. In the past we have been through some really hard times between my Iraq War deployments , Brandon & Paige's Mothers death, it was really tough on everyone but somehow we always got through it together. After many conversations with others (My sister Sharon, Aunt Lynn, Dorene & Viola, etc) It has taken awhile but I am finally understanding that it is not placing a burden on other people, that people genuinely want to help us & they will not put themselves out to do it. My sister told me yesterday "it's not like you put yourself in this situation Sandi, people want to help you & it makes them feel good doing it so quit beating yourself up about it". I have to say it can be very overwhelming at moments just how much people really do care & want to see me make it through this. I never really knew how much until now & it makes me feel so warm on the inside & I am fighting that much harder each day.
I take my ANC count increase as a sign that things are on the up & up for next week. I can't think of a better way to end this week because this week has been a rough week for me physically & mentally. I hope all of you enjoy your weekend, I plan to make the most of mine. Happy Holidays everybody!
The ANC counts rising is for sure a good thing Rooster, hang in there....
Hi Sandi,
Way to go on those counts!!! And, for Mr I don't know may not understand the whites & clored You need to involve him in the laundry process as part of his punishment for a long time. He'll be able to do the laundry for the whole family by the time he's 8. I'm glad all the ice melted for you guys, people in Defiance area are still dealing with 3" of ice and no power. We're getting ready for round 2 of a blizzard. We got dumped on last night with around 6" and looking for another 8" tomorrow. I had to kick the door open to get out to go to work this morning & winter doesn't even start until sunday!! Isn't it spring yet? I want you to enjoy your weekend but don't wear yourself out either. Take care babe, stay warm & I love you.
Aunt Lynn
Hi Sandi,
Hope all is well. I've been checking in looking for new posts, don't let me rush I'm just praying the kids have you too busy & you're not at the hospital. Also, hope you had a great weekend. We got pounded with more snow & looking forward to more starting tonight, we will have a wjite Christmas, just wish we could share some of the snow. I have heard that Ohio really got dumped on with about 3" of ice in places & were without power for several days too, hope it didn't affect you guys. Well, just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you & praying for you wether you're posting or not. I love & miss you bunches!!
Aunt Lynn
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