Zack really surprised me this year, he helped pass out the presents & actually looked at what he got before he would move on to the next one. He is at the fun age as Marc calls it. Katie & Paige seemed a little bummed that they did not get as many presents as Zack until they opened their gift cards & the Will. Brandon is easy to please it almost seemed like he was having as more fun playing with Zack's toys. The Wii, our family present this year, has not had a break. Marc & I have had it for months, it was driving him nuts not to give it to the kids early, but I made him wait. Everyone in the house including Zack has made their own Wii person, they have a slight resemblance, mine is short, stocky & bald, LOL. I couldn't believe Brandon was up & had the Wii on at 6:40am while Katie was doing her last minute packing.
This Christmas was extra special for so many reasons. The outpouring of support from my friends & co-workers at ODH was just unbelievable. The kids absolutely loved the presents from "Santa". Everyone that has sent in financial contributions to help out with the medical costs of my leukemia treatment, you all enabled us to not have to tap into the kids Christmas fund that we save up for each year. There is also my prayer warriors, you keep on praying because we still have a long way to go. I am just so thankful for our friends & family & their unwavering support. Marc & I cannot thank you all enough, we truly are so grateful. We made & received so many calls yesterday & even still there are many of you I missed. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
Jill & George, Katie's grandparents, came to pick her up Katie at 7:30. I should have got a picture, she looked real cute. Misty got her a real good hair straightener for Christmas & Paige helped her straighten her natural curls last night(Katie hates her curly hair).I am still real nervous about Katie flying solo this year but she has the cell phone & has been told several times what to do.She has had a few delays already today I won't be relieved until I get that phone call saying she made it to Shreveport, LA. I can't believe my baby girl has grown up so fast, she is as tall as me now if not taller.
Brandon & Paige headed out about 10:00am to their Grandmas for the weekend, so it is just Zack, Marc & I. The house is going to be way too quiet this weekend. Marc took some pictures & taped the kids opening their presents. Once I get them downloaded from his camera I will make a slide show & post it, this might take me a few days. In the mean time for your viewing pleasure I posted the the kids elf dancing video, it is hilarious!
So I went to the hospital at 9am for my labs & Sue wasn't there. I must of got the time wrong, I was blaming that on the chemo brain until Sue called, she ended up sending her other nurse up to draw my labs.
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
15 Dec-----104---0.4----------0-------7.8-----------2-------1 Unit Platelet
16 Dec-----105---0.4----------0-------7.3---------3--1 Blood & 1 Platelet
17 Dec-----106---0.6--------168-------9.0-----------1-----1 Unit Platelet
18 Dec-----107---1.3---------90-------8.5-----------2-----1 Unit Platelet
19 Dec-----108---2.6-------1300-------8.6-----------4-----1 Unit Platelet
20 Dec-----109---5.2-------4300-------8.6-----------43----1 Unit Platelet
22 Dec-----111---12.3------10800------8.6-----------23--------------N/A
24 Dec-----113----3.3-------1400------7.3---------45----1 Unit of Blood
26 Dec-----115----32.5-------29600------8.8-----------70--------------N/A

Yeah, I am back off the Neupogen shots, my hemoglobin level is holding & my platelets appear to be producing on their own again. I go back in on Monday for more labs. My ANC & White Blood Cell counts should drop down significantly, I need to sustain on my own an ANC of 5,000 or higher.
I will not be posting again until Monday more than likely so I hope you all enjoy your weekend!
You Go Girl!!!!
I love to see your counts going up, I hope that means your body is bouncing back. I can tell you from exsperence that it is more fun watching the smaller kids & helping them enoy thier gifts. Brandon is right on track. Hopfully Katie won't have too many delays & she'll arrive safely. The lady that was making your hat called today to let me know she has it done so, I'll be picking it up tomorrow and getting it out in the mail to you on Monday. Hopefully it will only take a few days to get there. Usually when I mail things to Ohio on a monday they arrive on wednesday. keeping my fingers crossed that that will be the case. I am so glad you have so many people in your life that truely care about you & were able to help make your christmas a good one. You & Marc enjoy your weekend too, take care & I love you.
Aunt Lynn
Merry Christmas Sandi, you rock!
hi sweetie, i hope your weekend will be enjoyable. i will call to check on katie.i know she will be fine ,but i still worry. i am glad your counts are going up and hopefully they will stablize. the elf video is precious. glad everyone had a good christmas. you take care we love you all. love, aunt bonnie
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