Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
21 Nov------80-----12-----9,300-------7.9---------55---------1 Unit B
24 Nov------83----5.1-----2,200------10.1--------179-------------N/A
28 Nov------87----2.2-----1,500-------9.9---------286------------N/A
1 Dec------90----3.4------2,270------10.0--------255------------N/A
2 Dec------91----4.0------3,500------10.5--------250------------N/A
3 Dec------92----5.0------4,400-------9.5--------183------------N/A
4 Dec------93----4.4------3,800-------9.2--------196------------N/A
My Nurse Practitioner was able to get me my ANC counts so I added them in for the week.
Marcus came up to see me last night, we had a wonderful visit. I felt pretty good considering,so I had subs & bread sticks delivered from Adriatico's for us, the hospital food has been terrible lately so it was a nice change. It was so good but I am sure we will both pay for the garlic. Marc brought me my camera so I got all the pictures posted today from Thanksgiving, Christmas decorating prior to my admission & Misty with the kids at the old Fashioned Christmas in downtown London. They are underneath this post for your viewing pleasure. My Dr came in while Marc was here so he was able to get his FMLA paperwork renewed on the spot, that worked out well for him. My Dr is still very pleased with the way I am progressing so far!
They started my third dose of Chemo at 10pm last night so I am halfway through this round of Consolidation. I must say though that I did not sleep very well at all last night, I remember looking at the clock at 3am & tossing the towel in. They have had me on constant IV fluids to flood my kidneys so the Chemo does not fry them. So I am constantly up & going to the rest room. My night sweats stay pretty constant but last night I think they were the worst yet. My bed has the plastic pillows with a thin pillow case on them that seem to make it worse when I sweat. I think I will try to wrap the pillows in cotton blankets tonight to see if that helps, well see. I did get about 3 hours of sleep off & on after that. My sinus cavity is really stuffy this morning so my Nurse Practitioner ordered me some Clariten to try to help with that.She is also working on my disability extension paperwork today as well. I go down to 50% in about another week I believe. I knew this was coming but I am still not ready for it.
Congrats to my Cousin Bill Booher on the new addition to the family!
mistHi sweetheart, I look at these photos and thank how lucky we are....the kids are happy, you are happy, even
thought you are going through all of this stuff....Zack is just happy to have everyone happy and I just relish the fact that I can be a part of it. Not to many people can show their pictures to the world and have everyone smiling....just goes to show you how these wonderful people handle are one lucky little girl.......Much love, Misty
Hi Sandi,
What a sweetie Zack is!!! I remeber you when you were his age & you were just as sweet. I can't help but see you as a child everytime I look at Zack. It looks like you numbers are holding well for now, good!! It looked like everyone had fun putting the tree up, what a pretty tree as well as all the decorations at your house. We don't go that far with it, it would just be work for me to Glad you had a nice visit with Marc & he was able to get the paperwork done he needed. Well, I'm off to shoot pool tonight. I think I'd rather stay home it is so cold here tonight, wind chill is putting us -5 tonight & the wind will cut you like a knife...brrrr Well, hope you have a good evening, I love you!!
Aunt Lynn
hi honey,the pictures of thanksgiving and christmas were great. aunt lynn is so right,zach looks so much like you. every time i see his face,i can see your face.he actually is getting to look more like you each day.katie is looking so much older and like an adult. wow.tell brandon and paige they are growing up so fast.your decorations are beautiful,inside and out.your numbers look good ,i hope the rest of your week goes as well.i sent a message to bill congratulating him on his new boy.i hope he sends me his name.i love you,love,aunt bonnie
I am sending you many many blessings! You are a warrior!!!
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