I could not get over how quite the house was this weekend. There were several moments where I would find myself relaxing on the couch & look over at Marc, he would look at me & it was nice not having any stress. Of course there were moments where I think we were both a little bored as well. But then there was the occasional energy bursts from Zack, we don't call him Zack Attack for nothing. Even Spike was exceptionally mellow, he was on my lap every chance he got. He always sleeps with Paige so I went ahead & put him in our bed, Marc can't wait for Paige to come home because he said Spike is a bed hog.
We rented some movies from Blockbuster Death Race for us, Hancock & Snow Buddies for Zack. After watching Hancock I knew we were in trouble because Zack is a huge movie buff, not only does he memorize entire scenes he tries to reenact them. There was quite a bit of cursing in the movie, so I am a little nervous that he may try to repeat them.
The three of us went out to the Clubhouse Saturday afternoon to get something to eat & hang out for a little bit. Kim called me Sunday night & said she took my purse in the house because I left it out at the clubhouse. I went a whole day & never noticed it was missing & have no memory of taking it out there. This Chemo has to be affecting my brain a little bit because I have never done that before.
I have been having real intense bone pain in the evening for the last 2 nights. I keep blaming it on my bone marrow making all my blood & platelets. I have taken 2 oxy's each night but they really are not phasing it, hopefully it will hurry up & be done soon, it cripples me to where I can't hardly get up.
Today is Katie's 15th Birthday, I talked to here this morning, sounds like she is having a good time at her Father's, she flys back on Friday. Brandon & Paige will be home later today so that should liven up the house a bit. It's hard to believe but it will be nice to have some noise back in the house. I have to say Zack surprised me with how good he has been considering all the older kids were gone this weekend, I think it helped having all his new toys to play with.
Zack went to the Hospital with me this morning for my lab draws & PICC care. He went with me last Friday as well. The first time he had a lot of questions but this time he was just chatting away about all of his toys. I think it may help him understand & cope with my illness a little better by seeing that I am not getting hurt when I go to the hospital.
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
18 Dec-----107---1.3---------90-------8.5-----------2-----1 Unit Platelet
19 Dec-----108---2.6-------1300-------8.6-----------4-----1 Unit Platelet
20 Dec-----109---5.2-------4300-------8.6-----------43----1 Unit Platelet
22 Dec-----111---12.3------10800------8.6-----------23--------------N/A
24 Dec-----113----3.3-------1400------7.3---------45----1 Unit of Blood
26 Dec-----115----32.5-----29600------8.8-----------70--------------N/A
29 Dec-----118----3.6-----1836------9.6-----------121--------------N/A
So these are my labs today, I do not know what is going on with my immune system, I'm down then I am through the roof, it's a yo yo & I don't get it. So far in my treatment once my counts drop & then come back up during recovery they stay up, that is not happening. So I have to go back on my neupogen shots again. When I went to Clinic at the James 2 weeks ago my Dr. told me once my counts hit 5,000 quit taking the shots, if it goes below 5,000 start taking them again. I had 10 shots left when I saw her & she told me they should last through my next chemo treatment because my counts have always bounced back so quickly. At the rate I am going the shots are not going to last me through this round let alone the next phase. So I am going to have to call my Dr. this afternoon & see what she wants me to do, I only have 3 shots left.
hi honey, i bet it was very quiet with 3 missing. i'm glad katie 's flight went well. i will be glad when she is home again.it would be nice if your counts would stay stable. hopefully zach will understand more if he can see some of what you go thru. it will be great when you are feeling better,it will just take a little time. lov you very much.love, aunt bonnie
Hi Sandi,
It can be wierd having quite when you're used to all the camotion but I'm glad you guy's were able to enjoy it. Utoh no sensor button for Mr Zack?? Those fresh little brains remember everything too!!! I'm glad to hear you're taking him to the hospital with you as much as you can, I think you're correct that it will help him get some understanding of what's going on. Sorry to hear you're hurting so much but like you said, hopefully it's because your body is trying to reproduce everything it's lost. Dennis mailed your hat out for me today and I'd bet you'll have it by wednesday! I hope you like it but even if you don't wear it anyway, it'll keep your head warm...lol Katie & Tori, Happy Birthday girls!!! Not sure if either one reads this but just in case. Katie 15 & Tori 10, that just dosen't seem right. I can remember when they both were just babies, dang it's making me feel very very old!! Hope Katie has a safe return trip home. And, just be glad your husband & the dogs both aren't bed hogs. I got 3 of them to deal with, 2 bed hog dogs & 1 husband, and the husband is a cover hog too!!! Well, I hope your pain eases up for you, I know how that constatnt apin can affect your attitude. But keep your head up & stay strong, I love you all.
Aunt Lynn
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