Today's labs
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
19 Jan---139-----0.2------0----------8.2-------2/35-1 Unit of Platelets
20 Jan---140-----0.2------0----------7.7---------26----2 Units of Blood
21 Jan---141-----0.3------0----------9.5----------17----------------N/A
22 Jan---142-----0.7-----410---------9.0------13/43--1 Unit of Platelets
23 Jan---143-----1.8----1400---------8.5----------38----------------N/A
24 Jan---144-----3.3----2700---------8.4----------34----------------N/A
25 Jan---145-----5.9----4320---------9.0----------28----------------N/A
26 Jan---146-----4.5----3100---------9.1----------37------------N/A
28 Jan---148-----2.7----1100-----10.6----------64------------N/A
I should have went & got my labs yesterday but somehow I lost a day so I changed up my routine & went to the New lab today. The new lab is definitely not Sue, they did get me on the first stick though. I asked them to call me with the results & they said they do not do that her if I want them I have to write a letter & then come back in & pick them up. She said since we were in a level 2 snow emergency she would do it today so I would not have to come back up. I thought to myself gee thanks. Man Sue spoiled me . I am going back in on Friday to have her draw my labs again before the weekend. I hope my ANC comes up.it is down quite a bit from what it was when I left the hospital if it drops below 1,000 I go back on the Neupogen shots again. Marc said it is so close I should start them back up tonight. The lab results are supposed to be faxed to my Dr. at the James so I went ahead & called them & they told me to hold off for now my both my platelets are starting to recover & my hemaglobin is doing good so they want to see my ANC & WBC do the same. We will see Friday I guess.
We had snow then freezing rain & then snow again so there is a layer of ice coating everything in all I think we got about 4-5 inches of snow. I hope that is the end of it. The roads were a mess when Marc took me to the hospital. I am still to weak to drive or do much of anything. I am still resting a lot & will continue to until these infections have completely cleared up so I can recover. I have a slight cough that came on the day we were leaving the hospital. I think it is from whatever is in my lungs. I still am fever free, the sweats & chills continue to taunt me day & night. I just keep telling myself I want to be well, I am really tired of being tired all the time. Slow & steady wins the race I just need to keep my but in bed for now.
The kids of course did not have school today. So it has been video game heaven in the house. Brandon & Paige have been thumb warriors texting all day. Katie hasn't said to much here lately. She has been more quite than normal ever since she came back from her dads. She dropped a bomb on me the day I came home from the hospital about possibly going to live with her dad & she has been acting weird ever since. It usually takes her about 3-4 weeks for her to get back into the swing of things here. So I keep waiting on her to snap out of it. We talked a lot about it this afternoon.
Zack got a splinter in his foot running around without his socks on. So Marc played Dr. & tried to get it out as you can see Zack was not happy when it was over.

Here's Paige always posing for the camera

Brandon with his phone in hand ready for the next text message while watching CMT. He's going country now.

Katie was lounging on the couch watching Zack Play My SIMS's

The Zack Attack!

Of course we can't forget Spike!

Did somebody say Brrrrrrr, Marc was out trying to clear the sidewalk & driveway so we could go to the hospital.

Hi Sandi,
You look better than you think honey. I'm sure the way you feel has everything to do with how you see yourself. I wonder why your numbers are dropping a bit since you came home from the hospital but I remember how they jumped around before & the BAM they were up again. So, I have faith they will shoot back up again. Man those pictures of outside look like you're in Iowa...lol I heard on the news Cincinatti got a lot of ice and a bunch of people were without power. I was hoping it didn't affect you. Katie & Paige are suck beautiful youg ladies and handsome young man Brandon & then there's Zack, he is just the cutest little shit there is. Marc looked like he was having fun being outside in the snow. I haven't heard anything on his hat yet but I'm sure I will soon. You guys be careful in your travels to & from the hospitals & stay warm, spring will be here soon. Take care babe, I love you!
Aunt Lynn
You look absolutely FABULOUS compared to the 22nd! Yay!! loveya Amber <3
Hey girl! Just wanted to tell you that you look fantastic...but wait...there's something missing since I seen you last?? Yes...I know now...that nasty pole with all the hanging attachments...you look so much better! I'm sure that the day at home with the family is better medicine than and hospital has to offer...and the smiles are genuine!! Take care...think of you so very often! Love ya...Kathy
hi honey, you look much better. i was not sure from yesterdays blog that you were improving, so i was very pleased that you sounded like you have gained some umphhh...when i talked to you.i am glad the new lab got you on one stick.i hope they will give you your readings while you are there instead of making you come back for them.that's dumb.rest up tomorrow friday sounds like it will be a tiring day.i know that test is a rough one ,but hopefully it will have good news for you. i love you very much.big hugs and kisses.love,aunt bonnie
Hi there
You look so much better!! I hope that you are still feel OK, sorry to hear about the ice and snow we have it too only I think we got most of the ice and not a lot of snow, we have flood warnings for tonight as well as a winter storm watch. Take care!! Betty
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