Today's labs
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
20 Jan---140-----0.2------0----------7.7---------26----2 Units of Blood
21 Jan---141-----0.3------0----------9.5----------17----------------N/A
22 Jan---142-----0.7-----410---------9.0------13/43--1 Unit of Platelets
23 Jan---143-----1.8----1400---------8.5----------38----------------N/A
24 Jan---144-----3.3----2700---------8.4----------34----------------N/A
25 Jan---145-----5.9----4320---------9.0----------28----------------N/A
26 Jan---146-----4.5----3100---------9.1----------37------------N/A
28 Jan---148-----2.7----1100---------10.6----------64------------N/A
30 Jan---150-----2.8----1000-----10.4----------85------------N/A
Marcus is at work today, I know he struggled with leaving me at home but the kids don't have school today again so I will have lots of company. Marc left at 6am & did not get to work until a little after 7am he said the roads are still real bad. Brandon is having a 2 day wrestling tournament at Marion Pleasant I thought with school being cancelled that the tournament would be as well. After many phone calls the tournament is still on but there is no school bus for today so I had to write a release for him to ride with one of the coaches. I stressed coaches because I hear the roads are worse up north & I did not want him riding with a teenage driver.
It was snowing this morning when I got up pretty heavy but it stopped & then the sun came out by the time I had to drive to the hospital for my lab draws. It was so bright even with sunglasses on. I must admit even though it was right here in town I was real nervous & not just because the roads were bad. I do not know if it is my vision is off or if it is still my balance that is messing with my vision. So I just took it slow. My last trip out of the house was to drop off Brandon & Dakota at the school & pick up my lab report from the hospital. The roads were much better & the sun was even brighter. I felt a little more comfortable driving but I don't see me driving to Columbus or any other distance any time soon.
I want to say thank you again to Misty, she had a ton of food delivered to our house from Kroger's today. The kids were ecstatic especially when they saw the Smores pop tarts, chips & pop. Zack immediately wanted the Doritos it was too funny.
My labs were not what I had hoped they would be. The James Cancer Hospital called me & per my Dr. I am to go back on the Neupogen shots starting tonight & through the weekend until I get my labs drawn Monday then we will re-evaluate the situation. I noticed my hemoglobin is doing pretty good but my platelets are being very stubborn. They normally bounce back quicker so I do not know if it is because I am still sick or if something else is going on. I feel a little better each day but I am not going to push it I have never been in this position before. It was a major event for me to go out the two times that I did today. Each time I got home I went & laid in bed. I still can't stand for long periods of time I know this will eventually change but in the mean time it frustrates the heck outta me that I have hardly no strength.
You may notice that I have removed the fundraising progress thermometer that has been a permanent fixture on my blog. I chose to do so for a number of reasons.
First, as I have been using the funds for different expenses related to my Chemothearpy treatment, I decided it would be seem negative to see the amount raised appear to decline when in fact it is simply a reflection of your generous donations in action. And let me tell you the panic I feel when I spend a dollar of it! I am particularly aware of how blessed I am to have to have the money as a resource.
Second, after getting sick last week I really don't know anymore how much I am actually going to need, so a specific goal is impossible to determine. While I know there will ultimately be many expenses that I will incur, I do not want to mislead anyone by stating a number I can no longer be sure of.
Humbly, I ask that if you still are ever able to donate, please do so. The "Donate" button will continue to work and the Credit Union, will continue to accept any donations sent. Anything and everything helps.I still am in awe of the incredible support I have received from so many. Thank you for being a part of my success.
Sandi, you know that if you need me I am always here for you....unless the ice is two inches deep on my car....or worse still, my car won't start....both of these are true at the moment !!!
Kroger was wonderful when I called them...they did not even charge me delivery charges. You take it easy Mighty Mouse.....and I will talk to you later.....Love, Misty
Hi Sandi,
I just want to say hang in there and be very very carful when you have to drive. I love you & will be praying for your strength to return to normal soon. Hope the weather gets better for you guys, it's supposed to 40 here tomorrow, heat wave!!! Take care Babe, I love you.
Aunt Lynn
Are prayers are with you as you continue your fight.
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