How good it feels to be at home. The kids were all happy to see me & I them. Zack gave me a huge hug boy I needed that. Spike was up in my bed at least 3 times last night & once this morning. Marc actually picked him up & put him there when he was whining because our bed is so high he can't jump up.
I am still very sick but no fevers. I had hot & cold spells all night long followed with sever sweating. IT is daytime & I am awake doing the same thing. The sweats are bad & I have yet to get a break from it. Marc is keep a very close eye on my temperatures so far so good. My nose is also so sensitive to smells. I think the anti fungal they have me on is doing this. The anti fungal is Cephalexin, smells strongly of sulfur & I have to take it 4 times a day. I have not figured out what it is but there is something in the house irritating my nose something awful.
Marc wanted me to thank everyone that donated time for him to be able to be with me while I am sick. I have absolutely no energy it is a major effort just to get out of bed. I do not know what I would do if Marc wasn't here I am a mess. I can't think straight, I feel unsteady & dizzy all the time. It was all I could do to sit at the table with Zack last night while he read me his book for homework.
I called my RN Sue at the Chemo Clinic here in London to let her know I would be in Thursday for labs & since I don't have a PICC anymore she will not be taking care of me. I have to go to the Park Ave Building that is part of the Hospital they have a lab there so this should be an interesting adventure. Sue spoiled me with calling & telling me what my counts are & being there if I need something else.
My 5th Bone Marrow Biopsy is next Wednesday in the morning & then I see Dr. Walker in the afternoon so that is going to be a long day she may order a follow on CAT Scan to check to see if the Fungal Infection is still there. I am going to go for now may be a day or two before I update again bad weather is moving in & the kids will more than likely not have school.
Know that I am still fighting the fight & I appreciate everyones support & prayers as we battle though these stumbling blocks on my road to recovery.
Hi Sandi,
I'm glad you're at home resting. I wonder if the fresh coat of paint in your room is what you're smelling in the house. I heard you guys are going to get dumped on tonight, sorry, but I'm glad it's not us again. I just hope it doesn't turn into ice on you guys. I'm sure the kids will enjoy a day or two at home with you after being without you for a week. And, what generous people Marc must work with to donate time to him so he can be with you, thank God for Marc & them. Poor Spike, he needs to learn how to use a step stool to get up on the bed. Our bed is kinda high off the floor & we put a step stool up for Dino, he was afraid to jump, but he watched Koda jump up & down & I'm sure he said "I can do this" cause he never would use the step stool. You keep your head up & stay strong Babe & always know you & Marc are not in this alone there are more people pulling & praying for you than you can imagine. I will call you later this week, I love you!!
Aunt Lynn
So I've got a huge smile on my face...and tears of joy that want to roll down...girl...you are amazing! I love you! God has a hand on you Sandi..an angel in your pocket...something. I feel like Gramma! But it's true...it's that faith that is going to bring you through this standing strong...keep up the fight! <3 Amber
Yes!! You made it home!! Oh girl...that has to be the best medicine! You take care and I will talk with you very soon! Love ya! WHOOOAH!!!! I'm so happy for you!! Kathy
hi sweetie, i hope you night was better.maybe the sweats will calm down this week. from the looks of the chart it looks like the rainbow supper was a great success.hurray!it is to bad you still won't have the good nurse at madison cty. that has been taking care of you. hopefully the lab will have good people working that will be able to get the stick the first time.the weather is terrible here.scott's car looked like a bouncing boat trying to get out the lane.i just called him and he said it 30mph even on i75.everything is closed over here,all schools even the colleges.i hope makes it back home tonight.it looks like it is even worse south of us .i just haven't been able to catch your weather yet, but i image you guys are probably in the same mess.hope you can have a good day with the kids.take it easy today.your strength will build back up,it just may take time.i will try and call you today.love you bunches.love,aunt bonnie
Hi Sweet Pea...
I'm so glad you are home!! I didn't call last night because I figured you were resting and spending what energy you had on the kids....
My cold is better, I won't be over till this weekend just for good measure....
This weather is something...I don't have to be at work till 11:30 today so at least I didn't have to deal with the early morning crap, I thank God for my garage.
I got my leave totals at work yesterday and am going to fill out the form when I get to work today to donate some time to Marc....
You guys rock, I love you both with all my hear, not to mention those great kids of yours, love them too!!
Talk to you later...
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