Spaghetti Dinner Benefit Tonight Saturday, January 24, 2008 5-7:00PM
The Benefit will be held tonight at the Chandler Lodge located at 65 North Main Street, London Ohio. The Menu will be Spaghetti, sauce with meatballs, bread & butter, salad with dressing & a drink for $5.00. Desserts will be available for a donation & you can dine in or carryout is available.It is my understanding that Kroger donated most of the food for this Benefit & National City has raised money as well. If you would like any information please contact Keith Hall @ 614-302-0431or airforcekeith@sbcglobal.net>

Marcus, Katie, Paige & Zack will be there, I am still admitted at the James but I am there with you all in spirit. I am pretty sure Paige will be running around with the video camera if you all want to put a message on there for me feel free I will be watching it as soon as Marc brings it up to the hospital. I also hope to have pictures to post of it on m blog as well. Both Marc & I used to be on the Advisory Board & I was also the Treasurer for the London Assembly #208 Rainbow Girls when Katie & Paige were active in Rainbow.
Here are today's labs
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
12 Jan----132----0.7-------448-------9.5-----------117--------------N/A
15 Jan---135-----0.3------0-------7.9/9.4-----------35--1 Unit of Blood
19 Jan---139-----0.2------0----------8.2-------2/35-1 Unit of Platelets
20 Jan---140-----0.2------0----------7.7---------26----2 Units of Blood
21 Jan---141-----0.3------0----------9.5----------17----------------N/A
22 Jan---142-----0.7-----443---------9.0------13/43--1 Unit of Platelets
23 Jan---143-----1.8----1400---------8.5----------38----------------N/A
24 Jan---144-----3.3----????------8.4----------34----------N/A
Dr Flynn & Dr. Lam came in to see me early this morning. I have been able to finally make it 24 hours without a fever & my counts are on the rise. Dr Flynn said that the spots on the lungs that they found from the CAT Scan he thinks may have been there before but he cannot discount them, the radiologist said they are a fungal infection. I asked him if they were going to do another test to find out for sure & he said no. They are going to take me off of the Caspofungin & the Tobramycim IV antibiotics, then put me on a pill form anti fungal Voriconzole, something about insurance costs & the medication being very expensive & leave me on the Vancomycin IV antibiotic.They are changing my meds so fast I cannot keep up with what I am on & what I am not on.
I slept a lot better last night which was long over due. My PCA "Nick at Night" woke me up at 4am to draw my am labs, I was nervous about him sticking me in my hand but he got it the first time.
Hi Sandi,
I'm so glad that you had some sleep last night and no fever...wooo hoooo!! You didn't mention the pain so I'm hoping that is easing up for you also, thank God. Good luck with the benefit tonight I'm sure it will turn out great. Keep up the good fight girly. I love you.
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, sorry i didn't get you called back sooner and sorry i woke you up when i did. hopefully you got back to sleep. i hope the benefit was a huge success for you guys.i hope the fevers stay away and you can go home next week. i would like to know the source of the infection so you can avoid another problem like this. i love you bunches.love,aunt bonnie
Hi there,
I am glad to hear that you got some rest last night, I am praying that you will be fever free and feelin' better. I hope that your benefit was a huge success, if they'd deliver to W.V. I would order a bunch of spaghetti!
Keep up the fight, Hugs and Kisses
Prayers and Wishes Betty Lorraine
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