Paige had her friend Oliva spend the night last night, Zack swears that Olivia is his girlfriend, I don't think he gave them to much peace. Katie spent the night over at her friends house. Brandon did not get home last night until real late, he lost his first match & won his second. Early this morning he lost his match so since it is a double elimination tournament he is out & has to watch everybody else the rest of the day. Marc headed off to Columbus a little bit ago with Benny so for now it is just me & Zack hanging out & he is being a real sweetheart, he is watching Inspector Gadget in my bed now. He is a totally different kid when he is the only one in the house.
My 5th Bone Marrow Biopsy is this Wednesday morning followed by an afternoon appointment with my Dr. I am anticipating since the 4th Bone Marrow Biopsy came back at 1% Blast Cells that this one will be the same or 0% since the chemotherapy has continued non stop. If this confuses anyone what started this all was my first two Bone Marrow Biopsy's came back with 33% Blast cells in my Bone Marrow & 34% Blast Cells in my perepherial blood. My type of Leukemia, AML, is defined by the presence of >30% Blast Cells in the bone marrow. At this stage of the game with my treatment anything over 5% Blast Cells is not good & we have to re-evaluate & possibly start all over again. This is obviously worse case scenario next to me getting sick again. We won't get the results back from the biopsy for a few weeks but I anticipate that they will be 1% or less so we can press forward with the Decitabine, Maintenance Chemotherapy treatment.
Here are some of the pictures from the kids sledding down at the Missing Link Property. Katie although very apprehensive at first about going seemed to genuinely enjoy herself.

This was Zack's first time sledding & he absolutely loved it.

Brandon was not content with the big hill he had to make a ramp at the bottom to get some air with his snow board.

Paige was the first one down a hill & for hot chocolate.

Then there is the biggest kid of them all, Marcus!

I have a lot more pictures but I will try to upload them all into a slide show & post it on the Blog later.
The 445 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron is hosting a Bl00d Drive in honor of MSgt. Sandi Golden-Vest on Saturday, Feb 7, 2009 from 8:00am-1:00pm.
Site: American Legion Post 526
526 Legion Lane
Fairborn, OH 45324
Site phone: 878-3831
Contact on Arrival: Major Kimm Sandusky (1-513-678-2715 ) MSgt Joseph
Drake (George Copfer, Post Commander )
While you are waiting you can become a Bone Marrow Donor as well, no appointment is necessary for this & there is no cost associated becoming a registered Bone Marrow Donor on this date at this location.
Beginning registration for the blood drive is 8:00am. Appointments are recommended; blood donors are asked to make an appointment by going to our website: click on Find a Drive and use sponsor code: 986 Last Registration: 12:50pm
***Community Blood Center will provide juice and cookies and a t-shirt to all
blood donors.
Hi Sandi,
Did you start those shots yet? neupigen?? I'm wondering if that's why your head is hurting. I hope you get some relief soon. Looking at those pictures reminds me of us as kids sledding at Lincoln Park, the neihbors mom would always send a thermos of hot chocolate for us too. Those kids, including the big one(Marc), will have fond memories of these times. You couldn't pay me to do those type things these day though. Dennis' family is big into winter activities too. I'm off to have supper with my in-laws so you rest as much as you can. I love you Sandi hope you feel better soon.
Aunt Lynn
Hi Sandi:
I'm praying for you and am sure you will have no blast cells in your biopsy. I can remember Janice having one real pounding headache but it was when they gave her estrogen. I think you're doing great!
I hope your headache goes away and that you feel better soon, I love the pictures of the kids in the snow. Take care Betty
Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Try to get some rest and do as little as possible. I have a doctor's appointment the same day as you, so I'll be thinking of you and hoping that you have 0% blasts. Keep fighting!
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