Roll up your sleeves Blood Drive on January 8th
For those of you that will be in the Lima area tomorrow between 8:00-2:30 at the Allen County Department of of Job & Family Services 1501 S. Dixie Hwy.Lima, OH 45804 (in the old Westinghouse building). I believe this will be open to the public (walk-ins welcome), however if anyone knows ahead of time they want to participate please call Tracy Hollar @ 419-999-0297 for possible scheduling. My Aunt Debe has been working real hard with her employer & they have made great strides in making this a very coordinated effort with multiple agencies involved. Unfortunately I will still be in the James at the time of the Blood Drive finishing my 4th & hopefully final round of hospitalized Chemotherapy but I will definitely be there in spirit!
Here are today's labs:
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
24 Dec-----113----3.3-------1400------7.3---------45----1 Unit of Blood
26 Dec-----115----32.5-----29600------8.8-----------70--------------N/A
29 Dec-----118----3.6-----1836------9.6-----------121--------------N/A
2 Jan-----122-----2.7-----1400------10.1-----------193--------------N/A
4 Jan-----124----4.4------????------10.0-----------225--------------N/A
5 Jan-----125----2.9------1520-------9.9-----------214--------------N/A
6 Jan-----126----6.8------6100------10.1-----------203--------------N/A
7 Jan---127-----4.8----4000-------9.3-----------171--------------N/A
No treadmill for me yesterday,my bones were protesting so I took the night off. Hopefully tonight they will not be as painful & we will give it a try again. My day was very boring yesterday.I had a 24 hour break between the sets. So after my persistent bugging they bumped my next set of Chemo up to 8am this morning instead of 1pm in an effort to get me out of here around 11pm Friday night. The nurse did not get it hung until about 8:40am so hopefully they will get it back on track with this evening dose. I hate to have Marc come up here so late on Friday night to get me, but I can't wait to sleep in my own bed. My sleep has been real broken when I get it because they are constantly waking me up for vital checks, lab draws & medication administration.
I did complete another section of the Senior Non Commissioned Academy on line, it would be nice if I can get the whole course complete before I go back to work so I do not have too much on my plate. The material is a bit dry so it is a matter of staying focused & getting it done. I have 2 tests I need to schedule at the bade once I get out of here. Hopefully I can get one of them done when I am down at the base on the 13th or 14th making up my January Drill weekend. It should be interesting I have not been allowed to work since my diagnosis so this is my first attempt at getting back in the saddle, it is very light administrative duty for 2 days only so I do not anticipate any major problems other than trying to fit back into my uniform, it is going to be screaming at the seams!
This is the picture of Brandon after he got a clean bill of health from Dr. Gieb, no MERSA!
This is Paige & Zack making sugar cookies for Santa.
Zack with flour on his face, like he needs help accentuating those cheeks!
Katie & Marc
Benefit Scheduled
Many of you who know me may remember I used to be on the Board & the Treasurer for the London Assembly #208 Rainbow Girls when Katie & Paige were in Rainbow. I was contacted by Mom Wendy Hall, Mother Advisor from The London Assembly #208 Rainbow Girls & they are holding a Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for me on January 24th from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm at the Chandler Lodge located at 65 North Main Street, London Ohio. The Menu will be Spaghetti, sauce with meatballs, bread & butter, salad with dressing & a drink for $5.00. Desserts will be available for a donation & you can dine in or carryout is available. If you would like any information please contact Keith Hall @ 614-302-0431or
Hi Sandi,
Hope you're not too bored this evening. I was really glad to read that Brandon doesn't have mersa. And, Zack is just too cute, I just want to pinch those fat lil cheeks of The treadmill wears me out & I'm in "good" condition, well that may be a matter of opinion too. Anyway I'm praying your pain eases up for you, don't forget to take those pain meds too. So, what if your uniform doesn't fit, they not gonna let you in the building? I'm praying they have a really good turn out tomorrow in Lima at the blood drive for you. There's plenty of people out of work in Ohio & should be there looking for jobs, just based on that there should be a hell of a turn out. I'm hoping Zack has more white days at school also. He's been doing a really good job!! Stay strong Sandi, there's only one more day until friday & you'll be back home in your own bed in your newly painted room downstairs. The hospital is no place to exspect any rest they mess with you constantly!! When I was there I let them have it, I told them I'll let you know when my vitals need checked, leave me alone!!! But, you can't be like me. Stay calm & time will pass before you know it, I love you Sandi, we'll talk soon.
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, i hope today was not to boring.i have not heard back on my blood tests to see if i have that blood disorder.i am going to call john tonight and check. steve can not give again till jan.13th. you will be glad to get back to the base and who cares if your uniform fits you tight,you always look sure will be nice not to have to climb stairs, you don't think so now but, it does make a difference.i love you very much.take care. love,aunt bonnie
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