Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
12 Jan----132----0.7-------448-------9.5-----------117--------------N/A
15 Jan---135-----0.3------0-------7.9/9.4-----------35--1 Unit of Blood
19 Jan---139-----0.2------0----------8.2-------2/35-1 Unit of Platelets
20 Jan---140-----0.2------0----------7.7---------26----2 Units of Blood
21 Jan---141-----0.3------0----------9.5----------17----------------N/A
22 Jan---142-----0.7-----443---------9.0------13/43--1 Unit of Platelets
23 Jan--143-----1.8----1400---------8.5----------38----------------N/A
Benefit Scheduled for Tomorrow Saturday, January 24, 2008
Marcus & I used to be on the Advisory Board & I was also the Treasurer for the London Assembly #208 Rainbow Girls when Katie & Paige were active in Rainbow. Mom Wendy Hall, Mother Advisor from The London Assembly #208 Rainbow Girls contacted me a few months ago & expressed that they wanted to do this Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for me on January 24th from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm at the Chandler Lodge located at 65 North Main Street, London Ohio. The Menu will be Spaghetti, sauce with meatballs, bread & butter, salad with dressing & a drink for $5.00. Desserts will be available for a donation & you can dine in or carryout is available.It is my understanding that Kroger donated most of the food for this Benefit & National City has raised money as well. If you would like any information please contact Keith Hall @ 614-302-0431or
I talked with Mom Wendy this morning I am so excited about the Benefit & yet I am so bummed I cannot be there in person. I will be there in spirit. Marcus & all the kids will be there but Brandon he has another wrestling tournament. He told me he would miss it if I wanted him to but I told him no the Benefit is only 2 hours the tournament is an all day event & he should go to that it would be more fun for him. I am making Marc take the video camera so I can see it & me & Brandon can watch it together later.
Yesterday I was here all day with no tests performed. Carli was not here & I got a conflicting lab report from her replacement that said one of the cultures showed Strep but when they cultured it, it was negative. My RN that was treating me was in my face most of the morning doing my blood draws & meds. By lunch time she had a nasty little cough & did not put a mask on, I asked her to & she said it was just a little tickle in the back of her throat & she would never jeopardise her patients, I told Marc to get me a mask. She would come to my room without it on or it hanging on her chin more than once so I had to tell her about it. Well I have her again today & she still has that cough but she is wearing her mask all day.
Dr Flynn came in & asked where my Aunt was, he wanted to know if he made her upset talking about her niece, I told him yes, he said & you looked like you wanted to hit me & I told him I did he said you are not supposed to agree with me Sandi & I told him look I am really sick & I don't need that from him his supposed to treat me medically not make me his joke & that I was tired of it from him. He did not have much to say when I told him that hopefully he will be a little more respectful now & just do his job.
I had minimal sleep again last night, I sleep in 10-15 minute intervals & wake up throughout the night. Last night they came in & drew a viral specimen & sent it to the lab, the day shift is saying the lab never got it. Marcus was up here first thing again today. I am so grateful because today held so much pain & drama that I don't think I would be holding up as well as I am without him.
I am still receiving the same 3 antibiotics & fighting the fevers. Carli was back today YES! I told her the latest news flash I have diarrhea today so I could possibly have C-Dif or VRE or it could be from the antibiotics were not sure they cultured that. I also expressed to her all my concerns from the nurses not wearing masks & gloves to Dr. Flynn's arrogance with me, my missed appointments for tests from the nurses not paying attention to my orders, the fact that I have been here 5 days & no one knows what is wrong with me & I am still having these high grade fevers etc. Carli had already talked to the Charge nurse on this floor Wed & she went & talked to her again. Carli is trying to get me moved up to the 10th floor where they are used to really sick patients & they follow the precautions because they know how dangerous it is first hand. She is also ordering me a CAT Scan of the Chest & talking with Dr. Flynn because he has not ordered anymore tests & it appears he is no longer looking for what is wrong with me. Carli told me that every single Blood Culture they have done so far has come back negative. Obviously something is causing these fevers & they need to find out what that something is. So I should get to talk with her later this evening to see what she found out.
There really is no way around any of this. I just hated to lose my PICC as inconvenient as it was to have & I lost a lot of right arm strength over the past 5 months it has saved me hundreds if not a thousand needle sticks seriously.
It truely breaks my heart to see you have to endure all this. I keep praying to have your pain sent to me since I deal with so much on a daily basis already. I can't express in words how much it furiates me that those Dr's & nurses can't get their shit together but thank God for Carli! I am very happy to see that your ANC counts are coming back. Good luck to Brandon at his wrestling tournement and I'm sure the benefit will be a big success too. Stay strong & I love you.
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, i am so mad .i can not believe what a Horrendous day.was it absolutely necessary to lose that pic line. was the dr. being an ass and just doing something since he did not do anything yesterday.he better be thankful i was not there today.hopefully they can get another pic line in.i hope it doesn't have to be in your chest.i am glad the numbers are starting to if the fever numbers will stay down we will have it made.i know today was painful, i pray tomorrow will be much better.i miss you very much.know you are always on my mine. i love you, aunt bonnie
Hi Sweetie!!! Man, what a suckie day you had yesterday!! I wish I could be there with you, beating the crap out of the Docs and crappy nurses!! But, for now, I have to love you from afar!!
Please call me with anything I can do!! YOU KNOW THAT!!
Love you,
Morning Sandi,
I just wanted to check on you before going to work, ugh! Hope you had a better night. You sounded so much better on the phone yesterday, praying your numbers & strength continue to rise and the fever goes down. Hope you have a good day Sandi, I love you!
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, hope your morning is going better today.i will be calling you a little later to check on you.i love you. love, aunt bonnie
Hi Sandi!
Those nurses and doctors better watch out:) I sure hope they straighten up fast. I hope your pain goes away soon and they find out what is causing the fevers, etc... We are goingt to try to make the benefit tonight. I sent Keith a donation just in case we don't. Morgan has basketball. I am praying for you and praying that the doctors and nurses get it together soon.
Hi my name is sheri and I work on the base. My mom was just diagnosed with AML on Jan 3rd. You have an awesome web site. I will be praying for you now too.
Please write or call me if you can. I have questions about your blood drive. Thanks,
937-293-8901 bobbimaresca
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