Happy 2009 everyone!
We went out to the Clubhouse last night & had a good time but we were home in bed by 1:30am this morning. I only drank a large Rooster (my speciality) & Marc only had a few beers so we woke up without too much difficulty. I can't believe this is a new year already, this past year has went by so fast. I can honestly say I have not made any New Year's resolutions because every time I do they never stick. So My biggest hope for the new year is that I make it less stressful than the last year. It is realistic & obtainable if I can shut out negativity when it comes my way. It sure sounds easy enough so we'll have to see.
we were supposed to go on a polar Bear Run this afternoon but instead we have been very busy moving the rest of Misty's stuff. I have to say thank you Clutch & Slinky for helping us move all of her furniture, we could not have done it without you. Krome & Thumper are the only 2 that I know of that went on a Polar Bear Run, it was rally cold out. They stopped over to see us they looked so cute all bundled up. Marc is in the process of taping the room so he can paint it. It looks very big when it is empty.
I have not posted any labs since Monday because I did not make it to the hospital Wed with everything going on but I will be going in first thing tomorrow. I have no clue what my counts will be but I am hoping for good ones.
Happy New Year to you Sandi,
Very glad you two had a nice evening with your friends but that's how it is the older you get the less likely you are to actually see the new year come in. I think I have slept the past 5 or so in. But, not this one Dennis and I went to some friends and played some Texas holdem for a while but I think we were home by 1:30 also. And, I can tell you're starting to like the new space already just by seeing it empty. Now don't clutter it up with a bunch of stuff & you'll love all the space it provides. You sounded so good & strong when we talked, it is very good for my heart to hear your voice. Hopefully your package will be there tomorrow or saturday at the latest, if it's not there by saturday let me know & I'll put a tracer on it. Take care & I'll be praying for good lab results also & that your pain eases up on you, I love you!!
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, happy new year.tell everyone hi.hope all your numbers are good tomorrow. i know you will enjoy the room when it is done. love you .i will talk to you soon. love ,aunt bonnie
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