From what I hear the Benefit was a big success last night. There were people coming in & out the whole time with takeout. Several dined in as well, Marc's Dad & his girlfriend Pat came up, There were about 30 or so Missing Link Members from Columbus that came, Paula & her husband came up for their "date night" I thought that was cool, Misty brought Zack up as well as many members from the London Community. Marc said he thought there was a couple of people there from ODH but he could not remember their names. Paige took some video of it so I can't wait to see it. Mom Drum & the Marysville Rainbow girls came & helped out. Marc said Mom Wendy was in the kitchen all night cooking over a spaghetti pot. Katie & Paige tried to help out & Mom Wendy ran them outta the kitchen & told them to go eat. The Rainbow Girls girls were very busy serving everybody, Marc said all the girls did a really good job. This Benefit means a lot to us I know Wendy & Keith Hall really put a lot of hard work into it along with all the girls & it came from the heart. Thank you so much London Assembly #208 & Marysville Rainbow Girls to, you ladies are awesome!
While everyone was at the Benefit I was taking a much needed rest. It's nice to look over this morning & see my lonely little IV Pole only has 2 bags instead of the 8 bags that it was holding all week long. My C-Diff culture came back negative today so I am off contact per-cautions. We kinda figured the antibiotics was what caused that problem, they had me on so many powerful antibiotics it was a matter of time before they altered my digestive tract.
Here are today's labs
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
12 Jan----132----0.7-------448-------9.5-----------117--------------N/A
15 Jan---135-----0.3------0-------7.9/9.4-----------35--1 Unit of Blood
19 Jan---139-----0.2------0----------8.2-------2/35-1 Unit of Platelets
20 Jan---140-----0.2------0----------7.7---------26----2 Units of Blood
21 Jan---141-----0.3------0----------9.5----------17----------------N/A
22 Jan---142-----0.7-----443---------9.0------13/43--1 Unit of Platelets
23 Jan---143-----1.8----1400---------8.5----------38----------------N/A
24 Jan---144-----3.3----????---------8.4----------34----------------N/A
25 Jan---145-----5.9----????------9.0----------28----------------N/A
I had a low grade fever of 99.9 last night around 10ish but I haven't had any fevers today. They are taking me off the IV antibiotic Vancomycin & putting me on something else. They are pushing to get me on all oral antibiotics & mentioned that my counts were doing really good & they may send me home tomorrow, so I am very excited. My longtime best friend from Lima Lisa Benhke, is coming to see me today. I have not seen her in years & I can't wait to see her. Kathy Putt & Momma Morrison are also coming up later on this afternoon I am sure to be smiling all day my face is gonna hurt tonight, so I am so glad I took a break from all visits yesterday. I need this day really to refresh & re-energize. I felt better than I have all week & I haven't even had my shower yet.
It just started snowing outside & it looks like the inside of a snow globe from up here the snow flakes are so big!
Hi Sandi!
I am soooo glad that you are feeling better! I will continue the prayers though:)
They did an awesome job last night and the food was good.
Talk to you soon.
Zackery typed you such a great message but as usual I could not get it through....I tried every way possible long story short it was really cute. He got a visit from the ttoth fairy last night and she mailed him a dollar in the envelope...and it had in god we trucst and a lot numbers probably 5 thousand and he was so excited to get it...he had no had no idea how she knew where he was. he loves you and it's snowing and the cars are covered with snow and the roads are slobbery with the snow .....go figure....we played hide and go seek this morning and I slept in grandma's bed and I was warm...and for breakfast I had toast and butter and apple jacks and bacon and milk.....we are trting to recreate this as we go along. we also played the plump game and I like for grandma to set on me.....she hurts. Last night we went to the rainbow girls house and I had chocolate chip cookies, cake, and ring pop and then we went to McDonalds and got a happy meal and a hotel for dog and his name is Lenny. We came home to grandma's apartment, it's called aptartment corn and we watched tv until 10:30 PM....grandma made me go to bed then. I was really warm in grandma's bed....I am going to be at my house todaywhen daddy comes after me, it's still snowing and it's not getting slobbering ( what is that ?) I will see you at home tomorrow this morning. zack vest
hi honey, i am thrilled you are feeling better. i am glad lisa is getting to come see you.i love you bunches, have a great day. love, aunt bonnie
Hey Sandi!
It was really good to talk to you Friday-I am really glad to read your blog today and see your feeling better. I can't wait to come and visit again soon.
I love ya & will keep praying for you!
Hi Sandi,
I am so happy that the benifit turned out well. I am most happy that you're feeling better & your numbers are coming back up. Hopefully you'll be home in your own bed tomorrow evening snuggled up with the Zack attack. Enjoy your visits with your friends and stay the strong beautiful woman that you are. I love you!!
Aunt lynn
Hey my Lil "SIS",
I am finally getting a chance to read your blog and catch up with after I called you last week. I am thanking the LORD for the good news that I was reading. You are proof that you cant keep a good man, or woman, down!! I will continue to keep you and the family in my thoughts and prayers. And will try to work my schedule to get down to see you.
Bill "Big Daddy" L
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