Roll up your sleeves Blood Drive Today
For those of you in the Lima area today between 8:00am -2:30pm the Allen County Department of of Job & Family Services 1501 S. Dixie Hwy.Lima, OH 45804 (in the old Westinghouse building) is holding a Blood Drive in my honor. This is open to the public, walk-ins welcome. My Aunt Debe has been working real hard with her employer & they have made great strides ensuring this is a very coordinated effort with multiple agencies involved. Unfortunately I am still admitted at the James Cancer Hospital in Columbus finishing my 4th & hopefully final round of hospitalized Chemotherapy treatment however please know that I am there with you all in spirit!
Here are today's labs:
Date------Day----WBC----ANC--------Hgb--------PLT---- Transfusions
24 Dec-----113----3.3-------1400------7.3---------45----1 Unit of Blood
26 Dec-----115----32.5-----29600------8.8-----------70--------------N/A
29 Dec-----118----3.6-----1836------9.6-----------121--------------N/A
2 Jan-----122-----2.7-----1400------10.1-----------193--------------N/A
4 Jan-----124----4.4------2640------10.0-----------225--------------N/A
5 Jan-----125----2.9------1380-------9.9-----------214--------------N/A
6 Jan-----126----6.8------6100------10.1-----------203--------------N/A
7 Jan-----127-----4.8----4200-------9.3-----------171--------------N/A
8 Jan---128-----3.9---3800------8.6-----------181--------------N/A
I forced myself to get back on the treadmill again yesterday. It was a lot tougher than Monday. I stayed on it for 40 minutes walking most of the time but I did manage to get up to a decent jog intermittently. My muscles ached through out it, but not my bones which was interesting. I managed to go a little over 2 miles. I was tired after that I went back to my room & laid down sweaty & all. I didn't take a shower or change my bed until 9pm & it took all the strength I could muster to do that.
My roommate left last night around 11:30pm & I am supposed to be getting another new one around noon today. My favorite nurse practitioner Carlie is back today, she has been the most informative & up front with me throughout my hospitalizations. She is ensuring I have my new prescription for Neupogen Shots & a few others prior to my last does of Chemo tomorrow night so there will be no delays getting out of here. She also gave me a heads up that it looks like I will be getting my 5th Bone Marrow Biopsy as soon as my counts recover from my last set of consolidated chemotherapy treatments to ensure I am still in remission before we move on to the 3rd phase, Maintenance Decitabine treatments. This is a lower dose of Chemotherapy that will be treated in out patient. I will receive it 1 hour per day for 5 consecutive days with cycles repeated every 6 weeks for a total of 8 cycles (the total course of treatment is 42 weeks) My understanding is this treatment is what they give to a lot of the elderly patients that have the same type of cancer as me that cannot tolerate the high doses of Citerabine I have been going through. It all sounds very promising.
Well 2 more days & I am outta here, I can't wait the clock moves a little slower each day. I miss Marc & the kids so much. I told Marc not to come up this time because the kids need him at home.
Brandon competed in a wrestling meet at Miami Trace last night & won both of his matches in the 160lb weight class. All of the Christmas decorations I took down before coming back to the hospital Marc & Brandon stored them for me, I just need to get the actual tree & outdoor decor down when I get home & then it is all done. Seems like there was so much more space in the house afterwards. I love the decorations but it does tend to clutter things a little.
I brought the prayer blanket with me to the hospital that Betsy & her church made for me. It is really pretty & warm. All the knots around it each represent a prayer someone has prayed for me. Again thank you so much to everyone for your support.
Benefit Scheduled
Many of you who know me may remember I used to be on the Board & the Treasurer for the London Assembly #208 Rainbow Girls when Katie & Paige were in Rainbow. I was contacted by Mom Wendy Hall, Mother Advisor from The London Assembly #208 Rainbow Girls & they are holding a Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for me on January 24th from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm at the Chandler Lodge located at 65 North Main Street, London Ohio. The Menu will be Spaghetti, sauce with meatballs, bread & butter, salad with dressing & a drink for $5.00. Desserts will be available for a donation & you can dine in or carryout is available. If you would like any information please contact Keith Hall @ 614-302-0431or airforcekeith@sbcglobal.net
1 comment:
Hey Sandi,
Aunt Debe is on the phone with me now & she said that the blood drive today went very well. Just within the agencies they had over 40 donors...that is too awsome!! Plus there were plenty of walk ins too, Debe told me my friend Jill was the 1st one in line this morning, she is an awsome person too! Congrats to Brandon for winning his matches, hope he stays at 160 class. Hopefully your new roomate won't be as bad as the last. Don't wear yourself out on the treadmill and get some rest. I love you!!
Aunt Lynn
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