I have been trying to create my slide show with pictures from the Missing Link Halloween Party but for some reason Photo Bucket is not cooperating today. I have made it 3 times but it will not save it. So I am going to post the one I made for the Missing Link Website on here for now until I can get mine to work.
Paige went to her Cheer leading bonfire in stead of the Missing Link party & she said it was fun. Brandon,Katie & Zack went with us to the Missing Link Halloween Bash & they loved it. Brandon helped his dad set up our section of woods for the Hayride & once it got dark he was a monster. Katie was a semi goth chick but everyone was teasing her that she looked like Boy George, needless to say she did not like that. We tried to get to her to do some face painting on the little kids, I even bribed her with money but she would not do it. She ended up spending the night over at Katrina & Becka's afterwards. Zack was in awe of everything. There must have been over 70 kids that came not counting parents & he had a blast. He played all of the games & even bobbed for an apple & got one. He did the potato sack race with his dad & they both fell. On the Hay ride he kept pulling his hood down over his face when he would get scared. But he was not too scared because he rode through the haunted woods 3 more times. They all had a really good time.

I really loved my Orange Hair, the kids could spot me from a mile away!
Spike is really loving me being at home. When he is not on my lap, he is under my feet. He has been doing pretty well with the potty training. Every time I take him out he takes care of business right away. I am thankful for that especially since it is 31 degrees outside today.
Paige's fall Cheer leading Banquet is tonight so we have to go to that. Paula Parker came out to the house to visit me today. It was nice to visit outside of the hospital for a change. If I am up for it we plan to meet up with her & some other friends from ORW for dinner mid November in Marysville.
There really has not been to much going on. I finally completed my Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Course that I have been taking online. I plan to start on my Course 14 which is the Senior Non Commissioned Officer Academy correspondence course next week while I am in the hospital if my Chemo Brain does not kick in. I figure since I can't do my job maybe I can work on some of this other stuff I was putting off because of work.
Spike is laying here on my lap as I type this snoring away. It must be nice to be a dog...no worries