The day seemed to go at a turtle pace again. There is really nothing going on except playing the waiting game for my counts to come back to normal. Marcus & Katie went to Mike & Molly's wedding so I am looking forward to getting those pictures & a huge congrats goes out to Mike & Molly it is about time!!! Marcus is still a little sick so he can't come up. He ended up taking all the kids except Zack out to the clubhouse to watch the game, he even took Spike.
The nutrition office did not come in & take my meal order for the 2nd time this week so I was stuck with what is on the menu & no tomato soup!!! Needless to say I am not eating that crap.

My evening went faster. Angie came up & busted me out of my room, we walked down to the high street W. G. Grinders & she bought my dinner. WE had fun. There was some stupid college kid in there that literally reached his hand down the middle of hi pants & scratched his junk & then used the same hand on the drink machine. Then on the way back there were a lot of college kids out walking & they kept starring at me as I walked past them because I had on my do rag & my duck bill so I told Angie the next one that stares at me like that I am going to rip off the mask & the do rage & make funny faces at them & see what they do. She started laughing so hard she snorted, we had fun. When we got back to the room the desk said I had visitors waiting in my room. Low & behold it was Kathy Putt & a friend. I guess they had been waiting a while she said they tried to call but it never came through on my phone, I felt bad about that because we would have come back sooner or had them meet us out on campus.

Kathy brought me a couple of hats, fireballs, tootsie rolls along with a Sweet Pea lotion & shower kit, that was so nice of her. While they were up here Alan popped in real quick with a bag of "game food" had different crackers, a cheese ball, lunch meat & cheese. He is too good to me. He said he couldn't stay long he had a party to go to but wanted me to have something since the last time he was here he say how disgusted I was with the hospital food.
So my evening ended much better than the day started. After everyone left I got a little stuffy but fell asleep & slept hard.
Morning Girly,
Glad your day ended better than it started. Why are your visitors not wearing gowns and masks and stuff? Are they not conserned about germs anymore or what? I'm so glad you have such good people in your life that look out for you while you're in the hospital. I like the black hat looks better than the other Have a great day , I love you, Lynn
Got the typing kit today. I have to wait until Monday to get on it to make sure it makes it there with Fed Express within the 3 day time frame but will get it done then.
Hi Babe, I hope your morning went well. I know that Marcus and Brandon are with you now. Zackery was a complete little angel last night...he does so much better when the older kids are not here. He slept really late this morning. Kate got up in a bad mood ( think about can figure out the reason ) I told her that I was a real bitch once a month. We talked about it and I told her that I also had terrible mood swings during that time, but I told her that it would be nice if she let me know so that I wouldn't think she was " copping an attitude with me." I'm in the process of washing clothes and fixing Kate lunch.....she just had breakfast 2 hours ago but she is starving again ( goes with the time of the month I think .) Paige was on the computer again this morning, I told her that she was not supposed to be and that I had told her that two days ago and she replied "when".....go figure !!! Ha....just another day in the Vest house as you say. I really can't wait for you to come home...the place is not the same without you !!! Your support with these matters are sorely missed.I like your DO RAGS ( how the heck do you spell that word ) are truely cute with no hair. You do look exactely like Zack with no hair....I'm going to try and take Zack to the park today, I have a ton of laundry to do though, I didn't do a darn thing yesterday except move my room around and clean it.....I had asthma most of the day so I am paying for it today. Zack is still good this morning, I haven't heard a peep out of him all morning except for questions and hugs from him....the little cute chubby baby.....he told me last night not to call him "my baby" because he is six years I guess I will work on that. He wanted to know this morning where his Dad was, and I told him that Daddy and Brandon has gone to see his Mommy....and he shed a few tears and said" I want to see Mommy to....I miss her". Maybe Marcus can bring him himself next week....just a thought....can't wait for you to see the pictures of Zack on his to calls.....enjoy your day.....Much Love, Misty
Hi Babe, the day is going well. Still doing laundry....took the kids to the library...paige is to "kool" to go...ha, ha. Kate has been in her room reading...Zack is watching one of the six movies he got. I got three books, I do my best reading at 3 AM in the morning, I can finish a book in three days if I time it correctly. I hope you are having agreat day, were you able to see Zack's birthday pictures, they are really so cute. marcus is at his meeting right now. He left so fast this morning I didn't have time to make your mashed potatoes !!! Sorry 'bout can slap Marcus for me. OH, the reason I am writing is to tell you I love the Ohio State goes to my knees but who cares and the frame is great...thank you so much....PLEASE...stop spending money on me !!!!! But, I love are one in a million !!! I am very lucky to have you !!!Much Love, MIsty
Sandi! It was so good to see you today. I really enjoyed our walk/talk. You know I, like many others, adore you. Don't worry I will keep those crazy OSU college kids in check if they start that staring when we go for our next walk. I will get Brookhaven on them! ;) Next time I'm bringin a game for us to play so we can laugh even louder next time! I know the nurses will love that!:) I love ya to pieces, wing woman!
Dear Sandi,
Hey, last week extraterrestrial forces took over my life, so needless to say I was out of control! But I'm back now and plan to be down there Wednesday. So, I'll call before I come to make sure you don't need anything. ok.
Love you and miss you,
hi sweetie, hope your visit with marcus and brandon went are cute in either hats or dew rags.those college guys better watch out ,even not feeling well you could beat them hope the days go quickly for you till you can go you sooooooomuch! aunt bonnie
heyyy sandi lololyou look good girl oloololnice pics i wish i could come see you now also but your dad sticks me with this pup cant leae alone and dog gets car sicklolol heyy i got the face book now thing i do think loloyou added lolololthis new to me omgg puters lololsent you message in facebook and yahoo lololol know you are in my thoughts and prayers just keep getting better and go to that game site i wrote you about lolits a fun site lolothink you will enjoy it love ya lisa
hi sandi time to g0 to sleep your daddy omgggggggggg yor dad it typed that i got to send yelling at me i do nt know how to do this lololook going to make him type in letters and send this lololol lmfao lolol your dad and lisa
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