All my hopes of getting out this weekend were dashed away with my lab report today. It seems my neutraphils never went from 100 to 360 they went from 100 to 36. This is a huge difference that makes absolutely no sense to me. I have no understanding how my White Blood Cell count went up & my neutraphil count went down. Needless to say I did not find this out until about 4pm in the afternoon when my Nurse Practitioner came in, my Dr. never told me the Neutraphil numbers on my board were wrong so here I am thinking I am doing good & I should be going home Friday or Saturday & now who knows when so I was & still am extremely pissed off. For the record this was not from my walk because my lab numbers for today (blood was drawn at 5:30 am the morning after my walk) were hemoglobin went from 9.9 to 9.6, my Hct went from 28.3 to 27.6, my White Blood Cell count is holding at 1.2, my platelets went from 64 to 150 & my neutraphils went from 36 to 75 which is still a hell of a long way from 500.

Earlier in the afternoon I was going to go out for a walk it looked so nice out & I was going nuts waiting on the lab reports, hell maybe I could try to make it to Canal Winchester or Worthington but as fate would have it Hedi Mercer showed up outta the blue. She used to be in the 445th AES at Wright Patterson AFB with me. We visited for quite awhile she brought me some chapstick, lotion, a pretty fall pumpkin doll & a mothers legacy book to work on. We talked about old times & what were doing now. It was a nice break but reality smacked me in the face shortly after she left. I swear it feels like I am never going to get outta here.
I missed my first London MLMC Meeting tonight that was tough & tomorrow is a Carnival ride I had been looking forward to. I am starting to feel so outta touch with everything. I guess Zack was all excited when Marc went to pick him up from the park he thought I would be home but I wasn't. He even cleaned his own room. I guess all the kids had really been helping pitch in cleaning the past 2 days thinking I would be home & now everyone is bummed out. This just sucks!!
hI bABE, NOW THAT i HAVE MY COMPUTER AND CAN FIGURE OUT what some of buttons are for I looked up your kind of leukemia....I was very surprised that over 11 thousand people every year gets this.I'm so sorry that you are not getting released today. I know you were really looking forward to coming home. Nothing new here, thank God !!! An uneventful day is sometimes a blessing. I am fixing cinnamon rolls for the kids for breakfact if they ever decide to wake up....You are not going to believe their rooms....they moved everything around in both of them...they look really great !!! I stayed up until 0200 this morning finishing another book. Brooke was still here at 12:30 when I went to the kitchen for water....she had called her sister to come after her but for some reason the sister was realllly slow so I took her home since I was awake anyway. Brandon was a little nervous since I can't see in the dark..ha ha...I think he was really happy when we arrived back home safely. Well Babe, got to go doing whites this morning, Marcus is getting ready to go on his run and Zack has run into my room to tell me that Spike pooped in the dining room....ha ha...never ends !!! Much Love, Misty ( I just cleaned that dining room floor yesterday)...oh well such is life....
hi honey, there are no words that can console how upsetting ,pissed and sad this has made you.do they have any explanation why the numbers are not doing what we want? maybe today will bring better counts.the kids miss you a lot and this will not make them happy either.how long will this dr. that is not your favorite going to be be on duty? we all wish we could make this easier for you.i love you.love ,aunt bonnie
Sandi, I'm so sorry it didn't work out so you could go home for the weekend! Your doctor is pissing me off by not keeping you correctly informed!! It makes me want to make a phone call to the hospital and let the bitch know how inaddiquit she is being!! I'm sure my spelling is wrong on that.... oh well!! I know how much it meant to you to be at the meeting and the ride but you can make it through this and have many more rides & meetings. You & Marcus need to get ahold of the depeartment head and let them know this bitch is not doing her job!! OMG...It's a good thing I'm not in Ohio right now, I'd probably end up thrown out of the hospital & put in jail!! Well, I'm praying that you have better results over the weekend so you can get away from this BITCH!!!! Try to stay positive for your sake, I love you too much!!
Yeah Sandy, I got word about you from the unit the other day. I'm sorry to hear it. I know you will make it through as tough as it is because you have always been one to handle anything. Maybe when you get better we can get a group of us from the unit and ride sometime. I know they have tried to do something like that in the past. Sounds like it could be fun. I have been following your blog for a couple of days now and I like being able to get updates. I appreciate you doing it for those of us who can't be there. John
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