My hemoglobin held at 10, my Hct went from 28.3 to 28.4, My White Blood Count held at .9 & my platelets went from 14 to 34 without an infusion. This is the first time since I was diagnosed that my platelets have went up on their own. Unfortunately my neutraphils are still sitting at 100 they did not move up or down.
I cleared my VRE cultures for the 3rd week in a row so I am off all contact precautions. Me & the Dr I don't like are still on awkward terms, I tolerate her & she don't know what to say. I want out of the hospital so bad I can't stand it, this waiting game is like watching paint dry. My Nurse Practitioner said that it is possible for my neutraphils to double & even triple in a day so we will have to wait & see. She is optimistic I will still get out this weekend, I hope she is right because the Dr. is saying next week.
I talked with Major Mulhorn from the base today, he tried to ease my concerns with my military career. I am going to try to go down to the base after I have been out of the hospital for a week or so & get a copy of my medical records & talk to a flight surgeon.
The Discharge Planning Nurse came in to talk to me in the afternoon. Marcus got all upset because he does not want me having anything done at Madison County Hospital. I will need to have multiple blood draws, PICC flushes & a weekly dressing changes that are not worth the gas to go all the way into Columbus. The nurse is trying set this all up for me. After explaining to him they will not be treating me Marcus finally agreed, I will still have to come to Columbus for Clinics & infusions. It sounds like I will be home for about 2-3 weeks before I have to come back in & start consolidation chemotherapy, if what they are telling me is right I should only be admitted for 5 days each round on 4 separate occasions. When I went to group today they were telling me that the Chemo is going to get tougher & my body which has tolerated it well so far is going to start wearing down. I told them well see about that.

Chanie & Krawski from ORW (I always butcher Krawski's name) came to visit me. Chanie brought me 4 cups of tomato soup & I had to laugh. We had a really nice visit. I did not go out & walk earlier because it looked cold & rainy out, but when they left I walked out with them & it was actually really nice out.

Jeff one of the nurse aide's had a list with a ton of movies on it. I picked out a few & he brought me in the Big Lebowski & season 1&2 of My name is Earl. I started watching the My Name is Earl Season 1, normally I don't watch TV at all, but the time goes so so slow up here. This show is the epitome of white trash & it is so stupid it's funny. So that should pass the lag times until I get outta here. That's it for now we will have to wait & see what the counts say tomorrow.
I cleared my VRE cultures for the 3rd week in a row so I am off all contact precautions. Me & the Dr I don't like are still on awkward terms, I tolerate her & she don't know what to say. I want out of the hospital so bad I can't stand it, this waiting game is like watching paint dry. My Nurse Practitioner said that it is possible for my neutraphils to double & even triple in a day so we will have to wait & see. She is optimistic I will still get out this weekend, I hope she is right because the Dr. is saying next week.
I talked with Major Mulhorn from the base today, he tried to ease my concerns with my military career. I am going to try to go down to the base after I have been out of the hospital for a week or so & get a copy of my medical records & talk to a flight surgeon.
The Discharge Planning Nurse came in to talk to me in the afternoon. Marcus got all upset because he does not want me having anything done at Madison County Hospital. I will need to have multiple blood draws, PICC flushes & a weekly dressing changes that are not worth the gas to go all the way into Columbus. The nurse is trying set this all up for me. After explaining to him they will not be treating me Marcus finally agreed, I will still have to come to Columbus for Clinics & infusions. It sounds like I will be home for about 2-3 weeks before I have to come back in & start consolidation chemotherapy, if what they are telling me is right I should only be admitted for 5 days each round on 4 separate occasions. When I went to group today they were telling me that the Chemo is going to get tougher & my body which has tolerated it well so far is going to start wearing down. I told them well see about that.

Chanie & Krawski from ORW (I always butcher Krawski's name) came to visit me. Chanie brought me 4 cups of tomato soup & I had to laugh. We had a really nice visit. I did not go out & walk earlier because it looked cold & rainy out, but when they left I walked out with them & it was actually really nice out.

Jeff one of the nurse aide's had a list with a ton of movies on it. I picked out a few & he brought me in the Big Lebowski & season 1&2 of My name is Earl. I started watching the My Name is Earl Season 1, normally I don't watch TV at all, but the time goes so so slow up here. This show is the epitome of white trash & it is so stupid it's funny. So that should pass the lag times until I get outta here. That's it for now we will have to wait & see what the counts say tomorrow.
Hi Babe, well up is up i GUESS AT LEAST THE COUNTS ARE GOING DOWN....YOU WILL BE OUT OF THERE IN NO TIME !!!! There I go again with the DARN "CAP lock button !!! Actually, there is nothing new here, I made dinner last night and then trotted off to bed....I feel better this morning...I muswt get a shower and get to Kroger for milk, detergent and the like....I just don't want to drive to Hilliard today.Zackery rung the doorbell this morning with my paper....he reminds me of a little puppy bringing the paper to the door every morning !! ha ha. He was in a good mood this morning...I got up to fix his breakfast and pack his lunch and Kate being the little mother she is sometimes said, "Grandma, Bubby and I have it all under control, please go back to bed." I said, "Okey Dokey, you don't have to tell me twice". I checked the lunch before he left and his backpack, they did a good job !!!I haven't heard from Eric...have no idea when we will see them....Zack got his present from them yesterday, a volleyball net thing that stands in the yard....I think Zack will have fun with it and it will give him some exercise if he plays with it.I everyone and their brother is getting this cold...thank God Zack has not gotten it yet. I sprayed Lysol around yesterday and on all the door knobs...I was going to spray his bed but figured that was a little excessive!!! Well Babe, got to go....I will talk with you later...have a good day if you can !!!! Still no good looking interns huh ??? Much Love, Misty
Hi Sandi,
At least some are coming up and others are holding their own, I'd say that is good news and we'll hold the nurse practitioner to her guessing you'll still get to come home this weekend. Honestly, any nurse practitioner I've ever had to deal with was just as good if not better than the doctors so.....Thank God you don't have to deal with the other one for too long. I'm sure all these drugs are going to catch up with you somewhat but, they don't know who there dealing with, huh!!! Enjoy the nice days that you get there is a winter weather advisery in the Black Hills for tonight and that's 5hrs away from us, and we're only 56 right now....I'm not ready for winter!!!! I love you, talk to you soon.
love you .just a quick note to tell you i'm always thinking of you .a lot going on here. hope your day tomorrow is a good one. love, aunt bonnie
Hey girl.
Good to hear numbers are better/holding. Everyone here is feeling a little crappy. Of course I feel the worst for the longest. What a surprise! I know it is a boring and not so comfy place to be, but it is a very good place to be for what is needed! I'm bettin with the Nurse Practitioner. It is going to be nice for the next few days. Hope you feel like getting out and enjoy some sun and freshair. I got to go lay down I feel weak & tired. Keep the good thoughts goin!
Luv Ya Sis!
Pixie & Oatmeal
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