My hemoglobin went from 10.1 to 10.3, my Hct went from 28.5 to 29.2, my White Blood Cell count stayed at 7 & my platelet count went from 29 to 12 with an infusion it only bumped to 14 which was not a big bump. They were going to give me more but they are concerned that my body may start to build up a resistance to the platelet infusions so they decided not to give me any more today & see what happens, this could also explain the tiredness. My neutraphils went from 68 to 70.
Marcus brought Zack up to see me.

I gave him the birthday presents I got him. After he went through all of them he was more interested in the pumpkin whoopee cushion Angie got me. He kinda freaked out a little when I showed him my head. Marcus took this picture of him. He scooted back to the chair & said Woah mom you look like a man!

He wanted to try to measure my head with his little tape measure but I was afraid he would cut me so I wouldn't let him do it. Needless to say I put my dew rag back on pretty quick. It was funny to watch Zack play with all the gag gifts around my room.
Misty sent up real food for me (mashed potatoes, chicken & broccoli) thank god they haven't taken my food order 3 times this week so I was stuck with the standard meals which are horrible & no tomato soup. Marcus brought up some more clean clothes so I should have enough until I get released, which I am hoping is this weekend but if these counts don't cooperate it will be longer. The hospital is a pretty boring place for a 6 year-old so Zack was ready to go home rather quickly. Marcus seemed to be real irritated as well so I told them to go ahead & go home.

After they left I ate the food Misty sent up it was real good, I got a letter from the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Human Resources office about my FMLA & me being separated from my job plus having to give bi-weekly updates & leave forms which confused the hell out of me. I am in the hospital & waiting on my disability to be approved so I do not understand it all, I need to call them.
I have been having a lot of bone & joint pain which may be an indication that my counts are going to start recovering. My nurse practitioner increased my hormone pill to try & stop the bleeding which can only mean more lovely acne, I can't wait!
Marcus has been busy at home he started hanging pictures in the stairwell & he got my bathroom vanity installed & the faucet actually works no leaks I am so excited. He hates to work with electricity but he got my old lights out & put my new light in along with the mirror. There is still some work to be done but it is a lot further along than when I came in the hospital a month ago.
knhwqHi Babe....damn, is this thing ever going to stabilize so that you can come home???? Marcus told just " a little bit of chicken and broccoli and a lot of mashed potatoes" so that's what I did. I feel like a mack truck hit me this morning when I got up...the cold is settling in my chest so that means more machine treatments. I know this is the last day for Kohls' you think I can order on line the things that Zack's free shipping through today with a $75.00 order. I am washing clothes this be honest I haven't done much in the past few days....there goes those guilt feelings again !!! ha ha..Zack was NOT in a good mood this morning....Kate was not in a good mood this morning....Brandon was ok and needless to say I was a little short. But, Zack did give me a hug before leaving and he thinks that it is job to bring me the paper in the morning, so here he is at 0830 at the door....yelling, "Grandma, I brought you your paper...but it's really little." Meaning of course that it was not very thick !! ha ha. No puppy today, I just might miss the little thing running around, but I doubt it, not with the way I feel. Your vanity sink looks wonderful, I haven't been upstairs to see it but the picture looks great. I think I am going to put another load of laundry in and go back to bed for a little bit..let me know about Kohls please and I hope you have a great morning...tell someone that you are going to need butter for the potatoes...they probably need it by now.....Much love and I miss you bunches ( of course after you are home for a few weeks I may take that back ) LOL....ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!Misty
Your bathroom looks very good!! I really like it a lot. The girls wanted me to say HI!! Julia says hope you are feeling better. Cecil said he wants to hear your voice, he misses your cockadoodledoo!!ha ha
hopefully you can come home soon and relax.......
Hey there Girly,
I was begining to think they let you come home, sorry that wasn't the case!!! Wow, your vanity looks very nice Sandi, I'm sure you can't wait to see it in person. Praying your numbers come up so you can. The look on Zack's face says it all about what he was He is too cute!!! I just want to give him a big bear hug! You give him one for me. Well, I hope tomorrow brings better numbers for you, I love you!!!
Aunt Lynn
hi honey, i was afraid you were not feeling good when your blog was not updated this am. i hope all these numbers start going where they belong. your bathroom is looking good.i bet that was a shock for zack to see mom without hair.he will roll with it i'm sure.misty sounds like she is a big help to you.thank heaven for and do what the doctors you, aunt bonnie.steve said he loves you too.
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Morning...
I have been AWOL for about 4 days!! I have felt like crap. I thought I was getting better but I was wrong. I talked to Misty on Friday, wished her a happy birthday and apoligized for not being able to come over, and to kiss Zack for me! I didn't feel too bad but had just started my antibiotics and didn't want to take my 'gunk' over there. SO....Saturday morning I had to be in Delaware at 11 to meet with the Altar Guild at the church. I decided to ride my bike .....OMG!! It was freezing!! I wore my leather coat, heavy gloves and was still cold. The ride home was much better, I stopped at a couple shops looking for my MOB dress, no luck.THEN, Paul and I went to the club house to watch the game with everyone, I had been taking the prednezone, it mad me so GROUCHY I couldn't stand myself!! Sunday morning I woke up and felt like a truck has run me over, I have felt like that ever since. Maybe riding my bike wasn't such a good idea. I quit taking the predezone. I think I might feel better this morning.
Yesterday (tuesday), I had to be at work at 5 am, October is saturation month, we drug test 20% of the population. I tested 135 inmates yesterday with another 150 or so today. I'll be at work at 6:30 and have to work till 8 tonight. The rest of the week will be easier.....I hope!!
I called Paul last night and told him not to come over after work because I needed to go to bed, NOW YOU KNOW I WAS FEELING BAD TO DO THAT!!!
I'm not coming up to see you until I KNOW this crap is gone. It sounds like Misty has gotten it too. I'll call her tomorrow to see if there is anything I can help her with.
Katie is mad at me because I couldn't take her to see you last week, she would only give me a hug if I paid $10..... LOL!!
Well, I guess that's it for now, I gotta go get ready for work.....
MORE PEE!!!! That's why they call me the pee princess.....
Love you lots....
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