Sounds like Misty as usual outdid herself & Zack had one heck of a Birthday Party, he was so hyped up & excited he didn't hardly want to talk to me for more than a minute. Ah to be 6 again. When I get the pictures from Marcus I will post them.
My day was very slow moving I woke up with itchy burning eyes & it has been that way all day. The Docs said they would get me some eye drops but the order never came in until another call to them at 11:00pm. My nose has been a little moist & I had some sinus pressure so they gave me an oxycodone in the morning for the headache because aspirin & Tylenol mask a fever & they fear I could get a brain bleed for some reason they did not explain I guess that has happened with other patients.
I asked for some Claritin thinking it is just allergies. So they gave me that. I had a nice long chat with the Nurse Practitioner about my displeasure with the new Dr. & her being so general with me like I don't know anything & not answering my questions in detail & the mixed messages between them for my treatment. My outside Dr., Dr. Walker who has full over site of my case came down & cleared some of this up. This first Chemo is induction Chemotherapy the next three rounds of Chemo will be Consolidation Chemotherapy. I will still have to come back 2-3 weeks after being discharged, which is still about another 10 days are so, my counts have to be up within normal limits, so I will not be discharged until this happens. The consolidated chemo supposedly only requires a 5 day admission for treatment only & then I get to go home & recover my counts... Every day this information is subject to change because my counts & my overall health are the mitigating factors. So stand by to stand by.
I am not in total remission, I am in remission with low counts. Total remission is no cancer Blasts & normal counts. That is why I have to go through 3 more rounds of consolidated Chemo.
So remember they put me on a hormone to stop my periods... that is why I got the acne so bad, well my period started tonight!!!! What the heck my face is a mess now for nothing. So I do not know what they are going to do about this. It is not near as heavy as it was but none the less I need no bleeding right now. They changed my PICC dressing & now it hurts more that it did the last time.
Alan came up to visit it was nice he stayed for a few hours. I may have some visitors this weekend Angie & Crosby from ORW may come up on Saturday. Marcus is still sick so I am not sure when he can come up, he has to get over this.
Mike & Molly's wedding is tomorrow night & it kills me not to be able to be there for them. Top it all off it is drill weekend & I hate not being able to go in. My DR. notified the base (AMDS)officially via e-mail my diagnosis, prognosis & most recent info today saying I cannot return to full occupational duty for the next 9-12 months so I am worried the base will not let me come back with restrictions to administrative only duties in between treatments. The AMDS was talking about needing a Wavier from AFRC & it could take 6 months or longer for this so I am really fearful of my military career going down the drain & that is just out of my control. Maybe I am just tired if being in the hospital. It has been a long 3 weeks. I need to stay positive & not worry about these other things but anyone who knows me knows it is not possible for me to just let it all go. I want answers & I can't get them & that is driving me nuts.
My labs were as follows my hemoglobin went from 10.7 to 10.6, My Hct went from 30.6 to 30.2, My White Blood Cell Count went from .7 to .8 & my Platelets went from 20 to 14. My Neutraphils went from 33 to 70 & my Creatinine went from .57 to .58
Saturday, October 4, 2008
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Sentimental Journey
2010 Family Pics
Moments in Time
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body but, rather, to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "WOoHOo! What a ride!!"
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wiser.
If you are never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
Ask yourself: "What have I missed out on simply because I was too afraid of what others would think?"
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Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
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I'd rather have 30 seconds of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
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And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body but, rather, to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "WOoHOo! What a ride!!"
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wiser.
If you are never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.
Ask yourself: "What have I missed out on simply because I was too afraid of what others would think?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'd rather have 30 seconds of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
They call me Rooster

& Leukemia did not snuff this one!
Morning Babe,
I'm so glad Zack had a great day!! I can't wait to see the pics. Man it is getting so cold here in the mornings, I just want to stay in bed & stay warm. The days warm up nicely though, into the 70's with sunshine. Oxycodone has tylenol in it, you can get it with tylenol or asprin. Unless they have access to straight oxcycodone but any script I've ever had has it in a compond like 300/500. I know it is hard for you not to worry about your career but try really really hard. You've done such a great job staying positive, I know you can do it!!! Hope your eyes feel better today, need to finish getting ready for work...yuk, I don't want to go!!! Have a good day Sandi and we'll talk soon. I love you!!
Good Morning Sweet Pea!!
I can tell yesterday was a better sweet rough day for you. You are tired... try to let go and just get plenty of rest, I know it's easier said than done. you are being lifted up in prayer by so many people, always remember that.
Like I told you last night, I'm sicker than I thought...but don't feel bad!! I'm going to call the Doc and ask her how soon I can come see you, why don't you ask yours also so we get the same story, how soon after I start taking antibiotics am I no lonngdef contagious?? Then I'll wait a couple more days just for good measure.
Today is another wedding day!! I have to meet Jen at the church to finalize all the church stuff, candles, altar hangings, flowers and such. She and Bobby have their last pre-maritial counseling session today. Hopefully Fr. Wilson says they can get married!! (Kidding). Then she has her final dress fitting, she is doing some more flower stuff with my Mom, her Mamaw.... and this evening they get their engagement pictures taken, I can't wait to see them!! I'm riding my bike up to the church today, it's chilly but beautiful.
Well, I guess that's it for me for now. Paul is coming over this afternoon and we are going to have dinner and then I think we are going to the club house to watch part of the game. He has never been there. I'll miss you!!
Gotta you!!
Hi Babe, yesterday was great....would have been a lot greater of you were here, but we made it through. When Zackery got off the bus I cou;d hear him in the house yelling at his little friend, "It's my birthday, it's my birthday." Of couse he saw the baloons and streamers from the street when he got off of the bus. Hope you had a good night, I woke up at 0330 with asthma and couldn't go back to sleep. Zack was up at the crack of dawn and wokde Marucs up, I was so tired I didn't even hear him. Thank you so much for the Mary Kay....I just told Marucs a few days ago that I had to find a good hand cream for my hands because I was getting caught in my comfortable because mt hands were so rough.....i GUESS YOU SALVED THAT ONE....WE WILL SEE HOW IT WORKS....WORKS PRETTY GOOD SO FAR....i USED THE THREE STEP LAST NIGHT AND THE HAND CREAM THIS MORNING. I am trying to get my room cleaned and re-aranged this morning....God, what a job, I really haven't done anything to it since I have been here. Zackery is in a great mood this morning, he comes into my room every 15 minutes and wants to know if the couch is his...of course I tell him it is and I can't get rid of him ....Ha....he called Uncle eric this morning, and said, " Uncle Eric, you are funny and I love you and when are you coming to my house." Eric told him that he would be here next weekend. Debby was here last night with the girls, Olivia and Lily...they sang songs and had a great time, Debby bought Zack a really nice and big "robot"....Zack loved was so nice for her to remember him....she bought me a really cheap bottle of wine....haa Haa....she knows I love nice winr so she thinks that if you pay $7.00 bucks for is a nice bottle of wine...bless her heart....the girls and Zack had a great time...they sang us songs and it was so cute....well Babe, got to go for finish the room, figured I'm on a roll....oh yes....Donnie and Kim and Paige 2 stopped by also last night.....really sweet of Kim to take time out of her busy schedule to come and wish us a happy do have wonderful friends.....Much Love, Misty
They do give oxycodone and hydrocodone in the hospital without tylenol in it. It's available by itself for a variety of reasons...i.e. occassionally someone has a tylenol allergy or for when patients need more oxycodone and need to stay under the 4 gram limit per day of tylenol, more than 4 grams a day can damage your liver in normal circumstances. Of course they have it by itself without the tylenol for your situation too. People who get tylenol and oxycodone together (Percocet) usually get better pain control and it is used more for post-surgical pain, strains, fractures etc. Hope you are having a good day today! I talked to Zach last night for 1-2 minutes and he sounded so happy with his birthday presents and party. He asked me to come over to his house!!! LOL, I don't think he understands how far away we live.
hi sweetie ,i had a nice size note written to you this morning ,then i walked away from the computer for a minute and got held up a while. when i came back it would not send ,then the connection was off.i had to call scott at work to get an explanation . proving once again how much i know about computers...not.hope your day went ok. you sounded have been thru so much the last three weeks that it is is really hard for any of us to know exactly how over whelming this has been. you are much braver then i ever could be. just know all of us are praying for you each day. we pray for complete recovery,daily strength for you and wisdom for the are never far from all your friends and families you more than you can image . love aunt bonnie its holden again. i better here from you. heres the link for my mypace.ttyl
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