Katie, Sam, Me & Kim Bald Pic for Misty
I thought I would get the Preliminary results back today from the Bone Marrow Biopsy, but no such luck. The lab is here at the James so my Doc told me it should be tomorrow afternoon sometime.
My white blood cells dropped from 0.8 to 0.6 today & my Hemoglobin went from 8.8 to 8 so I ended up getting 2 Units of Blood. My Hct went from 25.3 to 23 & my Platelets went from 45 to 38. My neutraphils (part of my blood) were 130 on on Sept 30th so I am waiting to see if they are going up yet should find that out tomorrow also.
I woke up in a decent mood but tired, Marc said I was grouchy all day but I think it was just with him for some reason. I didn't mean to be but I was so for that I am sorry Babe.
Kim brought Sam & Katie up with her. We played BINGO & Katie won the grand prize for the cover all which I thought was pretty cool. It was a white Ohio State Bucket with all Ohio State stuff in it - checkers, 2 buckeye necklaces, chocolate Buckeyes, a Brutus doll, pen, note pad, cards, a rubix cube & other things, Katie gave it to me which was really sweet. We all won little stuff, Sam gave me her Ohio State socks she won. The girls were just wonderful.
After Bingo we went back to my room & started unloading everything Kim brought up, clean clothes, tennis shoes, a hoodie & a toboggan since it is getting cool outside. Katie drew me 2 really nice animae pictures an elf warrior and a girl with a letter saying I miss you so I hung those on the wall. Zack sent me one of his school papers to hang up.
Angie Hunsinger from ORW sent me one heck of a goodie bag, it had Boston Baked beans candy in it (which is my favorite), some chocolate turtles & a bunch of gag gifts-a punkin whoopee cushion which I blew up & put on the chair, a squishie ball. The little capsules you put in water that expand into little monsters ( should try one in my pee hat for the nurse:) some kookie glasses with a clown nose, a cool this is how I feel today sign that I put on my door, punkin playing cards, a puzzle book, some smell good for my room & some olive oil for my hair. Angie you are way to good to me I love how you put Sandi, AKA Flash , AKA Tasmanian Devil on the card that was funny & brings back a ton of memories.
I cannot express enough Thank yous to everyone at ORW for the Gas Card they purchased for Marcus & I. It will pay for a lot of trips back & forth it really means so much to us both Thank you. The cards of encouragement & support roll in weekly, it really does help me get through the tough times to see how much I am loved & makes me want to fight that much harder.
I added a couple of Bald pics for you Misty & I am sure everyone else is curious as well. I would be. You cannot tell from the pictures but on the sides I got some completely bald patches I suspect by this weekend or early next week I should be completely bald. The little stubs were falling out like crazy in the shower yesterday so I do not think it will take long.
I added more pictures at the bottom of this including a bigger bald one. Tomorrow will be a tense day waiting on results but I am anxiously awaiting them & expect to hear good news. Sounds like Misty has Zack's Birthday covered at the house...this will be the second one that I have missed... I just can't wait to get out of here. Marcus is still sick but life in the Vest House hold is still never dull. Paige had a game tonight I hope she found her spankies...
cant get over how much you and zack look alike with the short hair. (wow) i think you look great!! i am feeling a little better but not enough to go to work till monday. my bosses said
dont come back till monday. you look awful and sound like ****!!.
(they dont beat around the bush!!)
am waiting paitiently to hear results of your test with ya.
fingers crossing for great results..
well girl gonna go and take some medicine.
love ya
Good Morning Sweet Pea!!!
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that Kim brought the girls up to see you. Sounds like a good time was had by all!!!
I miss you and want to come and see you but NOOOOO, I am still sick, coughing like an idiot..really I just feel like crap!!
Well, my devient behavior at work continues to haunt me, I had my investigatory interview yesterday just as I got to work, you know, for that terrible thing I did at work.....I wore a pair of jeans when it wasn't jean day (after hours on my late night). My boss is such an idiot. One of the Captains's wrote me up but low and behold, yesterday I was on a use of force committee, and guess what, ANOTHER CAPTAIN had on jeans!!!!!!!! Can't wait to talk to the union rep this morning!! I'm sick of being my bosses punching bag while everyone else gets away with all the little crap!!! So, enough of that!!!
I left work early last night to go to the funeral of the 20 y/o grand daughter of our department secretary. It was really sad..... then I sat in my car, blocked in by someone, for 45 minutes waiting for them to come out and leave, I was pretty frustrated! I'm sure being sick added to that!
Paul came over last night and babied me. He brought me chicken noodle soup on Tuesday night and last night he came over and cuddled with me, and then rubbed my back till I fell asleep and then he left. He's coming over Saturday and we're going to watch the game together, that ought to be pretty interesting as he say's he gets pretty emotional when watching the game. It ought to be fun!!
THE WEDDING............. the Bride and Groom come home this weekend to wrap up the loose ends for the wedding, (which is 1 month from yesterday!!!!!). Their last pre maritial counseling, I'm meeting with the altar guild to make the final decisions on the church linens, candles, flowers and such. One of my good friends that goes to St. Pete's is on the altar guild and is doind the wedding, I'm very excited! They are getting their engagement pictures taken and Jen has her last dress fitting. It's really happening!There continues to be drama amoungst the bridesmaids, hopefully that all works out. I still have to get my dress!! One of the officers at work told me to go to Talbots down at the outlet mall, she got her 2 dresses for about $30 each, they were $300 dresses, so, I think I'll take a trip down there soon!
Well, I think I've babbled and bored you long enough with my life details!!!!!! I'll get over to the house Friday and drop off a couple presents for Zack and Misty. I'm also sorry that you can't be there... :(
I'll call you later today/tonight.
Love you!!!
Hope your test results are wonderful, THEY WILL BE!!!!!
Everything is good here. Getting ready for this wedding Saturday...
My sister came up from Indiana. I will be glad when it's over...lol
Well, I gotta go... Talk to you later.Mandy
Morning Sandi,
You look great in stubble...I'm sure I couldn't pull it off as well as you do!!! I'll be looking also but I hope someone finds you a rooster skull cap. And, I think you had very very good reasons for missing Zack's birthdays so, don't even let any of that worry you. It sounds like Musty has it under control for now & like I said when you get home you can have another party with him and he'll never know the difference. Thank you & everyone that has served in the armed forces for missing all those special days with their families because none of us would be able to have the freedoms that we have without you all making those sacrifices!!! You know we are all praying for those results to come in fast and with the result that we want to hear also. When you get home and after you're feeling better you better take Katie to a real bingo game so she can win some money!! Lucky lil thing!! Well, need to get ready for work, I hope you feel better today and get those results.
I love you, Lynn
Hi babe, just a quick note....kids are still here....I just wanted to say....hair IS NOT an issue....you look darling without it !!! I'll wait on results from you this afternoon before I go into my long, boring speel of what's going on here !!! Gave a good morning Sweetie....Much love, Misty
Hey Sister,
The two hospitals that I work at have always made visitors wear masks in addition to gown and gloves when patients are on neutropenic precautions. Check into that! Don't let your peeps bring in any respiratory viruses! You do look a lot like Zachy with your head shaved, but you wear it well. When I used to shave the back of my head for the AZDOC I used to break out with acne really bad, do you have problems with that? Did you hear that this baby in my womb is a she???!!! I'm watching for the BMT test kit in the mail. I'm glad Katie got to spend some time with you yesterday. Well I'm off to bed, been up over 24 hours. Had to work last night per my usual Weds. routine. Love ya!
Hi Babe, No news yet I ecpect....I'm sure it will be ok but to know for sure is better than thinking what the outcome will be. I made 30 cupcakes this morning, and cooked the beans that Marc loves and you hate !! ha....figured I would get them out of your face before you come home. Last night I crawled unto Zack's couch with him and when Marc and Paige came home we were reading words and he was making these sounds "ah, ow, al, etc....you get it, sounds that begins with words...he really loved doing it...I think I will try tonight again...it's really good for him to do this. He actually gave me a kiss last night, go figure, I told him that I loved his kisses and he said< "Grandma, it's only because Mom is not here." We played doctor the other day, with sticks ( that kid and his sticks) he's really into that since you have been in the hospital. Saturday, per your permission I will take him to Meijer and get a few clothes for him, sweatshirts and pants I think....the kids said he could wear them to school and they are warm and comfortable....let me know if you want anything different. He came into my room this morning and said very softly, "Grandma, it's my birthday" and I told him "No, tomorrow is your birthday"".....he said...." You are just being mean, I know today is my birthday, so you have to be nice to me."....oh, to be almost six again... ha..Kate said she had a wonderful time and she thinks you look great. Brandon called me at 11:30 today and asked me to come after him...said he had a terrible headache, I did, he took three pain pills and I took him to work at 12:50. I don't know, I thought the glasses would take care of the problems but now I'm not so sure. He assured me that he was ok but if they keep up you and Marcus might want to go another route...just a thought. Everything is fine here, Spike is killing me and my asthma taking him out and standing in the cold and wind for 20 or so minutes, I'm bundling up so I guess I will survive..ha....damned dog....I swear he refuses to go because he knows I hate to stand out there !!!! He's really growing and gobbles his food like you would not believe. I try and feed him at exactly noon everyday, Melinda told me that you need to keep a puppy on schedule just like a baby...I don't know if that is true or not but it makes sense. I have your socks, scarves and underwear in your little black bag..everything is clean and folded Ok, let me know when you get news please.....hope your day is going great or good or fair... any of the three is acceptable !!!!! Betsy, I love you !!!! Well, Paige just walked in and has her eye on the cupcakes for Zack tomorrow !!! Got to go....Much Love, Misty
Alright....where the hell are the doctors.....no results yet !!! Tell them coffee break is over ha.....really I'm just kidding, I know they work very hard... Muck Love, Misty
Hey Rooster,
I just deleted my comment uggghhh! That's been me all day two steps forward & one step back!
Oh, well! I hope you are feeling good today. The boys just think it's great Mr. Crow greets everyone coming and going! The first thing Robbie asks me when he comes in in evening ... "How's Rooster doing today? Any news yet?" I didn't post earlier so I could check for results, No news good news! Gots to go to start supper.
Luv Ya Sis! Pixie & Oatmeal
heyy sandi,
i am so so so sorry iwasn't able to make it up there with me and samand kate..i have a stuffy nose but mom said if i was feeling fine she would take me up there sunday..
but how has it been there??
fine here..i guess.. i haven't been doing so well in school my grades are between a's and b's with one c..its just the lunch lady....but yea i am still going to bring that big dog for you... it's pretty!!!..xoxox love ya lots post another l8tr..paige(your #1 favorite daughter in the world):)
hi honey, hope those results come in soon.i am anxious to hear the news. you will be doing fine i am sure. katie sure looked happy to be with you.how nice of your friend to bring her up.you are blessed with many good friends.there are so many people that love you ,if having people in your corner was all you needed to get better, you would already be well! love you ,think about you all the time,aunt bonnie
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